六部门发文:近视不能治愈 禁止商家误导
The notice on further regulating and supervising myopia correction in
young people bans merchants from using wording such as
"rehabilitation," "recovery," and "myopia cure" to mislead nearsighted
children and their parents.
近视的医学专业术语是myopia,读作 [maɪˈoʊpiə],但是日常生活中人们通常用nearsightedness / shortsightedness来表示,比如:Tom is nearsighted/shortsighted because he used to play games in darkness whole night long.(汤姆近视是因为他过去经常晚上在黑暗中玩一整晚游戏。)
其他相关的表达还有:远视(hyperopia ['haɪpə'rəʊpɪə] farsightedness/ longsightedness)、散光(astigmatism [əˈstɪɡməˌtɪzəm])、隐形眼镜(contact lenses)、无框眼镜(rimless glasses)、眼科医生(eye doctor/ophthalmologist [ˌɑfθælˈmɑlədʒɪst] )等。
通知指出,在目前医疗技术条件下,近视不能治愈(myopia cannot be
cured)。儿童青少年时期可以通过科学用眼、增加户外活动时间(more outdoor activities)、减少长时间近距离用眼(less
time spent on near work)等方式预防、控制和减缓近视。
同时,从事儿童青少年近视矫正的机构或个人不得违反中医药法规定冒用中医药名义或者假借中医药理论、技术欺骗消费者(deceive consumers in the guise of traditional Chinese medicine),谋取不正当利益。
2018年8月底,教育部等八部委联合发布《综合防控儿童青少年近视实施方案》。其中国家新闻出版署提出要实施网络游戏总量调控(curb the number of new online games available to children),采取措施限制未成年人使用时间(take new measures to limit their time on games)。
The overall myopia rate among teenagers reduces by more than 0.5
percentage points per year from 2018 until 2023. Provinces with a high
incidence of myopia are required to cut at least 1 percentage point per
By 2030, the myopia rate for 6-year-old children should be below 3
percent, for primary school students, below 38 percent, for middle
school students, below 60 percent, and for high school students, below
70 percent.
近视 nearsightedness/myopia
视力不良 poor vision
弱视 vision impairment
视力健康 visual health
纸质作业 written homework
眼保健操 eye exercises
虚假广告 false advertising
保健行业 healthcare industry
来源:中国日报网英语点津 编辑:马文英