

许雅宁 中国日报网 2020-02-08



Bruce Mars/unsplash


According to Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, a sleep expert at Silentnight, the optimal bedroom temperature for sleeping is between 16C and 21C, and your brain needs to be slightly cooler than the rest of your body.

optimal ['ɒptɪm(ə)l]:adj. 最佳的;最理想的



“A good night’s sleep is important in order to process information throughout the day as well as to repair and re-balance the body physically and mentally,” Ramlakhan tells The Independent.


“Ideally, in order for us to sleep well, there needs to be a fractional temperature difference between our body and our brain – a warm body and a cool head!”


1. 把你的床上用品放在冰箱里几分钟(记得先把它们放进塑料袋里)。如果你的冰箱或冰柜没有太多的空间,只把你的枕套或睡衣放进去也会有帮助。

Put your bedding in the freezer for a couple of minutes (put it in a plastic bag first though). If you don’t have much room in your fridge or freezer, even just your pillowcase or PJs will help.

2. 把一个热水瓶装满冰水,放在身体的冷却点:膝盖、脚踝、手腕、脖子、腹股沟和肘部。你也可以把一个热水瓶装满凉水,冷冻一下,带上床去。

Fill a hot water bottle with iced water and place on the ‘cooling points’ of your body: knees, ankles, wrists, neck, groin and elbows. You can also fill a hot water bottle with cool water, freeze it and take it  to bed with you.

groin [grɒɪn]:n. [解剖]腹股沟


3. 睡前使用芦荟晒后乳液保湿,用之前最好先放在冰箱里冻一下。

Moisturise before bed with an aloe vera based aftersun cream, ideally kept in the fridge.

aloe vera [,æləu'verə]:芦荟;芦荟汁


4. 在空的香水瓶里装满冰水,放在床边,喷在脸上、后颈和膝盖后面降温。

Fill an empty perfume bottle with chilled water and keep it by your bedside, spray on your face, back of your neck, and back of your knees to cool down.

5. 穿棉睡衣,床上铺薄的纯棉床单。高质量的棉是能够保持凉爽感的理想床上用品,因为它是最透气的材质。

Use cotton pyjamas and thin, pure cotton sheets for your bed - high quality cotton is the ideal bedding material to sleep between to stay cool as it’s most breathable.

6. 睡眠专家戴夫·吉布森说,要确保你没有摄入太多的蛋白质,因为蛋白质实际上会加快新陈代谢,让你的身体升温。

Make sure you’re not eating too much protein as this can actually heat your body up by boosting your metabolic rate, according to sleep expert Dave Gibson.

metabolic [,metə'bɒlɪk]:adj. 新陈代谢的


Yuris Alhumaydy/unsplash

7. 吃辣的食物,但至少在睡前三小时吃,吃辣能让你出汗,给身体降温。

Eat spicy food, but at least three hours before bed - it can make you sweat which cools the body down.

8. 锻炼时间选在早上,而不是晚上,以防止身体太热。

Exercise in the morning rather than evening to stop your body getting too hot.

9. 晚上要洗微温的淋浴,以降低体温。不过,洗澡水不要太冷,因为你的身体会通过保温来应对温度的突然变化。

Keep your evening shower tepid to lower your body temperature. Don’t have a freezing cold one though, as your body will react to the  sudden change in temperature by preserving heat.

tepid ['tepɪd]:adj. 微温的,温热的


10. 与普遍的看法相反,吉布森说,我们应该在白天把窗户关起来,使房子保持凉爽。窗帘也要拉上。

Contrary to popular belief, Gibson says we should keep windows closed during the day to keep the house cooler. Keep the curtains closed too.

11. 关掉卧室里所有散发热量的电器。插座也要关掉。

Turn off all electrical devices in the bedroom as these emit heat. Switch off sockets too.

12. 让你的脚保持凉爽,要么伸到被子外面,要么放在冰袋上。

Keep your feet cool, either by keeping them outside the covers or resting on an ice pack.

13. 把一个装满冰块的烤盘放在风扇前,给空气降温。

Put a roasting pan full of ice in front of a fan to cool the air.

14. 白天要经常喝水,但晚上不要喝太多。睡前喝0.5品脱(约合284毫升)补水就足够了,还可以避免起夜。

Drink water regularly during the day, but not too much at night. About ½ pint before bed will be enough to keep you hydrated and prevent you from having to get up and go to the loo.

15. 和你的伴侣分床睡——两个身体=两倍的体温。

Sleep in a separate bed from your partner - two bodies = twice the body heat.

16. 有条件的话睡在楼下,因为热空气会上升。

Sleep downstairs if you can as heat rises.

17. 穿着凉爽潮湿的袜子、甚至是潮湿的T恤睡觉。

Sleep in cool, wet socks or even a damp T-shirt.

18. 睡觉前用冷水冲洗手腕和双脚。

Rinse your wrists and feet with cold water before getting into bed.

19. 拉姆拉克罕博士建议,如果晚上醒来,可以用薄荷棒摩擦额头来帮助降温。

If you wake up in the night, rub a menthol stick on your forehead to help cool down, Dr Ramlakhan recommends.

menthol ['menθɒl; -θ(ə)l]:n. 薄荷醇;薄荷脑


20. 睡觉前将一块湿法兰绒放在冰箱里一个小时左右,睡觉时把它放在额头上。

Place a wet flannel in the fridge for an hour or so before you go to bed, and rest this on your forehead as you drift off.

drift off:迷迷糊糊地睡去

来源:中国日报网英语点津  编辑:许雅宁





