今天读了Mark Zuckerberg写给女儿的一封公开信 — 从头到尾的出声的读了两遍, 深深的感动。这封信共2284字(据我的Word文档统计), 没有一个所谓了“大词”,阅读难度大概是在国内的高中水品吧,读起来是浓浓的humanity. 朴实的语言有着不平凡的力量, 这也是一个用于演讲和作文的好素材。我们从中可以感受到Mark夫妇为人父母的喜悦,更多的是那份家庭和心怀天下的责任感 — With great power, comes great responsibility.
朋友圈里很多人在转发Mark做慈善捐助 — 拿出自己公司股份的99%, 现在价值约$45billion来为人类的进步做一些贡献。
We will give 99% of our Facebook shares – currently about $45 billion – during our lives to advance this mission. We know this is a small contribution compared to all the resources and talents of those already working on these issues. But we want to do what we can, working alongside many others.
这么一句”We know this is a small contribution…” 给我们上了一课 -- 伟大的公司或许就是如此吧。
因为最近一直在读Carol Dweck的Mindset, 她的一个理论是无论是在运动、企业还是人际之中,mindset扮演着决定性的地位。在这份信里我们可以从Mark的文字中看出他是一个有Growth Mindset的人 — 敢于尝试; 把失败当作是成功的基石; 认为事情是可以改变的,人是有潜力取得进步的.
“It will take building new technology and trying new ideas. And it will take making mistakes and learning many lessons before achieving these goals.”
“Good people will have different views on the best path forward, and we will try many efforts before we succeed.“
全文的关键字有: collectively, potential, equality, community, mission, partner, next generation, disease… 最让我最有共鸣的是有关personalized learning的蓝图, 作为一名支教老师,我被这位新晋爸爸描绘的未来教育的画面感动的热泪盈眶.
Our experience with personalized learning, internet access, and community education and health has shaped our philosophy.
Our generation grew up in classrooms where we all learned the same things at the same pace regardless of our interests or needs.
Your generation will set goals for what you want to become – like an engineer, health worker, writer or community leader. You'll have technology that understands how you learn best and where you need to focus. You'll advance quickly in subjects that interest you most, and get as much help as you need in your most challenging areas. You'll explore topics that aren't even offered in schools today. Your teachers will also have better tools and data to help you achieve your goals.
Even better, students around the world will be able to use personalized learning tools over the internet, even if they don't live near good schools. Of course it will take more than technology to give everyone a fair start in life, but personalized learning can be one scalable way to give all children a better education and more equal opportunity.
We're starting to build this technology now, and the results are already promising. Not only do students perform better on tests, but they gain the skills and confidence to learn anything they want. And this journey is just beginning. The technology and teaching will rapidly improve every year you're in school.
Your mother and I have both taught students and we've seen what it takes to make this work. It will take working with the strongest leaders in education to help schools around the world adopt personalized learning. It will take engaging with communities, which is why we're starting in our San Francisco Bay Area community. It will take building new technology and trying new ideas. And it will take making mistakes and learning many lessons before achieving these goals.
But once we understand the world we can create for your generation, we have a responsibility as a society to focus our investments on the future to make this reality.
Together, we can do this. And when we do, personalized learning will not only help students in good schools, it will help provide more equal opportunity to anyone with an internet connection.
Max, we love you and feel a great responsibility to leave the world a better place for you and all children. We wish you a life filled with the same love, hope and joy you give us. We can't wait to see what you bring to this world.
读到这里让我想到了我的孩子们。他们出生在农村,社会和教育资源都比较落后, 在倍感无力和失望的时候,他们的纯真无邪和善良会带给你一次又一次的感动, 让你相信希望的力量。 总有一些人要做一点事情, 在这个播种和收获的过程中,我们一同陪伴成长。
Let's believe in children; let’s see what they bring to this world:)