提起巴西你会想到什么?What will come to your mind when Brazil is mentioned? 是张开双臂的基督像,是激情四射的足球,是神秘莫测的亚马逊雨林,还是热情奔放的桑巴舞?当然也不要忘记数不尽的美食佳酿:巴西烤肉、黑豆餐、卡莎萨酒、瓜拉纳(一种健康饮料)、咖啡……如此说来,也就不难理解其世界级农牧业生产和出口大国的地位了。 Christ the Redeemer with open arms, or the national passion - football, or the mysterious Amazon rainforest, or the rocking Samba dance. Don’t you forget the countless delicacy and drinks: churrasco, feijoada, cachaça, guarana, coffee...Hence it’s not difficult to recognize Brazil as a top agricultural and animal husbandry producer and exporter.
作为美洲最大的新兴市场经济体、金砖国家合作机制中的重要力量,巴西是中国最重要的农产品贸易伙伴之一。两国在农业领域具有极强的互补性,持续合作的空间潜力巨大。巴西政府在2020年出台了一系列措施,特别是积极开拓国际市场,大大削弱了新冠疫情对巴西农业的冲击,使巴西在2020年继续保持中国农产品第一大进口来源国地位,占中国农产品进口总额的21%。 Being the largest emerging market economy in America as well as an important force in the BRICS cooperation mechanism, Brazil is one of China’s most important agricultural products trading partners. The two countries are highly complementary in agricultural industry and have huge potentials for continual cooperation. Brazilian government introduced a series of measures in 2020, particularly the drive of developing international markets, to largely cripple the impact of COVID-19 on agricultural industry, helping Brazil maintain China’s largest import source of agricultural produces which accounted for 21% of its total. 巴西农业在2020年的强劲发展表现得益于其活跃的农业科技创新生态。根据《2019巴西农业科技版图》的研究分析,巴西有1125家农业科技初创企业,主要分布在以下三个方向:创新食品和新兴食品(21.9%)、农牧业和农场管理系统(10.8%)、交易平台和销售市场(8.4%)。 The robust growth of Brazilian agriculural industry in 2020 was achieved thanks to its vitality in AgTech innovation. Based on the analysis from Radar Agtech Brasil 2019, there were 1,125 AgTech startups in Brazil, mainly of which were distributed in the following three fields: innovative food and emerging food (21.9%), agriculture & animal husbandry and farm management systems (10.8%), trading platforms and sales markets (8.4%). 巴西某著名畜牧饲养和粮食贮藏设备生产与分销商 Plug and Play作为世界知名的科技创新生态平台,早在2017年就开始运营农业食品科技创新项目,迄今已布局美国硅谷和北达科他州法戈、巴西圣保罗、意大利米兰、泰国曼谷、日本东京等地,并于2020年登陆中国南京,与南京国家现代农业产业科技创新中心共建农业创新加速平台,和全国农村产业融合发展联盟签署战略合作协议,共同推动农业科技创新。
As a world-renowned platform for innovation ecosystem, Plug and Play has been operating Agri-Food innovation programs since 2017. So far it has footprints in Silicon Valley and Fargo, North Dakota, Sao Paulo, Milan, Bangkok and Tokyo. In 2020, it launched its program in Nanjing China, and built an agricultural innovation acceleration platform with National Innovation Center for Modern Agri-Technology (Nanjing) (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Center’) , and signed a MOU with the National Rural Industry Integration and Development Alliance to jointly drive agricultural technology innovation.
为更好地展示Plug and Play 中国农业食品创新生态,推动国际农业食品科技创新的合作与交流,Plug and Play 中国将在2021年联合南京国家现代农业产业科技创新中心,围绕生物农业、智慧农业、健康及可持续、供应链及物联网、金融科技、保险科技、AI等农业相关领域在全球范围搜寻初创企业,甄选优质初创企业加入为期6个月的免费的农业科技城市加速营。加速营将为初创企业提供办公场地,组织创新工作坊、行业研讨会、企业高管创业导师面对面、与潜在合作伙伴和风投机构对接等活动,通过链接初创企业与 Plug and Play 创新生态平台的资源,体验和探索中国市场,获取商业合作伙伴和订单。Plug and Play 中国将结合自身全球开放式创新成果和经验,为初创企业在中国的发展提供支持。In order to better showcase Plug and Play China's Agri-Food innovation ecosystem, as well as to promote international cooperation on Agri-Food innovation,Plug and Play China works with the Center to scout startups in 2021 in such fields as bio-agriculture, smart agriculture, health & sustainability, supply chain & IoT, FinTech, InsurTech, AI from across theworld, to select quality ones to join a free 6-month AgTech City Acceleration Program. The selected will enjoy office space provided by the Center, and attend such activities as innovation workshops, seminars, one-to-one sessions with EIRmentors, and deal flows with corporate partners and VC, etc. They will also explore the Chinese market by connecting the resources within the innovation ecosystem, to obtain business partnership and potential orders. Plug and Play China plans to combine with its own open innovation achievements and experiences to provide the startups with support on local development.在巴西农业部、巴西农业研究院等机构的支持下,1月15日,Plug and Play 中国将联合巴西出口投资促进局、巴西外交部、巴西驻华大使馆、巴西驻上海总领事馆,举办首期农业食品科技线上国际路演活动。5家巴西农业科技代表性创新公司将进行路演,发布中国市场拓展计划,寻求本地合作伙伴。本次活动还将探讨巴西农业食品创新市场现状,发布《2020巴西农业科技版图》,分享Plug and Play 中国在农业食品领域的创新实践和生态搭建经验,启动农业创新城市加速营全球招募计划。On January 15, with the support of Mapa Brasil (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply) and EMBRAPA (The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), Plug and Play China will work with Apex-Brasil, MRE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Embassy of Brazil in China and Consulate General of Brazil in Shanghai to host the first edition of online International AgTech Roadshow. Five Brazilian AgTech startups will pitch about their businesses and market development plans in China and seek local partnership. We will also discuss the innovative landscape of Brazilian Agri-Food sectors, officially launch Radar Agtech Brasil 2020, share Plug and Play China’s innovative practices and experiences in building the ecosystem in the Agri-Food vertical, and kick off the recruitment of startups for AgTech City Acceleration Batch Program. 下滑了解路演项目信息,扫描下方二维码或点击文末“阅读原文”报名活动。 Scroll down to see introduction to the startups, scan the following QR code or click ‘Read More’ to sign up for the event.
