



The Covid-19 pandemic set US life expectancy back by years, but new research shows that the country has been falling behind for decades.

6月1日发表在《美国公共卫生杂志》上的一项研究显示,1950 年,在人口超过 50 万的国家(或地区)中美国的预期寿命排名第 12 位。美国和挪威之间的差距为 3.5 岁,后者是当时预期寿命最长的国家。

In 1950, the US had the 12th longest life expectancy among certain populous countries(or regions), with more than half a million residents, according to a study published Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health. There was a 3.5-year difference between the US and Norway, which had the longest life expectancy at the time.

到 2019 年,美国的预期寿命排名第 40 位,与表现最好的地区(中国香港)之间的差距已经扩大到6岁以上。

By 2019, the life expectancy gap between the US and the highest-performing region – now Hong Kong – had grown to more than six years, putting the US in 40th place among populous countries.


The Covid-19 pandemic widened that gap even more, as the US had more deaths from the virus than any other country and has been slower to recover. In 2020, the US ranked 46th and had a 7.8-year gap from the highest-performing region, according to the study. Life expectancy was 77.4 years in the US that year, compared with 85.2 years in Hong Kong, according to data from the United Nations.


Life expectancy is a "summary measure of our health," said study author Dr. Steven Woolf, director emeritus of the Virginia Commonwealth University Center on Society and Health. It’s not the only way to gauge the quality of life in a particular place, but it does tend to mirror trends in other health-related metrics, he said.


For these measures, the US is often compared with other wealthy and highly-industrialized nations (or regions)that are considered to be its peers.


But this report shows that a diverse group of countries across six continents and a range of economic conditions have surpassed the US on life expectancy. Among the countries that have surpassed the US in recent years are Albania and Lebanon.


"The premise is shifting,"Woolf said.

根据这项新研究,美国的“预期寿命劣势”自 1950 年以来持续恶化,伍尔夫将这一趋势分为六个阶段。有几年的增长和反弹,但美国的预期寿命增长速度往往落后于其他国家。总体而言,在所研究的70年中,有49年美国的预期寿命年增长率低于其他人口大国(或地区)。

The US "life expectancy disadvantage" has steadily worsened since 1950, according to the new study, and Woolf groups the trend into six phases. There were some years of growth and rebound, but more often than not, the pace of increase for the US lagged behind that of other countries. Overall, the US had smaller annual increases in life expectancy than other populous countries(or regions), on average, in 49 of the 70 years studied.


"The pandemic was horrific loss of life, but it really reflects pre-existing, systemic problems in our country that have been compromising the health of Americans for decades."


A decade ago, a group of researchers set out to identify the specific factors that were holding the US back from achieving the same gains in life expectancy as other countries. The report from the National Research Council Institute of Medicine focused on five key areas: health care, health behaviors, social and economic factors, environment and public policy.


"We hoped that there would be an answer in one of those that would sort of be a magic bullet. But in every single one of those categories, we found dramatic differences between the US and other countries,"Woolf said – and things have only gotten worse since.


For example, the US lacks universal health care and has higher caloric intake, more guns, more drugs and higher rates of child poverty, among other differences.

来源:中国日报网英语点津 (编辑:董静)‍‍‍‍





