
驻蓉荷兰小哥的城市创意|Discovering the Underlying Creativity of the City

成都发布 2020-08-23


The Netherlands has been nicknamed by some as the "country of creativity"and "nation of designers". The design industry is one of nine major industries driving the Dutch economic expansion, and it seems as if minimalism and the creative spirit have been imprinted into the genes of the Dutch people. In Chengdu lives a young Dutchman with a unique perspective about urban creativity. What is his opinion of Chengdu’s urban creativity? Today I will bring you his story.


Michiel Roosjen

中文名吴致远,创意荷兰产业促进中心中国首席代表,About Asia创始人。2009年首次来华,迄今居蓉5年有余。

Michiel Roosjen, or Wu Zhiyuan in Chinese, is the Chief Representative China of Creative Holland and founder of About Asia. He first visited China in 2009, and has been in Chengdu for more than five years.


Unreal Scenario


The world was stuck in an economic crisis the year he graduated. Michiel, who saw himself a global citizen, decided to come to China because "a lot of things are going on here." Inspired by the work of American writer Joel Kotkin, The City: A Global History, that illustrates the past, current and future state of cities, Michiel felt a desire to explore the urban development in China and see it for himself. 


Like most foreigners, Michiel began with the studying of the Chinese language and then came to learn about China bit by bit. Nine years have passed and today, even though he lives a comfortable life here in China, he is unable to succinctly summarize his life in the past nine years within a single sentence. According to him, many foreigners feel confident that they can write a book about China on their first day of arriving. However, the longer they stayed, and the more they found out about China, the more they conclude it is rather difficult to state or write anything, "as China is so flexible in many ways you just cannot get a grip on it." Michiel stressed, "China has complex and diverse cultures. You thought you knew it well back then, but you really don't."


Invisible City


Not long after moving to Xiamen, China, Michiel started a business in China as well, jointly with two partners in other cities. He was once quite fearful of the world-famous cuisine of Chengdu. "I was worried that all of the food there would be super spicy," he said. "Dutch cuisine is plain, but I like it." In 2013, he moved to Chengdu. He has stayed here for more than five years and regarded it now as "his second hometown." However, the main reason he sticks around, are for other things than the typical Chengdu qualities. 


It is obvious that mixture of old and new attracts foreigners, but for him the charm of the city is in those things you cannot see directly. "Chinese philosophy, and food and tea culture are indeed great values, and Chengdu also enjoys this wonderful reputation for living a leisurely and slower life. But I feel a lots of energy and excitement in Chengdu, when I look at all the young people in the city that act in their own unique ways. Youth culture is very present here. It is the new, the uncommon, and it's a great source of inspiration and innovation." 

Michiel曾经收到一个来自中国香港的高薪offer,他专门飞去了香港,在明媚的午后享受怡口的粤菜,畅想着即将开启的新篇章。但是,即便是在香港返蓉的航班上,他依然对是否接受新的工作机遇举棋不定。他拿出一张白纸,一一写下香港的好与不好。忽而,他转念一想:“为何不写一写成都呢?”他刚在白纸上写下两个词,便做出了留在成都的决定。 Playfulness和randomness,这就是他眼中的迷人成都。 

Michiel once received a high-paying job offer from a company in Hong Kong, China. He flew to Hong Kong, China and enjoyed the nice Cantonese cuisine on a sunny afternoon and got in the mood of jumping into a new chapter in life here. However, he was still uncertain about whether to accept the new job on the airplane back to Chengdu. He took out a blank piece of paper and wrote down the pros and cons of Hong Kong, China. It then occurred to him, why not put them down for Chengdu as well? He made his final decision on staying in Chengdu after writing down just two words: Playfulness and randomness - that is the charm of Chengdu, he thought. 


Even though Michiel is a familiar face in many social gatherings, and even though he is always beaming with a smile as vibrant as the iconic orange of the Dutch football team jersey, his innate and natural self-restrain can still be perceived. He described himself as a "control freak" because he does not like the idea of no plan while he is really into the playfulness and randomness of Chengdu. He contradicts his own thoughts and feelings. "It is all me. Chengdu teaches me how to relax, and how to live."


Unpredictable innovation


Michiel became the only founder of the company when his partners went separate ways. Starting a business is not easy, especially as he does not want to be a traditional businessman. His ultimate dream is to keep on bringing new ideas to the market. 


It's a huge challenge to give creativity the commercial value it deserves. It is often an "invisible game." People get used to only look at a final result, while reaching to this result takes many attempts. "Chengdu's creativity is hidden in small institutions and organizations. Many of them are young teams and are driven by a spirit to make the next new thing work." Michiel took minimalistic design as an example, "Minimalism may seem simple and cheap, but actually simplicity is extremely complicated. Often it starts by making something complex, and then strip it down, take away all the unnecessary parts to reach the innermost core of the creation. Minimalism is a philosophy. It is looking for the essential needs of people, and in this way I am looking to explore the essential need of creativity."


Hit by a beam of light of a Chengdu sunset, this tall entrepreneur is standing on the rooftop of a building on Renmin South Road. The gentle orange glow of this sunset matches well with this Dutchman.


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摘自《HELLO Chengdu》杂志

Excerpted from HELLO Chengdu magazine

撰稿| 刘昕怡

By  Lenore Liu

编辑| 俊娴

Edited by Junxian

