



A doctor plans to open a floating health clinic in the Gulf of Mexico where women can get surgical abortions. PRROWESS, which stands for Protecting Reproductive Rights of Women Endangered by State Statutes, will offer reproductive health and wellness services, including contraception as well as surgical abortion up to 14 weeks.
The clinic will serve patients who live primarily in Texas, Louisiana and other states located on the Gulf Coast, with a goal of operating for approximately three weeks out of each month, according to the organization's website.
"The vessel will be Coast Guard inspected and will have helicopter access for transport and emergencies," the organization says. These types of facilities have been used by the military and relief organizations for years and the organization says research shows patients are willing to seek care in a floating clinic.
The clinic will operate in federal waters so its activities will not be restricted by state laws.
The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last month, meaning many states can now restrict or ban access to abortions. Because it is often difficult for people to access care in Gulf states and flying out of state might not be an option for all patients, PRROWESS aims to offer faster services for those people.
Once a patient is pre-screened, arrangements will be made to transport them to the floating clinic, the organization says.
"This is all about bodily autonomy and choice, and so people have a right to be pregnant and also not to have a pregnancy," Dr. Meg Autry, of the University of California—San Francisco, told CBS San Francisco.
Autry, who is vice chair of graduate medical education and continuing medical education for the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at UCSF, wants to offer the services at low or no cost.
The vessel, however, is expected to cost at least $20 million, and the organization is looking for donations, including a donated boat.
She hopes to open the floating clinic in about a year, but knows there will be challenges. "There's operational, logistics, there's the whole idea of maritime law and then there's obviously security, there's liability, I mean the challenges are countless," Autry said.
Thirteen states, including Texas and Louisiana have so-called "trigger" laws that would restrict abortion with Roe overturned, while others would kick in after 30 days. Some states, like Alabama, have laws enacted before the landmark 1973 decision that were never removed.




