
没想到美国小伙竟在成都“教汉语” | How I Memorize Chinese Characters?

成都发布 2020-08-23


The timetable and road map of Chengdu’s positioning strategy to build "Three Cities and Three Capitals" (World Famous Cultural and Creative City, World Famous Tourism City, World Famous Competition City & International Capital of Gastronomy,International Capital of Music,International Capital of Exhibitions&Conventions ) has been released! While pooling strengths to rise as a world-famous cultural and creative city, Chengdu has seen some contributions from foreign expatriates, such as this American young man who has been devoted to developing a program to help people learn how to write Chinese characters.


Phil Crimmins,中文名从云,美国费城人。他曾在四川大学留学三年,并于2017年7月获得了成都首张留学生创业签证。他与英国人宁昊天(Luke Neale)开发了一套针对外国人的汉字学习系统。现为汉语蓝图联合创始人,兼任乐队鼓手。

Phil Crimmins was born in Philadelphia, PA, USA. His Chinese name is "Cong Yun(从云)" . After studying at Sichuan University for three years, in July 2017, he was granted the first Entrepreneurship Visa in Chengdu. Cong Yun and his partner created a systemized learning system which "aims at Westerners who are studying Chinese". Now, he is the co-founder of Mandarin Blueprint and a part-time drummer.


"Chinese characters, with their beautiful and diversified forms, easily attract the interest of Westerners. However, they are also very hard to remember long term, which sets up a high barrier to entry for Chinese learners." Cong Yun switches his tone, "but my business partner and I know a method to make memorizing characters much easier."



In 2017, the joint entrepreneurship project started by Cong Yun and his partner won second place in the "Entrepreneurship and Capital Investment" group in the preliminary of the First Sichuan Provincial "Tianfu Cup" Entrepreneurship Competition, gaining a prize of 10,000 RMB.Luke Neale, Cong Yun's partner, is from Britain, with the Chinese name "Ning Haotian". They first met in Chengdu. The two friends both speak fluent Chinese, passing the HSK6 in 2 years, half the study time deemed necessary by the Hanban Office of Chinese Learning International. They re-ordered Chinese characters according to four aspects including pronunciation, character components and meaning, creating a systemized learning system which "aims at Westerners who are studying Chinese". Their entrepreneurial goal is to develop an APP and a website based on this learning method.



Chinese character, where the charm of Chinese lies


In recent years, English learners have been putting more emphasis on speaking skills. As for Chinese learners, would it be enough if they could understand and speak Chinese? Cong Yun throws the question : "Do you think that only relying on spoken Chinese can make one's Mandarin excellent?"


“据统计,汉语只有412个音节,加上声调有1200多个,但是写出来的汉字不带声调,而且汉语有非常多的同音字同音词。当我说‘jī ròu’时,你知道我说的是‘鸡肉’还是‘肌肉’吗?首先要理解发音,但必须学字,不然,只是个文盲。而且,汉字是汉语的魅力所在,中文是多么需要视觉的一种语言!”

"There are about 412 syllables in Chinese, and even after adding tones, 1,200 syllables. Whereas written Chinese does not represent any intonation, and there are plenty of homophonic words and terms existing. When I say: 'jī ròu,' do you understand whether I mean '鸡肉'(chicken) or '肌肉'(muscle)? Chinese learners must first comprehend the principles of Mandarin pronunciation, but soon after they must study characters. Otherwise, their illiteracy will serve as a barrier to further progress. Moreover, Chinese characters embody the charm of Chinese, a language that demands more than any other a strong visual representation of meaning."



"Reading is the most rapid way of acquiring a language and is more effective than listening. If someone uses a method to learn Chinese characters quickly, he/she will lower the barrier to entry for Chinese learning." Nowadays, Cong Yun has formed the habit of reading Chinese daily. "Standing on the firm ground of Chinese characters, you will find that Chinese is incredibly logical and has simple grammar. If I encounter unfamiliar words, I don't need to guess because I'm able to deduce the meaning from the characters in the word."



Inject individual memorizing to visualized Chinese characters


The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve gives a clear description of how quickly our brains forget disparate facts. With a rich imagination, the human brain can use visualization to turn abstract concepts into concrete information that is easy to remember. Using these visualization methods, memory champions can even remember 300 digits after π in just 300 seconds.


甲骨文  图据人民网


"We adopt this visualization memory theory into our Chinese learning system." Numerous evolutions in Chinese come from the vivid Oracle bone scripts and Bronze inscriptions. Nevertheless, the mnemonic system at Mandarin Blueprint emphasizes connecting characters with individual personal experience. "Imagining various scenes to represent the different tones, Chinese learners can combine their memory with the character components and meanings, and hence to visualize Chinese through mnemonic association."



Take "抱"(hug) as an example. Imagining the four tones of "-ao" represent your home, your school, the local library and a restaurant (learners can choose their own personal locations) and then in that location visualizing your mother handing you a new schoolbag on your first day of school while giving you a big hug. The component "扌" and "包" (bag) are visualized in the scene as "props", with the final meaning of "hug" ("抱")being expressed through the visual actions of the scene.



The individual visualizing engages with the emotion of the scene, and applies that emotion to the Chinese character being learned. While acquiring the language, Chinese can be applied to real life memories, either specific or simply emotional, to remember the new facts much more quickly. At present, this method has been practiced by more than 200 foreign students with an age span of 20 - 60 years old. Also, the APP and website will have numerous Spaced-Repetition tests for all Chinese characters learned. According to the forgetting cycle, the tests will retrieve the previously studied fact from your unconscious and remind you the least amount of time necessary while still helping the learner remember, thus saving them countless hours of time.



Acquire a second language to create an inclusive mind  


During the process of learning Chinese, Cong Yun gradually comprehends the importance of language for effective communication. He reckons: "if there is sufficient communication between the Westerners and Chinese, there would be a better understanding and fewer conflicts between us." Over his 6 years residing in Chengdu, Cong Yun finds that "Chengdu locals have an excellent understanding of humility," he stresses, "this 'humility' is not the kind of politeness like 'that's alright', or 'you're welcome'."



So, what is that "humility"? "When you consider the amount of things you know compared to the amount of things you don't know, which would you consider to be greater?", Cong Yun answers this question, "the humble Chengdu locals would say the latter, and so they really listen to other people. This kind of mentality promotes inclusiveness and peaceful relationships amongst people from different background."


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摘自《HELLO Chengdu》杂志

Excerpted from HELLO Chengdu magazine


By Lenore Liu


Edited by Junxian

