让网友发出这样的感慨的原因不是别的,因为中国作家刘慈欣凭借《三体》摘下了雨果奖最佳小说奖(Hugo Award for Best Novel)的桂冠,这是中国人,乃至亚洲人首次获得这一殊荣。
23日,宇航员Kjell Lindgren在国际空间站宣布了刘慈欣获奖的消息。
雨果奖是由世界科幻协会颁发的科幻文学奖,为纪念“科幻之父”雨果·根斯巴克(Hugo Gernsback)而设立,和星云奖一起被公认为世界上最权威的两大科幻奖。 文化大革命如火如荼进行的同时。军方探寻外星文明的绝秘计划“红岸工程”取得了突破性进展。但在按下发射键的那一刻,历经劫难的叶文洁没有意识到,她彻底改变了人类的命运。地球文明向宇宙发出的第一声啼鸣,以太阳为中心,以光速向宇宙深处飞驰…… 四光年外,“三体文明”正苦苦挣扎——三颗无规则运行的太阳主导下的百余次毁灭与重生逼迫他们逃离母星。而恰在此时。他们接收到了地球发来的信息。在运用超技术锁死地球人的基础科学之后。三体人庞大的宇宙舰队开始向地球进发…… 人类的末日悄然来临。
The series is likely to be a change of pace for science-fiction fans in the United States, where many leading contemporary writers in the genre are rejecting classic alien-invasion plots in favor of those that take on real-world issues like climate change or shifting gender roles.
The series has breathed new life into a genre that the literary establishment often marginalizes.
Liu Cixin's writing evokes the thrill of exploration and the beauty of scale.
What makes Mr. Liu's novel different from its Western competitors in the alien-invasion line is not its hardware. The difference seems to be a kind of patience, seeing things long-term.
-As a longtime fan of science fiction, I was quite curious to read this Chinese book that has become a bestseller, and see how it might differ. I particularly appreciated the translator's hard work to maintain the Chinese spirit of the book while creating something understandable for Americans.
-The Three-Body Problem is a book that is rich with nuance and detail.
-I found this book engaging from start to finish, and could not put it down.
-Expansive (literally), enthralling, science fiction that covers the course of human history, zero to eleven dimensions of reality, space, time, and comparative culture sure to both satisfy the hard-core science fiction enthusiast, but also "visually" (have to use your imagination obviously) thrilling and fast paced.
-Cixin Liu writes with great intelligence, wisdom, heart, humor and insight into the human condition. And Ken Liu's translation from Chinese to English flows so smoothly that at no point did I feel that I was reading a translated novel.
-I cannot remember ever reading any other novel, science fiction or otherwise, that gave me the sense of proportion, scale, and vastness I got from reading The Three-Body Problem.