The following article is from 中国日报中国观察智库 Author 中国观察
党的二十大召开期间,泰国前副总理、泰中文化促进委员会主席披尼·扎禄颂巴 (Phinij Jarusombat) 作客中国日报新媒体与中国观察智库联合推出的访谈节目《连线·全球政要看中国十年》,对中国过去十年的发展成就表示肯定,为中国一贯秉持的平等互利的外交理念点赞。披尼表示,中国是世界大国,中国的一举一动对全世界、全人类都有巨大影响力。因此,中共二十大是一次历史性大会,对中国,乃至世界各国人民都十分重要。
披尼非常关注习近平总书记在会上所做的报告,认为其中有许多有价值的内容,都是具体、真实发生在中国的事迹。目前中国占据全世界经济总量的18.5%,说明了中国在世界经济中的重要地位。过去十年,中国的GDP成倍增长,从54万亿元增长到114万亿元;人均收入水平也呈现跳跃式的大幅增长,从不到4万元增长到8.1万元,这是中国的巨大成就。//西方挑动分裂,中国强调尊重//China had been the victim of invasion from different powers in the world in its history. But the nation has kept on fighting, and the Chinese people has made huge sacrifices for their motherland to uphold China’s position. It is important for nations in the world to respect each other. Invasion and interference are not right. China has adhered to a principle of mutual respect, and it has been China’s long-held position that different countries should enjoy their independence while refrain from interfering the internal affairs of other nations.
中国在联合国也占据重要地位,拥有一票否决权,展现了维护各国之间公平秩序、平等地位,保持相互尊重的立场。这使中国赢得了世界各国的尊重,从亚洲、非洲、中东,到欧洲和南北美洲。世界上很多国家接受中国的政策和立场,最主要的一点是因为,中国不干涉别国内政,只提供帮助和合作。But the United States and other Western powers have never stopped in their interference and efforts to pursue interests and power, leading to conflicts, wars and various problems. They have started wars in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya and Syria, sowing divisions and conflicts and plunging the international community into abyss. China, however, can play an important role as counterbalance to these superpowers that are still engaged in interference with other countries and infringing upon interests of small nations.
↓ 点击观看视频 ↓China has an important role in the United Nations, with a veto power as one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, and the nation has taken on a position to safeguard the fair order, equal position and uphold the mutual respect between different nations. This has won China the respect from various nations in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and even North and South America. Now countries are embracing China and its policies, because the nation has never interfered with the affairs of other nations and offered only help and cooperation, which is of vital importance.