忙于甩锅的美国政客,就不能拿出点精力给抗疫吗?| 世界观
The following article is from 图图是道 Author 道君
In the epidemic, who is the enemy?
For the whole world, it is the virus;
For US politicians, it is China.
They blame China everywhere,
in every ridiculous
and cheating means,
with faithful but blind servant under their command.
Blame against China has even surpassed party division,
making it the perfect victim of the donkey and the elephant.
Being blinded by Cold War thinking,
US politicians failed their job of protecting the American people,
failed the US economy,
and made themselves assistants to the virus.
It seems the White House has plenty of blames in stockpile,
but nothing in their empty head.
Please, US politicians, stop the blame game,
stop cheating your people,
And spare a little energy on caring about the 99 percent.
It is only by joining hands,
not by blaming others for your own faults,
that we can win the fight against the virus.