
双语早读|英国物价飙升 1/7民众为省钱选择少吃饭

A pedestrian passes notices advertising savings rates in the window of an Building Society in London on Sept 29, 2022. [Photo/Agencies]

One in seven people in the UK are skipping meals or going without food, according to new polling data released by the Trades Union Congress (TUC).

The data from an MRP poll by Opinium reveals that more than half of British people are cutting back on heating, hot water and electricity in the cost of living squeeze, and one in 12 have missed the payment of a household bill.

The proportion of people across the UK skipping meals is the same for people in and out of work - 14%, while about 44% say they have to cut back on food spending.

The TUC says the findings on the cost of living are a “stark reminder” of the pressures facing households throughout the UK.

It calls for the government to stick to plans to update universal credit, benefits and pensions in line with inflation, increase public sector pay in line with inflation, and raise the minimum wage to £15 an hour as soon as possible.

英国工会大会秘书长弗朗西斯•奥格雷迪表示:“这项民意调查揭示了英国的生活成本危机。食品和能源价格飙升,但实际工资却在暴跌。” “除非我们提高全社会的工资,并确保福利与通胀同步增长,否则我们就有可能陷入维多利亚时代(1837年至1901年)的贫困水平。”
Frances O’Grady, the TUC general secretary, said: “This polling lays bare Britain’s cost-of-living emergency. Food and energy bills are soaring, but real wages are plummeting. “Unless we get pay rising across the economy – and ensure benefits rise in line with inflation – we risk heading towards Victorian levels of poverty”.




