干货 | 金球奖中的实用英文
盘点几个金球奖中的acceptance speeches. 看热闹之余,跟明星们学点英文. 如果有一天你站在领奖台上用英文发表获奖感言,你ok吗?
These days, you get in a lot of trouble no matter what you say. Do you know what I mean? You can say anything in the world and get in trouble. I know this for a fact. So I’m just going to say thank you.
想象一下如果「武媚娘传奇」获奖了, 范冰冰登台领奖说:
These days, you get in a lot of trouble no matter what you show. Do you know what I mean? You can show anything in China and get in trouble. No models draped over cars, no cleavage on TV. So I’m just going to say thank you.
Kevin Spacey
It’s been the 8th time I’ve been nominated, I can’t fxxxxxx believe I won.
歌手Common和John Legend(唱all of me的那个) 共同为电影Selma创作了主题曲「Glory」, 获得了最佳音乐创作奖。
Selma这个电影取材于1965年的历史事件“Selma to Montgomery voting rights marches”.民权领袖马丁路德金号召塞尔玛全市黑人对公共法进行抵制,以迫使法院取消地方公共运输工具上座位隔离的真实故事。
I realize I am the hopeful black woman who was denied her right to vote.
I am the caring white supporter killed on the front lines of freedom.
I am the unarmed black kid who maybe needed a hand but instead was given a bullet.
I am the two fallen police officers murdered in the line of duty.
George Clooney
这次乔治克鲁尼获得的是终身成就奖。lifetime achievement award当然是“终身成就奖”的意思。 但是这可不是奖项的名字。
金球奖的这个奖项叫做「The Cecil B. DeMille Award」是颁发给 “outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment”,因为导演Cecil B. Demille是第一个获此殊荣的人,因此以他命名;
奥斯卡的终身成就奖叫「Academy Honorary Awards」; 格莱美的叫「Grammy for lifetime achievement」
钻石王老五克鲁尼终于结婚了。刚开场的时候主持人就开始拿克鲁尼开涮: 你能获奖,全都是凭你老婆的杰出贡献!
George Clooney married Amal Alamuddin this year. Amal is a human rights lawyer who worked on the Enron case, was an adviser to Kofi Annan regarding Syria, and was selected for a three-person UN commission investigating rules-of-war violations in the Gaza Strip. So tonight her husband is getting a lifetime achievement award.
以下是Clooney的获奖感言视频, 男生有兴趣的话多看几遍, 模仿一下.
“Thank you. I can’t tell you what an honor it is to be up here. I thought they were going to roast me.
roast 在这里指的是“开涮”, to humorously mock; to poke fun at or ridicule another.
Now it is always fun to come here and catch up with old friends and now that we’ve seen that everybody has been hacked it’s also a good chance for us to meet face to face and apologize for all the snarky things we said about each other. I’m sorry, Don.
snarky指的就是"冷嘲热讽" "毒舌". 用scathing也是一个很好的词.
For the record: If you are in this room, you’ve caught the brass ring. You get to do what you’ve always dreamed to do and be celebrated for it, and that just, it ain’t losing.
I don’t remember what awards Lauren Bacall won. I just remember her saying “You know how to whistle Steve, just put your lips together and blow.” And I have no idea what kind of hardware Robin Williams took home but I sure remember carpe diem and “Seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.” I’ll never forget that.
for the record = so that the facts are clear
the brass ring: success or a reward that you try to achieve, often by competing against other people. (Urban Dictionary上有更详细的解释)
ain’t 这个词你会经常听到也看到, 觉得这个词才能显示出 “用词地道”。 但是这个词要慎用(use it with discretion):about the only times “ain't” is acceptable are in dialogue or when you want to convey a colloquial/vernacular tone.
Treat “ain't” like spicy mustard; don’t make a whole sandwich from it.
So congratulations to all of you for having a very good year. I’ve had a pretty good year myself. Listen, it’s a humbling thing when you find someone to love. Even better if you’ve been waiting your whole life and when your whole life is 53 years. Amy, start the jokes. Amal, whatever alchemy it is that brought us together I couldn’t be more proud to be your husband.
用来求婚了, 简单直白真情流露: It’s a humbling thing when you find some one to love.Even better if you’ve been waiting your whole life (大龄青年请加上这句and when your whole life is XX years)
用来周年纪念日的时候: XX, whatever alchemy it is that brought us together, I couldn’t be more proud to be your husband/boyfriend.
It is a humbling when you find someone to love. 怎么翻译这句中的humbling? 为什么不用"it is humble"?
1. A fading actor/actress: 过气的明星, 也可以用 washed-up. 电影Birdman讲的就是一个过气明星想东山再起的故事。
2. “…the importance of freedom of artistic expression as not only an integral part of the American fabric, but a beacon that is reflected across the globe”
试模仿写作: … the impotence of freedom of civil expression as not only an integral part of the Party’s fabric, but a beacon that is reflected across North Korea.
3. Father:可以作为动词使用,例如This man (Alan Turning) fathered computer science.
4. 英国老牌帅哥Colin Firth在介绍 “The Imitation Game”的时候,简述了Alan Turing的悲惨遭遇. 他引用了Oscar Wilder的一句话: No good deed goes unpunished — 好人难当, 好心没好报。
当你看到新闻报道中有人做好事,例如扶起摔倒的老人,却被反诬讹钱的时候,你就可以说(无奈状): no good deed goes unpunished.
好吧就到这里了, 希望你和我一样有所收获. 如果你觉得这篇文章有用, please share / spread the good deed.
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