Employees work on the production line of a foreign funded electronics company in Hai'an, Jiangsu province. [Photo by Zhai Huiyong/for China Daily] 今年1-7月,我国实际使用外资金额7983.3亿元人民币,同比增长17.3%。专家和跨国公司高管8月18日表示,这表明尽管面临种种威胁全球经济复苏的挑战,我国依然保持着对外资的吸引力。 Foreign direct investment in China has grown 17 percent year-on-year to 798.33 billion yuan ($117.56 billion) in the first seven months of this year, indicating that the country's ability to attract capital is intact despite challenges threatening the recovery of the global economy, said experts and executives of international companies on Thursday.我国实际使用外资金额大幅增长得益于高度完整的供应链、紧密的全球联系和蓬勃发展的国内市场。Thanks to its highly concentrated supply chains, close global linkages and flourishing domestic market, China has seen its actual use of foreign capital surge, the Ministry of Commerce said.中国国际经济交流中心研究员张永军指出,尽管长三角地区的供应链在第二季度被疫情扰乱,中国市场依然是跨国公司的增长动力。 Although supply chains in the Yangtze River Delta region were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic in the second quarter, China remained a growth engine for multinational companies, said Zhang Yongjun, a researcher at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges in Beijing.张永军称,今年我国吸收外资将保持平稳态势,我国保持居民消费价格稳定和促进全球供应链运转的能力将助力未来世界经济的稳定和复苏。 FDI inflows into China will be stable this year, and the country's ability to keep consumer prices stable and facilitate the operations of global supply chains will bolster stabilization and recovery of the world economy in the coming years, he said.商务部新闻发言人束珏婷在8月18日的新闻发布会上介绍,1-7月服务业实际使用外资金额5989.2亿元人民币,同比增长10%;高技术制造业和高技术服务业实际使用外资分别增长33%和31.8%。 FDI inflows into the services sector reached 598.92 billion yuan between January and July, up 10 percent year-on-year. The growth rates for high-tech manufacturing and high-tech services were 33 and 31.8 percent, respectively, said Shu Jueting, a ministry spokeswoman, at a news briefing held online on Thursday.商务部的数据显示,1-7月韩国、美国、日本、德国实际对华投资同比分别增长44.5%、36.3%、26.9%和23.5%。Ministry data showed investments from South Korea, the United States, Japan and Germany rose sharply during the seven-month period, with the year-on-year growth rates reaching 44.5 percent, 36.3 percent, 26.9 percent and 23.5 percent, respectively.商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院国际市场研究所副所长白明表示,这些事实反映出外国投资者继续在中国大举投资的强烈意愿。 Bai Ming, deputy director of international market research at the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said these facts show foreign investors' strong willingness to continue to invest big time in China.他还表示,新能源、消费、高端制造业和服务业等商业领域仍将是全球资本的投资热点。 He added that business fields including new energy, consumption, high-end manufacturing and services will remain hot spots for global capital.商务部综合司副司长杨涛重申,中国经济韧性强、潜力足、空间广、长期向好的基本面不会改变。 Yang Tao, deputy director-general of the comprehensive affairs department of the Ministry of Commerce, reiterated that the fundamentals of China's economy-strong resilience, ample potential, wide room for maneuver and long-term improvement-will not change.除了计划将线下门店从2022年的近3000家扩张至2026年的6000家,总部位于美国的运动休闲鞋服品牌斯凯奇将启动在江苏太仓的中国物流中心二期项目,总投资额预计超过16.5亿元。 Apart from planning to increase its store numbers from around 3,000 this year to up to 6,000 in 2026 across China, Skechers, a US-based athleisure, shoe and clothing company, will operationalize the second phase of its Taicang logistics center in Jiangsu province in the fourth quarter of 2024, with a total investment of 1.65 billion yuan.斯凯奇中国、韩国及东南亚首席执行官陈伟利表示,斯凯奇对中国市场充满信心。 "We are confident about the Chinese market," said Willie Tan, CEO of Skechers China, South Korea and Southeast Asia.总部在美国加州森尼韦尔的医疗手术机器人生产商直观医疗公司本月早些时候宣布,将投资超7亿元在上海建设一个制造和研发基地。该基地将有助于让手术机器人惠及更多中国患者。 Intuitive Surgical Inc, another US-based robotic surgical system manufacturer, announced earlier this month that it will invest over 700 million yuan to build a manufacturing and innovation base in Shanghai. The base will help expand access to robot-assisted surgery to more patients in China.直观医疗公司首席执行官盖里·古塔尔特表示,直观在中国的发展壮大符合中国政府的“健康中国2030”规划。直观公司的新基地预计将于2025年建成,为中国市场生产第四代达芬奇手术机器人。 Gary Guthart, CEO of Sunnyvale, a California-based company, said Intuitive's growth in China is in alignment with the government's Healthy China 2030 initiative. The firm's new facilities are expected to be operational in 2025 and will produce the da Vinci XI surgery robots for the Chinese market.