细田守导演的赛博朋克版《美女与野兽》去年五月在戛纳电影节上首映时,曾让观众起立鼓掌14分钟,原因显而易见。这部华丽的动画将童话爱情故事、高中生肥皂剧、超级英雄动作片和科幻悬疑片合为一体。除此以外,每一帧画面都包含了各种无穷无尽的小细节,在技术手法上令人叫绝。该片的主人公是一位日本女学生,现实生活中,她因为害羞不敢放声歌唱,但是在虚拟世界里她却成为了全球闻名的流行歌星。大家都非常想一睹这位以粉色头发、蓝色眼睛的虚拟形象示人的歌手的真面目。当贝儿在网上遇到了神秘、丑陋的野兽时,她也非常想知道此人的身份。This cyberpunk update of Beauty and the Beast received a 14-minute standing ovation when it premiered at last May's Cannes Film Festival – and it's easy to see why. Mamoru Hosoda's dazzling anime is a fairy-tale romance, a high-school soap opera, a superhero action movie and a science-fiction mystery all rolled into one. More than that, the film is a technical marvel in which every frame sparkles with a seemingly infinite array of tiny details. Its heroine is a Japanese schoolgirl who is too shy to sing in real life, but becomes a world-famous pop star in a virtual-reality community. Everyone is desperate to uncover the true identity of her pink-haired, blue-eyed alter ego – and when Belle meets the mysterious, monstrous Beast online, she is desperate to work out who he is, too.该片将于1月14日在美国和土耳其上映,1月20日在意大利上映,2月4日在英国和西班牙上映。Released on 14 January in the US and Turkey, 20 Jan in Italy, and 4 February in the UK and Spain罗伯特·帕丁森在这部新版《蝙蝠侠》中饰演和犯罪作斗争的主人公。参与编写剧本的该片导演告诉《帝国》杂志说,他这一版的蝙蝠侠是一名隐士,灵感源自科特·柯本。帕丁森的阴郁气质和这个角色很搭,他饰演的蝙蝠侠在前一年刚刚拯救了哥谭市,正在想办法对付冷酷无情的谜语人(保罗·达诺饰演)。身上套了多层假体的科林·法瑞尔饰演企鹅人。但是从其中一支预告片的滑稽片段看来,这部暗黑暴力电影似乎还是有点幽默元素的,预告片中面无表情的蝙蝠侠用沙哑又严肃的声音对猫女(佐伊·克罗维兹饰演)说:“你的猫真够多的。”Robert Pattinson channels his inner bat in this latest reboot. Matt Reeves, who co-wrote and directs, told Empire he sees his version of the crime-fighter as a recluse inspired by Kurt Cobain. Pattinson has the right brooding game for this, portraying a hero who is only in his second year of saving Gotham, still finding his way as he takes on the ruthless Riddler (Paul Dano). Colin Farrell, under layers of prosthetics, is The Penguin. But seemingly there will be some humour amid the darkness and violence, going by the comical moment in one of the trailers, when The Batman deadpans to Catwoman (Zoë Kravitz), in his husky, ultra-serious voice, "You've got a lot of cats."Released internationally on 4 March和《头脑特工队》一样,《青春变形记》是一部描述女孩成长烦恼的皮克斯动画,但是《青春变形记》在很多方面都是独一无二的:第一部由女性独立执导、第一部以加拿大为故事背景、第一部女主人公出自亚裔家庭的皮克斯动画电影。女主人公名叫小美(姜晋安配音),她是一个勤奋刻苦的学生,每当她感到有压力,她就会变成一只巨大的毛发蓬乱的红色小熊猫。考虑到小美是一名13岁的华裔加拿大人,这部电影的背景又设定在21世纪初的多伦多,该片似乎取材于编剧兼导演石之予自己的生活经历,当然,除了变成巨大的毛绒绒的动物那部分以外。Like Inside Out, Turning Red is a Pixar cartoon about the pains of growing up as a girl, but it is unique in lots of ways: this is Pixar's first film to be directed solely by a woman, the first to be set in Canada, and the first to revolve around a heroine from an Asian family. The heroine in question is Meilin – or Mei – (Rosalie Chiang), a hard-working student who transforms into a huge, shaggy red panda whenever she is stressed. Given that Mei is a 13-year-old Chinese-Canadian, and that the film is set in Toronto in the early-2000s, Turning Red appears to be drawn from the experiences of its writer-director, Domee Shi – except, presumably, for the bit about swelling up into a giant, furry animal.Released internationally on 11 MarchKillers of the Flower Moon马丁·斯科塞斯再一次在电影作品中讲述了一个关于贪婪、野心和残忍罪行的重大的真实故事。《花月杀手》的剧本由艾瑞克·罗斯操刀,改编自大卫·格兰的非虚构类书籍,该片审视了上世纪20年代欧塞奇部落的几名成员被杀害的案件。罗伯特·德·尼罗饰演美国俄克拉荷马州的一位觊觎土著人石油开采权的牧场主威廉·哈勒。莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰演和欧塞奇部落女人(莉莉·格莱斯顿饰演)结婚的哈勒外甥,哈勒和外甥经常起冲突。没错,本片的最大看点就是,斯科塞斯在这部电影中总算让他最喜欢的两个男主角同台飚戏了。杰西·普莱蒙也将加入他们,饰演被指派去调查这一案件的美国联邦调查局特工汤姆·怀特。