
Tabula Rasa 画廊 × 广州画廊 | 展览现场 萧涵秋钟云舒:有点意思

有点意思  That's Quite Something

Tabula Rasa Gallery × 广州画廊 Canton Gallery

萧涵秋  Xiao Hanqiu

钟云舒  Tant Zhong

展期  Duration

2018.11.24 - 2019.1.6

地址  Address

广州市海珠区泉塘路38号十号楼B幢101 广州画廊

B101, building No.10, Quantang Rd. No.38, Haizhu Dist., Guangzhou, China

萧涵秋  Xiao Hanqiu

花伸展  Hwa Stretching

布面油画  Oil on canvas

25×55cm  2018

钟云舒  Tant Zhong

三根铅笔  Three Pencils


Pencil, iron plate, futa-oki of Japanese tea set, wooden board, traditional bamboo dishwashing brush

90×80×30cm  2011

钟云舒  Tant Zhong

三条腿  Three Legs


Iron, rubber, brass futa-oki of Japanese tea set, magnet, sewing thread, ceramic

100×100×180cm  2018

钟云舒  Tant Zhong

三条船  Three Boats

自粘贴纸图形,强力磁铁  Paste paper graphics, strong magnet

35×25cm  2018

钟云舒  Tant Zhong

三个和尚  Three Monks

铁,陶瓷   Iron, ceramic

100×150×180cm  2018

萧涵秋  Xiao Hanqiu

草莓骨  Strawberry Bone

布面油画  Oil on canvas

25×55cm  2018

钟云舒  Tant Zhong

一组  A Set

古董金属花瓶  Antique metal vase

10×10×50cm  2018

萧涵秋  Xiao Hanqiu

差三分钟午夜花贼  Three Minutes to Midnight Flower Thief

诗集  Poet

萧涵秋  Xiao Hanqiu

松鼠  Squirrel

布面油画  Oil on canvas

80×70cm  2018

萧涵秋  Xiao Hanqiu

花 No.1  Hwa No.1

布面油画  Oil on canvas

45×38cm  2018

钟云舒  Tant Zhong

三扇窗户  Three Windows

皮质相框,自粘贴纸绘画拼贴  Leather photo frame, painting collage in paste paper

40×10cm  2018

萧涵秋,1986年出生于北京。现工作生活在北京。2011年研究生毕业于英国切尔西艺术与设计学院。萧涵秋的创作像是把“一刻的情绪”放到“漫长的时间线里”去,通过这种震颤来探测一种相对于她个体的其他对象的“存在”,以它为线索去勾勒一个“形、象”。2016年9月在Tabula Rasa画廊首次举办个展“自画像”,2018年11月在Tabula Rasa画廊举办第二次个展“蛇绣出谎言”。群展包括:2018年3月参加应空间群展“去碑营Ⅱ”;2016年10月参加Leap艺术界在巴黎Asia Now艺术博览会举办的展览“天真的与忧伤的小说家”。


Xiao Hanqiu (b.1986, Beijing) received her master degree from Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, UK in 2011. Xiao Hanqiu’s work puts individual moments of emotion in the context of "a prolonged timeline"; through the resonance generated in this process, the artist hopes to investigate the existence of other beings in relation to herself in order to paint its "form" and "image". Her recent solo exhibitions include, Self-portrait, Tabula Rasa gallery, Beijing, China (2016) and Skating through the gallery with tricksy snakes, Tabula Rasa gallery, Beijing, China (2018) ; From 2009 to 2014, Xiao Hanqiu also participated in several group exhibitions in China and overseas, such as StelesⅡ, Ying Space, Beijing, China (2018); Le romancier naïf et le romanciersentimental, Asia Now, Paris, France (2016);

Tant Zhong's works are hard to classify, fluctuating between raw formalism and comic whimsy. Mass produced objects are elevated into sensual arrangements that shelter unexpected jokes. Often her works lack definitive boundaries, spilling into each other and absorbing space, leaking their worldview out of the gallery and into the wider world. Implicit in the works is a challenge that all things can be seen formally and elevated to the realm of aesthetics, never forgetting the absurdity of such a task.


三人展 / “陈拍岸、黄永生、伍思波”


个展 / 蛇绣出谎言

萧涵秋 / 展览现场

关于 广州画廊 | About CANTON GALLERY


Established in Guangzhou, 2015. Persistently focusing on Pearl River Delta Area based artists, aspiring growth for both.


B101, building No.10, Quantang Rd. No.38, Haizhu Dist., Guangzhou, China

展览期间逢周一二休息,周三至周日 11:00-18:00 

Closed on Mon-Tue, during exhibition, open on Wed-Sun 11:00-18:00



关于 Tabula Rasa 画廊 | About Tabula Rasa Gallery

Tabula Rasa 画廊致力于推广中国本土和国际的当代艺术家,2015 年5月成立于北京 798 艺术区,是一个展览和推广当代艺术的空间,定期举办艺术家讲座、讨论会,并支持出版和研究项目。 我们的名字 Tabula Rasa 源于拉丁语,指被书写的石板在擦拭磨白后重新开始的状态。今天 tabula rasa 同时被广泛地运用在西方哲学领域,特指理论上人在没有接受感官和经验影响之前最朴质的空白状态。我们希望画廊呈现的展览能颠覆观众之前的观看经验,为新的艺术实验提供可能性。

Tabula Rasa Gallery is based in Beijing's 798 art district. Established in 2015, it aims to promote both Chinese and international contemporary artists through exhibitions, talks, research and publication. The gallery's name refers to the philosophical idea that when we are born, our minds are like a blank slate. We hope the exhibition Tabula Rasa presents can subvert viewer's preconceptions, creating conditions for fresh artistic experiments.

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