Shimejito creates circular economy solutions for agriculture. We provide agriculture as a service for our customers to build a future farmers community. With our technology you can grow up to six tons of organic exotic and medical mushrooms per year in small local urban farms. We can produce two times faster than current solutions. We also offer education, business models and research for food industry.
OnFarm developed an integrated digital solution combining biotech, hardware, and software to help dairy farmers of all sizes reduce 50% their antibiotic usage and become 15% more profitable. The startup was born with the objective of helping the dairy industry in one of their biggest challenges: mastitis control. It completely transformed the dynamics of mastitis control by allowing farmers to identify the bacteria causing mastitis in less than 24 hours directly on the farm, disrupting a traditional method that usually takes over seven days. Founded in 2018, OnFarm more than tripled its userbase in 2020 and is about to reach US$ 1 million in ARR, a 250% increase year over year. In 2020 alone, OnFarm monitored nearly 100,000 cases of mastitis, with an average 54% reduction in antibiotic use. and prevented over 170,000 doses of antibiotics from being used unnecessarily.
Biosolvit is a Brazilian biotech company applied to new materials development. It has created the most efficient oil absorber in the world. A natural absorber made from discarded biomass, twice more absorbent in the half of the time in comparison with the others and the only one that allows the reuse of spilled oil.
GlobalYeast is a solution provider for industrial fermentation. Our solution BioCal brings on-line and real-time monitoring and control for fermentation. BioCal benefits include higher productivity, reduction of losses and increased production. BioCal is IoT ready, capex free and maximizes industrial automation asset and make the most of existing data and infrastructure.
Inprenha Biotecnologia was founded in 2008 aiming to develop innovative and disruptive solutions on animal and human reproduction sector. The first breakthrough product developed by the company is named Tolerana® - a product that is able to favor the gestational process and increase the conception rate in female. Tolerana® will be a game changer in the beef and milk productive value chain, increasing productivity and reducing cost. The technology is proprietary and has been successful patented in 16 countries that represents 73% of the world GDP and over 60% of bovine milk and meat production. More than 75% of our employees have PhD or post-PhD degrees and are directly involve#575453d in research and development of highly innovative projects such as proteins related with male and female fertility and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), also called host defense peptides (HDPs).
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关于 Plug and Play 中国
Plug and Play 前身始于 1998 年的硅谷斯坦福大学路 165 号,先后成功早期投资和孵化包括 Google、PayPal、Dropbox 在内的多家互联网行业科技巨头公司。
Plug and Play 正式于 2006 年在硅谷成立。经过十余年的发展和超过 20 年的长期积累,目前在全球 30 个国家和地区建立了创新生态空间和区域办公室;年平均进行早期科技投资超过 250 笔,先后累计投资初创企超过 1,150 家,累计为超过 400 家全球 500 强企业提供联合创新服务,年平均举行初创企业和大企业间的对接交流活动 1,000 余场。
成立于 2015 年的“即联即用中国(Plug and Play China)”,立足北京——中国总部,布局上海、深圳两大区域创新中心,深耕南京、武汉、无锡三大城市产业创新中心,联动南通、苏州、佛山、广州、重庆、郑州、青岛等城市创新合作伙伴开展中国创新业务,开设投资、联合创新对接、初创公司孵化与加速、全球城市跨境创新以及创新生态空间等五大业务板块,构建了中国领军的创新生态平台,覆盖线上和线下创新平台,并为之配套构建了包括高校科研联合创新、政府、风险投资、创新生态研究、城市创新伙伴等多维度的创新生态伙伴体系。迄今已服务了近 100 家行业领军企业,累计孵化加速 4,000 余家创业公司,并投资了包括 ApplyBoard、autox、纵行科技、银基安全、大界机器人等超过 140 家科技创新企业。