坐在宽敞明亮的度假屋里,落地窗外是碧蓝的天空和清澈的海水,一边敲键盘一边还有阵阵海风吹来,这样的工作环境简直就像在做梦!可如今,这样的机会就摆在眼前。图片来源:Unsplash一直想去国外生活?现在可能是你的最佳机会。Always wanted to live abroad? Now may be your best chance. 疫情期间越来越多的国家开始邀请人们离开家庭办公室,到国外工作和生活。More countries are inviting travelers to trade their home offices for the opportunity to live and work abroad during the pandemic. 斯坦福大学的经济学家尼古拉斯·布鲁姆估计,42%的美国劳动力现在全天在家办公,而且他们应该也不会很快返岗工作。Stanford University economist Nicholas Bloom estimates 42% of the US labor force is now working from home full time. And workers may not be returning to the office anytime soon. 随着疫情持续蔓延,脸书等公司宣布员工在2021年年中之前无需回归办公室(推特员工则可以永远在家办公),一些国家正从依靠短期客流的传统旅游模式转变为吸引游客停留更长时间的旅游模式。As the pandemic marches on and companies like Facebook announce employees needn’t return to the office until mid-2021 (or never in the case of Twitter), some countries are shifting away from traditional tourism models that rely on a stream of short-term visitors in favor of travelers who are willing to stay for longer periods. 这些旅游目的地凭借其新冠肺炎感染率低、生活成本低和更放松的慢节奏生活吸引着这批新的“数字游民”。These destinations are enticing this new batch of “digital nomads” with low Covid-19 rates, decreased costs of living and a slower, more relaxed pace of life. 从8月21日开始,远程工作者可以申请在面积35平方英里的安圭拉岛上工作和生活。安圭拉岛是英国的一个海外领地,到目前为止只报告了三例新冠肺炎病例。Starting Aug 21, remote workers can apply to live and work on the 35-square-mile island of Anguilla, a British overseas territory that has registered only three Covid-19 cases to date. 安圭拉旅游局8月19日发布的新闻稿援引局长肯洛伊·赫伯特的话说,这个岛屿“瞄准的新客户群就是所谓的数字游民,他们会申请更长期的居留签证,来安圭拉岛远程工作。”A press release issued by the Anguilla Tourist Board on Aug 19 quoted Kenroy Herbert, the board’s chairman, as saying the territory is “targeting a new clientele we call digital nomads, who will come and work remotely from Anguilla on extended stay visas.” 能够优先通过申请的是那些来自“低风险”国家(新冠肺炎感染率低于0.2%的国家)的游客,以及停留时间较长的游客。Priority to enter Anguilla is being given to applicants from “low-risk” countries, defined as those with less than 0.2% infection rate, as well as long-stay travelers. 停留时间三个月以内的个人和四口之家分别收费1000美元(约合人民币6767元)和1500美元。停留时间超过三个月的收费加倍,涵盖了两次新冠病毒检测的费用、一张数字工作许可证的办理费和其他开支。A stay under three months costs $1,000 for individuals and $1,500 for a family of four. Entrance fees, which double for longer stays, cover two Covid-19 tests, a digital work permit and other costs. 和其他目的地不同,安圭拉只要求“简短描述”本人在那里所做的工作类型。Unlike other destinations, Anguilla asks only for a “brief description” of the type of work one will do while there. 游客如果申请去巴巴多斯岛的一年期新工作签证,只需五个工作日就能知道申请有没有通过。Travelers who apply for new year-long work visas to Barbados know within five working days whether their visa request is confirmed. 岛上有免费的无线网络,覆盖了餐厅、咖啡馆、公共图书馆和公园等场所。签证持有者可以送孩子去私立学校,或支付一小笔补贴金上公立学校。There is free Wi-Fi throughout the island, including restaurants, cafes, public libraries and public parks. Visa holders can send their children to private schools or pay a small stipend to attend a state-owned public school. 百慕大群岛则用粉色的海滩、清澈的海水和18英里(约合29公里)长的步行道吸引那些家中办公环境狭小的远程工作者。Bermuda is appealing to those working at cramped home offices by touting its pink beaches, crystal waters and 18 miles of walking paths. 怎么样,你动心了吗?