我们一般称一个认为“男神” “女神”的话,无外乎这样几点:颜值高,性格好,能力强。我们喜欢ta,支持ta,想睡ta,想成为ta一样优秀的人... 因此如何用英语表达要取决于“你到底要说什么”。可以是He/she is someone I admire very much. 可以是He/she is my model.
春晚小品中有这样一句:“每次见他,我心里砰砰砰,怎么看怎么像李易峰。” 我是这样翻译的:
Every time I see him, I flip. What a Prince Charming!
I flip来自于《怦然心动》(Flipped); Prince Charming可以表示“白马王子” “女子的完美情人”,a man who seems to her to be a perfect lover or boyfriend, because he is attractive, kind, and considerate.
Every time I see him, my heart thuds, throbs, thumps. What a good catch!
心“砰砰跳”可以用race, pound, thud, palpitate, throb, hammer thump等,我挑了三个th开头的。其实一句my heart races就可以表示“砰砰砰”了,我这样译是为了好玩,顺便帮大家记三个词。 good catch可以表示“如意伴侣”。
这两个版本中一个用到了Prince Charming,一个是good catch,前者强调颜值高后者强调性格好。
peach:极可爱的人或事物; 非常迷人的人或事物
the whole package:形容一个人“你爱的样子ta都有”,例如高富帅白富美还只爱你一人,一定是the whole package啦(如果是男的可以称为Mr Perfect)
套用《洛丽塔》形容女神:XXX, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.
在Deliver Happiness中有这样一段:
“By December of that year, there were twenty-five employees at LinkExchange, and most of them were friends of ours. That’s when Jerry Yang, the co-founder of Yahoo!, said he wanted to meet with us. Yahoo! had just had a very high-profile and successful IPO earlier that year, and was worth over $1 billion. Jerry was the poster child for the dot-com craziness of the time, so we were all pretty excited to get to meet an Internet celebrity. We were hopeful that we’d be able to work out some sort of advertising deal with Yahoo! to help accelerate our growth.”
这一段提到了雅虎的联合创始人Jerry Yang(杨致远),作者说Jerry was the poster child for the dot-come craziness of the time... 这里的the poster child for something“代表人物”—这个人可能不够帅不够漂亮,但是在某个领域中ta是神一样的人物。
想到“女神”,《老友记》中的Ross喜欢《星球大战》中的Princess Leia,我想到的是范冰冰李冰冰,刘雯刘诗诗。想到“男神”,我立刻想到的是Ryan Gosling, Tom Cruise, Justin Timberlake, Benedict Cumberbatch。根据你的说话对象选择带有明显个人标签的人,然后用ta来幽默地介绍你喜欢的这个人。
例如你封他为男神是因为他很聪明,就可以说:He's my Stephen Hawking, you know, smart is new sexy.
最后分享一个小技巧,我们可以利用搜索看看别人是如何介绍有特色的中文表达的,例如搜索“nushen means" "nanshen in Chinese”:
上图中“男神”译成了Mr Dreamy,male god, male pin-up。
希望这篇文章可以帮助你利用这个表达的思路来学英文、介绍流行文化。“男神” “女神”还可以怎么说呢?欢迎你留言和我分享