"Thank you."
No matter how often you're saying this, she could probably stand to hear a few more. She carried you, and grew you in her belly for nine months — all while resisting alcohol and caffeine. That's a sacrifice that warrants endless thank-yous, friends.
"You're my hero."
Because she is, right? I mean, the main reason you're as awesome as you are is because of her, so she's earned the title.
"Remember when I was little and.... ?"
Reminisce about a moment when you struggled with something and your mom came to the rescue. It'll be a nice way to remind her how you've always depended on her, and in some ways, probably always will.
"I need your advice."
It doesn't matter how old you are — your mom will never tire of giving you her advice. And the more self-sufficient you become, the more she'll appreciate that you came to her at all. Make her feel needed.
"I'm proud of you."
This is not a statement that should only go from parents to kids. It should go both ways! We never stop evolving as humans, so your mom would love to hear that you've noticed the hard work she's put in on a project, and that you think she did a kick-ass job.
"You deserve the best."
Say this right before you treat her to a spa day or any kind of bonding activity. Because she does deserve the best.
"You are beautiful."
Celebrate your mom's beauty by giving her specific compliments. We live in a society that only appreciates beauty of a certain age, which is bonkers because every woman alive — and that includes your mom — is beautiful in their own way, and should be reminded of that on the reg.
"I love you."
It doesn't matter if you say it every day, or even if you just said it two seconds ago. Say it again. Because she will never get sick of hearing it.