Fewer than one in seven people can correctly identify common washing symbols while a third of Britons admit they never check instruction labels.大约七成人承认因为没看水洗标,将本应干洗的衣物用洗衣机水洗了。Some seven in ten confessed they have machine washed items that should have gone to the dry cleaners because they failed to look at the labels.洗衣标签是为了让面料得到最好的护理,按照这些信息操作,可以让衣服更‘长寿’。所以,下面这些小图标你认识几个?
2 Machine wash (permanent press) (机洗免烫)3 Machine wash (gentle cycle) (轻柔机洗)5 Water temperature not above 40C (最高洗涤温度40摄氏度)11 Do not dry clean (不可干洗)