一个词儿 | call dibs on
If you call dibs on something, you are declaring that you have the first choice, you claim the right to have or do something first... but you have to be the first one to call/ say "Dibs!". It's the same as saying, "Me first!".
漫画中的士兵被🐲龙杀死了,众猪队友在讨论谁会拥有他的遗产-🔰盾牌. 在没有确定属于谁的情况下,谁先喊dibs就是谁的了. 这个dibs可以理解为是rights, claims. 孩子一般会用这个词,当然,你要是想卖萌的也无妨.
1. “I've got dibs on the front seat!"
[补充]:生活大爆炸哦S8E1中,Amy问Sheldon有没有什么想对他说的。Sheldon说,“有!” 然后凑到Amy耳旁说“shotgun" - shotgun就是做前座的意思.
2. When young guys go out to a party and are looking for girls, it is not uncommon to hear one of them say, "I've got dibs on the blond girl with the blue shirt!"
3. Kids or teenagers may say: "I've got dibs on the X-box when we get home", which means, "I'm going to play on the X-box first."
4. I've got dibs on the karaoke machine... I want to have a go first.
5. "Dibs on the shower/ toilet" or "I'm going to shower first/ go to the toilet first!"
请关注: ericzenglish