
双语早读|文件加拿大公司招聘“首席糖果官” 年薪7.8万美元

你在童年时可曾幻想过靠着吃糖发财?这个美梦如今有机会实现啦!加拿大糖果公司Candy Funhouse日前就在求职网站公开招募全球独一无二的 “首席糖果官”,只要你住在北美洲、年满5岁、热爱糖果并对糖果有着独特的见解,你就有机会获得这份年薪约合53万人民币的梦幻职位。


A Canadian candy company is offering a very sweet gig.

作为一家销售巧克力棒、软糖和甘草糖等甜食的网络零售商,Candy Funhouse正在招聘“首席糖果官”,只需在家上班,年薪却高达7.8万美元(约合人民币53万元)。

Candy Funhouse, an online retailer of confectionery treats from chocolate bars to gummies and licorice, is hiring for a $78,000 a year, work-from-home job as its Chief Candy Officer.


Duties include: "leading candy board meetings, being the head taste tester ... and all things fun."


Several thousand candidates have already applied for the position, which was posted on LInkedIn in July, said Chief Executive Officer Jamal Hejazi. He noted that he's been surprised by the number of "golden ticket" themed applications and the elaborate videos of entire families offering to share the tasting duties and salary.


But Hejazi also sees the attraction. "Imagine your best memories around candy, and having that every day at work," he said.

总部位于多伦多市郊的Candy Funhouse公司由四位兄弟姐妹共同经营,他们都是土生土长的本地人,年龄从20岁至30多岁,父母曾开过甜甜圈连锁店和本地的一家餐馆。

Candy Funhouse, based outside of Toronto, is headed by a quartet of 20- and 30-something siblings who grew up in the area and whose parents owned donut shops and a local restaurant.


"My brother Mo, a candyhead, founded it in 2018 and my mother was employee no. 2," said Hejazi, adding that he and a younger sister and brother later joined the firm.

The family hoped to differentiate their company from other highly successful online and brick-and-mortar competitors such as Mars, Hershey and Amazon with a "weird" mix of products, no minimum orders — "we'll sell one lollipop" — and a strong push on social media.

Sales in 2021, boosted substantially by the pandemic, were "just under $15 million. I'm not kidding," Hejazi said.


The family retains a 90% ownership stake.


The company said the Chief Candy Officer position is open to applicants as young as five years old — although parental permission would likely be required. Many parents have filmed their child filling out the application and posted it online.


The company has 340,000 followers on Instagram and three million on Tik-Tok, including a Kardashian, Hejazi said, although he declined to specify which one.


Right now, the company is prepping for Halloween, its biggest sales period last year. "We have 40% of our stock in" so far, Hejazi said. Last week, candy giant Hersheys reported that it will have difficulty meeting Halloween-related demand this year.


Hejazi also noted that reports on social media claiming that the Chief Candy Officer will be required to eat 3,500 pieces of candy per month are incorrect. (That number represents the different varieties the company stocks.) "That would be 117 a day," Hejazi said. "That's too many."




