

灵修平台 QT灵修 2022-06-27

文 心然Amanda Li








回到家后我问妈妈可不可以受洗,因为我再也不想在生命中再有任何怀疑了,我妈妈说要等我长大,所以我今天站在了这里!今年,我还会去“喜乐营”,但是以“CIT”的身份,(Counselor in Training,就是“小老师,小助教”),我因此非常兴奋和期待!

(两年前的)那个夏令营结束几周后我进入六年级,初中的第一年。那年很难,是我人生中经历压力最多的一年,因为突然开始有成绩(ABCD),有作业,有考试,让我压力重重。我几乎每天晚上都祷告学业变轻松些。那一年里就在我们教会,我学到了对于我来说很重要的两节经文,我永远都不会忘记,箴言3:5-6, 你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可依靠自己的聪明,在你一切所行的事上都要认定他,他必指引你的路。这两节经文触动了我,因为我是一个喜欢“独断专行”的人。(比如说),我在学校不喜欢小组作业,因为我总怕组员会拖我后腿,影响我的成绩,虽然他们当然从来不会介意我把事情都做了。



I’m not usually someone who shares her personal life with others, but here, it feels natural to because of all the familiar facesEver since I could remember, I was always certain that there was a God. I did all the basics, pray before bed, go to church, etc. But back then, it was only a part of my life.

I didn’t see my relationship with Christ as a goal or any of life’s purposes. I would only go to church if I felt like it, and only prayed when I had nothing else to do. Although I wasn’t a very serious christian, one really interesting fact about me was I always pretended Jesus was by my side. Especially in school when I was very bored. For example, whenever I had a comment on anything I would talk to Jesus in my head as if he were right beside meAs you can tell I had a connection with God, I just didn’t treat it seriously.

Overtime, I grew doubt. I doubted whether there really was a God. Have you ever had a dream and you’re about to experience something amazing, but then, you’re slowly waking up and realizing that it was all a dream? That’s exactly what it felt like. I was feeling rushed and Christ seemed too good to be true. At that time, my mom signed me up for an overnight Bible Camp called Camp Joy. There, I had the best time I’ve ever experienced throughout the whole summer.On the last day, all the counselors asked us whether we’ve really accepted Jesus as our savior, and if we haven’t then we should raise our hands and someone would take us outside to talk about it. At first I thought “of course I do.” But I thought about it for a few more moments, and realized that I was still doubting. So, without thinking, I raised my hand. A woman came over and took me by the hand. We walked outside and sat by the Lake. I told her all about my doubt and how I felt like I was drifting away from God. She told me all about her experiences of God’s miracles such as her nephew surviving from being born with all of his organs outside his body! At that time, I realized that there was proof of God. We prayed and I got up to play in the sand with the other kids. I remember feeling so happy with the thought that I had someone like Jesus in my life.When I got home, I asked my mom if I could be baptized because I didn’t want to doubt ever again in my life. She said wait until you’re grow up, and here I am. This year, I’m returning to that camp but as a CIT, which is a counselor in training, so I’m very excited for that.

A few weeks later, I started 6th grade, my first year in middle school. It was a really tough year. I felt the most stress I’ve ever felt in my entire life. All of a sudden, there was grades, homework and tests I was stressing about. I prayed almost every night that school would be less stressful.

During that year, I learned two very important verses in the Bible that I will never forget, right in our church. Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your path. This touched me because I am a person who really likes to take things in my own hands. I always disliked working in groups at school because I was worried that my classmates would ruin my grade. Of course, they never minded whenever I did most of the work. So, when I first read these verses I finally felt like I could relax and not stress about all the problems our world has to offer.

I realized that sadness and stress is only a state of mind. I can choose to be happy even in the darkest of times. Why should we all mourn on those unhappy thoughts when we have Jesus right by our side?I know we’ve all heard this a lot, and we’ve heard them a lot because it’s true, Jesus is always by our side. Even when we’re doubting or drifting away like I have. Being in tough situations only helps us realize even more that we have God. Every problem we have, is a problem of God.

Now, my future goals are to appreciate every aspect of my life. We’re only on earth for a lifetime, and I want to live my life as a healthy and happy christian. I also wish this for my family and my friends. Especially my dad. True, he believes there is a God, but he doesn’t know what it’s like to really be a Christian. I keep telling him that believing and playing christian music on the radio is not all there is to being a Christian. Over the years, I’ve really learned how to be happier, and I owe all of this to our Lord Jesus Christ. 

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