
读书 | Einstein's Dreams

2015-08-28 康夏 英语学习笔记

推荐你读一本书《爱因斯坦的梦》Einstein's Dreams,作者阿兰·莱特曼任教于麻省理工学院,是一名小说家,散文家,物理学家。此书出版于1992年.

大概在半年前我发起过一次一起读这本书的号召,不幸的是,和大多数我举办的活动一样都失败了。鉴于有些人在问我这是什么书,我就再重发一次这篇半年前的推送. 这是一本你读完每一篇都脑洞大开有所思考感悟的不像小说的小说,里面的配图都是精心选过的, 希望你也喜欢。


本文转自作者康夏的知乎专栏" -- 对,就是那个卖书的康夏,如何处理一千张废纸"中的 爱因斯坦的33个虚构梦境集. 作者也有微信公众号“乌托邦地图集",搜索“utopianatlas".

爱因斯坦的 33 个虚构梦境集




In some distant arcade, a clock tower calls out six times and then stops. The young man slumps at his desk. He has come to the office at dawn, after another upheaval. His hair is uncombed and his trousers are too big. In his hand he holds twenty crumpled pages, his new theory of time, which he will mail today to the German journal of physics.

深夜的时候,我用PC机,在一个排版粗糙的盗版PDF里,每次只读一点点,促狭地读完《爱因斯坦的梦》(Einstein's Dreams),它是那一类表述精准却不放纵于辞藻、知识浩瀚却不刻意炫耀的作品:作个荒谬的比喻,假如一本书,它既是翁贝托艾柯式的,却又是张晓风式的,你能想象它的故事是什么样子吗?


这本书的诞生是一次燃烧式的冒险:麻省理工学院的物理学与人文学教授阿兰·莱特曼(Alan Lightman)在思维与精神极度亢奋里,经历了整整六个月的失眠煎熬,写成了这部薄薄的虚构小说。在这本书里,爱因斯坦在1905年的瑞士伯尔尼市镇,做了33个关于时间的迷人梦境。

Suppose time is a circle, bending back on itself. The world repeats itself, precisely, endlessly.

For the most part, people do not know they will live their lives over. Traders do not know that they will make the same bargain again and again. Politicians do not know that they will shout from the same lectern an infinite number of times in the cycles of time. Parents treasure the first laugh from their child as if they will not hear it again. Lovers making love the first time undress shyly, show surprise at the supple thigh, the fragile nipple. How would they know that each secret glimpse, each touch, will be repeated again and again and again, exactly as before?

On Marktgasse, it is the same. How could the shopkeepers know that each handmade sweater, each embroidered handkerchief, each chocolate candy, each intricate compass and watch will return to their stalls? At dusk, the shopkeepers go home to their families or drink beer in the taverns, calling happily to friends down the vaulted alleys, caressing each moment as an emerald on temporary consignment. How could they know that nothing is temporary, that all will happen again? No more than an ant crawling round the rim of a crystal chandelier knows that it will return to where it began.



In this world, time is like a flow of water, occasionally displaced by a bit of debris, a passing breeze. Now and then, some cosmic disturbance will cause a rivulet of time to turn away from the mainstream, to make connection back stream. When this happens, birds, soil, people caught in the branching tributary find themselves suddenly carried to the past.

Persons who have been transported back in time are easy to identify. They wear dark, indistinct clothing and walk on their toes, trying not to make a single sound, trying not to bend a single blade of grass. For they fear that any change they make in the past could have drastic consequences for the future.


A world in which time is absolute is a world of consolation. For while the movements of people are unpredictable, the movement of time is predictable. While people can be doubted, time cannot be doubted. While people brood, time skips ahead without looking back. In the coffeehouses. in the government buildings, in boats on Lake Geneva, people look at their watches and take refuge in time. Each person knows that somewhere is recorded the moment she was born, the moment she took her first step, the moment of her first passion, the moment she said goodbye to her parents.


狂烈的幻想,被约束进这本书几乎是平淡的口吻里。想起前两年摆在书店显要位置的《生命的清单:关于来世的40种景象》(Forty Tales from the Afterlives),作者大卫·伊格曼(David Eagleman)同样是理工科教授,同样是令人着迷的天马行空,不知道伊格曼在写作时,有没有想起过这本《爱因斯坦的梦》?