Once again, Martin Scorsese has opted to tell a momentous true story of greed, ambition and brutal crime. Adapted by Eric Roth from the non-fiction book by David Grann, Killers of the Flower Moon examines the murders of several members of the Osage tribe in the 1920s. Robert De Niro plays William Hale, an Oklahoma cattle rancher who covets the oil rights of the Indigenous people, and Leonardo DiCaprio plays Hale's conflicted nephew, who is married to an Osage tribeswoman (Lily Gladstone). Yes, the main attraction here is that we're finally getting to see Scorsese's two favourite leading men together in one of his films. Mind you, Jesse Plemons is sure to match them as Tom White, the FBI agent assigned to the case.Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One) 《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》可以说是最有创意的超级英雄电影之一,其波普艺术视觉风格也具有开创性。该片让电影界见识了平行宇宙中不同蜘蛛侠的概念,并被漫威的真人电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》所借鉴。尽管续集不太可能像第一部那么有创意,但是从标题来看,这部电影是一个故事的上半部分,这在动画电影界中是很少见的。续集剧本再次由《乐高大电影》编剧菲尔·罗德和克里斯托弗·米勒操刀,将在本片中出现的蜘蛛侠相关人物有迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯(沙梅克·摩尔配音)、彼得·帕克(杰克·约翰逊配音)、格温·斯黛西(海莉·斯坦菲尔德配音)和来自2099年的蜘蛛侠(奥斯卡·伊萨克配音)。One of the most innovative of all superhero films, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse pioneered its own pop-art visual style, and introduced the film world to the concept of different Spider-Men in alternate universes – a concept that has since been borrowed by Marvel's live-action Spider-Man: No Way Home. It's unlikely that the sequel will be quite as inventive, but, as the sub-title suggests, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One) is the first episode in a two-part story, which makes it a rarity in the world of animated films. Once again masterminded by creators of The Lego Movie Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the film unites such Spider-People as Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), Peter B Parker (Jake Johnson), Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfeld) and the Spider-Man of the year 2099 (Oscar Isaac).Released internationally on 7 OctoberThe Worst Person in the World 如果你幸运的话,你可以在二十多岁时不用受到当孩子时所受到的一切束缚,又不必承担更年长时所需承担的任何责任。但是你应该如何把握这份自由呢?在约阿希姆·提尔执导的苦乐参半的浪漫喜剧电影《世界上最糟糕的人》中,这个问题让女主人公朱莉(雷娜特·赖因斯夫饰演)感到困惑。该片被分为12章,讲述了朱莉在奥斯陆度过的青年时光,在此期间她一直试图决定哪份工作和哪个男人适合她。已经在电影节和点映上看过该片的观众认为,《世界上最糟糕的人》是世界上最好的电影之一。目前该片在烂番茄上的评分是100%,奥巴马还将其列入自己的2021最爱影片名单,主演该片的明艳动人的赖因斯夫还赢得了戛纳电影节的最佳女演员奖。If you're lucky, you can get through your 20s with none of the restrictions you had as a child, and none of the responsibilities which come later. But what should you do with all that freedom? It's a question that puzzles Julie (Renate Reinsve) in Joachim Trier's bittersweet romantic comedy drama, The Worst Person in the World. Divided into 12 chapters, this film follows Julie through her early adulthood in Oslo as she tries to decide which job and which man are right for her. According to viewers who have seen it at festivals and preview screenings, The Worst Person in the World is one of the Best Films in the World. It currently has a score of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, Barack Obama included it on his list of favourite movies of 2021, and the luminous Reinsve won the best actress prize at Cannes.Released in the US on 4 February 2022这部姗姗来迟的《壮志凌云》续集原本是2021年必看电影之一,再早以前它曾被安排在2020年上映,但是我们仍然乐观地认为那些超音速特技飞行爱好者们今年能够在阿汤哥60岁生日前看到这部他们期待已久的电影。上一次阿汤哥饰演“独行侠”彼得·米切尔还是在1986年,当时“独行侠”是美国海军的一名见习战斗机飞行员。有谁会相信,过了这么多年,“独行侠”只是一个上校,而与他亦敌亦友的老对手“冰人”(瓦尔·基尔默饰演)却成了一位四星上将?或许不是如此,但是阿汤哥可能会在本片中再次戴上他的飞行员墨镜,穿上他的飞行员夹克,还有詹妮弗·康纳利、乔恩·哈姆、艾德·哈里斯和迈尔斯·特勒也会加盟这一系列,这些应该都挺有看点的。