
短短13小时感动全球超过250万人 - The umbrella dad.. 中文-ENG.

SK TamamArabic 2020-02-12

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据长期待在美国的网友指出,照片拍摄地点应位于美国纽约皇后区法拉盛(Flushing)39大道附近,该区中韩招牌林立,孩子就读于康华幼儿园(Kon Wah Day School),位于一旁的38大道上。
With a bag of takeout and a briefcase in one hand and an umbrella in the other, the father can be seen making his way down a rainy sidewalk with his small son by his side. But despite the umbrella, dad's completely drenched.

That's because he's not even attempting to keep himself dry. Instead, he's holding the umbrella over his little boy.

"But you see, dad is doing more than keeping him dry," one Imgur user wrote. "He's teaching him how to put others before himself."

The image serves as a touching reminder of the sort of sacrifices parents make every day — when there's no one around to take a photo.

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