在现代社会,无论大人还是小孩,沉迷于社交媒体无法自拔的比比皆是。一名母亲在目睹了社交媒体对女儿们的影响后,给自己12岁的儿子出了一个“狠招”,只要儿子六年不用社交媒体,就在他18岁生日那天给他1800美元的奖励。Courtesy: Lorna Goldstrand Klefsaas如果有人说,你六年不使用社交媒体就会给你1800美元(约合人民币11382元),你愿意吗?你做得到吗?If someone said they'd pay you $1,800 to stay off social media for six years, would you do it? Could you?西韦特·克雷夫萨斯就做到了。Sivert Klefsaas did just that.西韦特本周二(2月22日)告诉美国有线电视新闻网说:“我感觉棒极了。我心里想,再来六年又有何妨?”"I thought it was awesome," Sivert told CNN Tuesday, "I thought, 'Ah what's 6 more years?'"2016年,洛娜·戈尔德斯特兰德·克雷夫萨斯向12岁的儿子西韦特发起挑战,让他18岁前都不使用社交媒体。如果他能完成这个挑战,她就会在他18岁生日那天给他现金奖励。2022年2月19日,西韦特得到了他的奖金。In 2016, Lorna Goldstrand Klefsaas challenged her 12-year-old son Sivert to stay off social media until he was 18. If he completed the challenge, she'd award him the cash on his eighteenth birthday. On February 19, 2022, Sivert claimed his prize.洛娜告诉美国有线电视新闻网说,她有一回听收音机时听到一个“16换16”的故事,一位母亲答应女儿,如果女儿坚持不使用社交媒体,她就会在女儿满16岁时给她1600美元的奖励。洛娜感到很受启发。她决定把这一期限延长两年,奖金也增加200美元。Lorna was inspired by a challenge she heard on the radio called the "16 for 16", where a mother gave her daughter $1,600 when she turned 16 if she stayed off social media, she told CNN. She decided to up the ante to two extra years and $200 more.西韦特说,没有社交媒体的日子也并不太难过,这六年来他也不怎么想这事。西韦特说他在12岁时反正也不怎么用社交媒体。他在接受挑战前用过的唯一一个应用就是Snapchat,他试用了一天就卸载了。Sivert said it wasn't too difficult to live without social media, and he didn't think about it much during the six years. As a 12 year old, Sivert said he wasn't using social media much anyway. The only app he had prior to the bet was Snapchat -- which he deleted a day after trying it out.他说:“我不认为自己有过(因不能用社交媒体而)濒临崩溃的时刻。而且随着时间过去,这件事带给我的更多的是一种自豪感。”"I wouldn't say there was ever a time where I thought I was about to break," he said. "As it went on, it was more of a pride thing."此外,西韦特还可以通过朋友来获知最新的信息或潮流。他补充道:“我可以避开社交媒体上各种无谓的狗血剧情。”He also had his friends to keep him up to date on the latest information or trends. "I got to avoid all the unnecessary drama that was on there," Sivert added.洛娜表示,她从来不需要检查儿子是否偷偷下载了应用程序。她说:“他的胜负欲很强,他的坚持更多的是为了证明自己。”Lorna said she never had to check for any sneakily downloaded apps. "He's so competitive, it was definitely more for proving a point," she said.西韦特告诉记者说,这也意味着他有更多时间花在学业和运动上。It also meant he had more time to focus on his grades and sports instead, Sivert told reporter.现在兜里有了1800美元,西韦特告诉美国有线电视新闻网说,他还没想好要买什么(他12岁时曾开玩笑说要买个房子),但是很可能是用这笔钱给他在西北大学圣保罗分校的寝室添置一些东西,他今年秋天就要上大学了。Now $1,800 richer, Sivert told CNN he hasn't thought about what to buy (when he was 12, he joked he'd get a house), but it'll likely be something for his dorm room at the University of Northwestern St. Paul, which he'll attend in the fall.但是他已经决定自己在社交媒体上迈出的第一步了,那就是下载Instagram。But he has already decided on his first foray into social media: getting Instagram.西韦特说:“这肯定需要一个学习的过程。我看我的朋友们玩社交媒体应用玩得特溜,我现在还不太会玩。”"There's definitely a learning curve," Sivert said. "I see my friends fly through their social media apps and I can't do that quite yet."具有讽刺意味的是,在西韦特挑战成功后,洛娜在脸书网上分享了这一挑战。她说,这是她花得最值的一笔钱。她告诉美国有线电视新闻网说,其他父母似乎也有兴趣尝试这种做法。After Sivert's success, Lorna, ironically, took to Facebook to share the challenge. She said it was some of the best money she ever spent. Other parents have seemed interested in trying it out too, she told CNN.洛娜指出:“我们当然不反对社交媒体,但是我们看重的是健康的使用习惯。不要被社交媒体拖累,不要让自己上瘾,或者被人们分享的东西所影响。”"We are certainly not against social media, but it's the healthy using of it," Lorna noted. "It's about not letting yourself get weighed down by it, or addicted to it, or affected by things that people post."她补充道,她认为她的儿子现在对社交媒体有了与12岁时“不同的视角”。She added she thinks her son now has a "different perspective" on social media than he would have at age 12.西韦特是她的四个孩子中最小的,他的三个姐姐都是用着社交媒体长大的。洛娜说,有时候她觉得女儿们“太沉迷于”应用程序和消息推送了。Sivert is the youngest of four children, and his three older sisters all used social media growing up. Lorna said there were times she felt her daughters "got too engrossed" in their apps and feeds.她说:“社交媒体影响着她们的心情和友谊,就像一种镇静剂。”正因如此,洛娜在一个女儿16岁那年没收了她的手机。洛娜说,后来女儿为此还感谢她,因为这让她的心情变好了。"It was affecting their mood, their friendships and was kind of a depressant," she said. When one of her daughters was 16, Lorna took away her phone because of it. Lorna says her daughter later thanked her for doing so, as it improved her mood.洛娜在提到人们上传的各类评论时说:“出于某种原因,孩子和大人们躲在屏幕后面感到很舒适。我很高兴西韦特不用看这些乱七八糟的评论。”"For some reason, kids and adults feel so comfortable behind a screen," Lorna said, referencing the kinds of comments people post. "I'm so happy (Sivert) didn't have to read any of that."