OK, so this belated Top Gun sequel was on our list of films to watch in 2021, and before that it was scheduled to come out in 2020, but we're still optimistic that lovers of supersonic aerobatics will finally get what they've been waiting for this year, shortly before Tom Cruise's 60th birthday. It was back in 1986 that Cruise last played Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a trainee fighter pilot in the US Navy. Can anyone really believe that, all these years later, Maverick would only be a captain while his old frenemy "Iceman" (Val Kilmer) would be a four-star general? Maybe not, but it should be fun to see Cruise in his Aviator shades and bomber jacket once again, alongside such new recruits to the series as Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, Ed Harris and Miles Teller.Released internationally on 27 May关于詹姆斯·卡梅隆,有两件事我们是知道的:一,他只能慢慢来;二,他热爱海洋。这两者结合在一起就诞生了《阿凡达》四部续集的第一部——《阿凡达2:水之道》。2009年的那部《阿凡达》是有史以来票房最高的电影。新片将回到潘多拉星球,蓝皮肤的妮特丽(佐伊·索尔达娜饰演)和她的人类丈夫杰克(萨姆·沃辛顿饰演)现在已生儿育女,与此同时地球人尚未解决气候危机。该片的大多数动作都是在水下进行,在一个装了90万加仑水的水池中拍摄的。《阿凡达》的续集已经制作了十年,但是卡梅隆的另外两部在水中拍的热门大片《泰坦尼克号》和《深渊》也都姗姗来迟,但是结果都挺不错。There are two things we know about James Cameron: he can't be rushed, and he loves the ocean. Those qualities come together in Avatar 2, the first of a whopping four planned sequels to his 2009 spectacle, the highest-grossing movie of all time. The new film returns to the planet of Pandora, where blue-skinned Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and her human husband Jake (Sam Worthington) are now parents, and Earthlings still haven't solved the climate crisis. Most of the action takes place underwater and was shot in a 900,000-gallon tank. The Avatar sequels have been in the works for a decade, but Cameron's water-logged hits, Titanic and The Abyss, also arrived behind schedule, and it all turned out just fine.Released internationally on 16 December距离巴兹·鲁赫曼执导的《了不起的盖茨比》上映已经过去近十年了,这位曾拍过《舞国英雄》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《红磨坊》的澳大利亚编剧兼导演终于带着新作品回来了。鲁赫曼从来不惧怕有风险的大项目,因此他选择拍一部猫王传记电影来记录这位摇滚天王人生中的20年。长相酷似猫王的奥斯汀·巴特勒饰演猫王本人,奥利维亚·德容格饰演猫王的妻子普莉希拉,汤姆·汉克斯饰演猫王的经纪人“上校”汤姆·帕克,这位“上校”曾是荷兰嘉年华的员工,后来摇身一变成了全美通吃的经纪人。It's been almost a decade since the release of Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby, but the Australian writer-director of Strictly Ballroom, Romeo + Juliet, and Moulin Rouge! is back at last. Never one to shy away from a big, risky project, Luhrmann has made an Elvis Presley biopic that chronicles 20 years in the life of The King of Rock ’n’ Roll. Austin Butler – an uncanny lookalike – has the title role, alongside Olivia DeJonge as Elvis's wife Priscilla and Tom Hanks as his manager, "Colonel" Tom Parker, the Dutch carnival worker who reinvented himself as an all-American impresario.巴斯光年不仅是四部《玩具总动员》动画长片和几部动画短片的核心人物,还拥有自己的电视剧。今年,这位方下巴的太空巡警即将迎来他自己的单人电影,从某种意义上说是这样的。《玩具总动员》中的巴斯光年是一个塑料人偶,而新动画电影是一部大成本探险电影,人偶巴斯光年正是基于这个探险故事而产生的,新片旨在向上世纪七八十年代的科幻电影致敬。这个概念有点混乱,但是这样一来导演安格斯·麦克莱恩(曾执导《海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿》)和编剧彼特·道格特(作品有《心灵奇旅》、《飞屋环游记》和《头脑特工队》)既能让一个备受喜爱的角色回归,又能让他的星际故事焕然一新,基调更为庄重,还能换一个崭新的声音:这一次是克里斯·埃文斯而不是蒂姆·艾伦会高喊:“飞向宇宙,浩瀚无垠!”Buzz Lightyear has been central to four Toy Story feature films, his own TV series, and various animated shorts. This year, the square-jawed Space Ranger is getting a film of his own – sort of. The idea is that the Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story was a plastic action figure, whereas the new animation – a homage to the sci-fi films of the 1970s and 1980s – is the big-budget adventure movie which that action figure was based on. It's a slightly confusing concept, but it lets director Angus MacLane (co-director of Finding Dory) and screenwriter Pete Docter (Soul, Up, Inside Out) bring back a beloved character while giving his interstellar scrapes a new look, a more serious tone, and a fresh voice: Chris Evans rather than Tim Allen is the actor who'll be shouting, "To infinity – and beyond!"Released internationally on 17 June
来源:中国日报网英语点津 翻译&编辑:丹妮