
在成都开家泰拳馆是种什么体验?| Hall's Muay Thai Club in Chengdu

成都发布 2020-08-23


Muay Thai is a sport known for its strength and agility. As the term "Thai" means "freedom and peace" in the Thai language, Muay Thai is also known as "free boxing". Centering on their feet, Muay Thai boxers spin their bodies and swing their limbs to attack opponents in the close hand-to-hand combat, and Muay Thai matches are therefore exceptionally intense. Today, Muay Thai has evolved into a worldwide fighting sport loved by people from all around the world. Today, I'm going to introduce Hall, a young Thai who runs a Muay Thai club in Chengdu.



In Thailand, Muay Thai gyms are everywhere. What's more, going to the gyms to watch the adrenalin-pumping boxing matches or practice the sport is part of the everyday life for many Thais. Today, such activities are also steadily being taken to by tourists to Thailand from different countries.


Hall, a young Thai, having spotted the business potential in the much-loved sport, introduces the Muay Thai club into Chengdu and hopes that Chengduers can experience the charm of original Muay Thai at their doorstep.


Hall, born in Rayong Thailand in 1990, came to Chengdu five years ago. He was attracted by this city which is as vibrant and friendly as cities of Thailand. He then decided to stay and started learning Chinese at Sichuan University. Soon, Hall discovered his business opportunity in Chengdu. He started a foreign trade company, specializing in exporting decoration materials made in China to Thai and importing small goods from Thai to China. However, Hall has had a passion for Muay Thai since he was young, and like many other Thai boys, watching Muay Thai matches was his favorite moments as a child. Having benefited from running his own business, Hall gets an idea: Is it possible to combine my interest with my career?

“实干派”的他立即行动,在成都朋友的热心帮忙下顺利办好了泰拳馆的开业手续。经过一系列前期筹备,2017年3月,他的泰拳馆正式开门迎客。拳馆面积近1000平方米,馆内分为擂台区、沙包练习区、洗浴区、泰拳用具售卖区等。Hall还从泰国请来两名专业拳手Kru Art、Kru Yok驻场,担任拳馆教练。请两位泰拳“大咖”到中国来,让Hall费了一番工夫:两位教练不仅食宿全包,薪资待遇自然比泰国国内更加丰厚。

Born a doer, he quickly went through the procedures to open his Muay Thai club with the kind help of his friends in Chengdu. After some preliminary preparations, the club officially opened for business in March 2017. The club covers an area of about 1000 square meters, and is divided into several areas, including a ring, a sandbag practice area, shower/changing rooms and a Muay Thai equipment shop. In addition, Hall has recruited two professional Muay Thai boxers, Kru Art and Kru Yok from Thailand to settle in his club as trainers. It takes a lot of efforts to persuade them to leave home and come to China to work for him. Of course, their treatment in Chengdu is nothing to be "trifled" with: Not only are the two trainers paid much higher than in Thailand, but are also provided with full board.

在泰拳馆的推广上,Hall也有自己的一套“经营哲学”。除到拳馆附近的住宅小区进行落地推广,在微信、微博等线上平台宣传外,Hall主导的泰拳秀频频亮相泰王国驻成都总领事馆举办的各种涉外活动,为泰拳馆集聚了不少人气。谈及开馆初衷,Hall说:“我想培养成都人,让他们去参加国际比赛。”而他所言绝非空谈,拳馆合伙人Pariyakorn Rattanasuban来自曼谷,是泰国著名泰拳赛事Onesongchai的发起人之一,目前他的同名公司已经培养出13名世界级的泰拳金腰带选手。

When it comes to marketing his Muay Thai club, Hall has his own set of operation philosophy. In addition to the publicity campaigns held in neighborhoods around the club and on social platforms such as Wechat and Weibo, Hall frequently stages Muay Thai show as the leading performer in the many publicity events held by the Thai Consulate General in Chengdu, attracting a lot of attention for his club. Speaking of his original intention of opening this club, Hall says: "I want to train Chengdu people and make them participate in international competitions." And he means what he says. Pariyakorn Rattanasurban from Bangkok, Hall's partner at the boxing club and one of the founders of the well-known Muay Thai event Onesongchai, has nurtured 13 Muay Thai boxing champions in the company.


Since its opening, Hall's boxing club has attracted dozens of regular trainees aged from 4 to 40, and there are even foreign students from Korea, Belgium, Britain and the US. They come here drawn by the charm of Muay Thai to experience fearlessly the thrill and satisfaction from intense combat practices like straight punch, elbowing, knee kick, and swinging kick. Hall has also retained many loyal clients thanks to his excellent bilingual fluency in both English and Chinese.


Hall says that practicing Muay Thai not only hones the coordination of all your muscles, but also enhances your cardiopulmonary function, reduces pressure, and helps you to lose weight; moreover, Muay Thai has very flexible moves that are suitable for close combat, and so ladies can also learn it to defend themselves.


Nowadays more and more foreigners have started their business in Chengdu. As one of the emigrants to Chengdu, Hall has mixed feelings: "Not only does Chengdu abound with many business opportunities, but also the Chengdu government has many favorable policies regarding employment and foreign startups." He also shares his experience and insights with his pals who have come to Chengdu for business or employment: "In Chengdu, some of them have become restaurant owners, some are chefs cooking delicious Thai food and some are working in airlines. All of us have found a sense of belonging here. "


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摘自《HELLO Chengdu》杂志

Excerpted from HELLO Chengdu magazine

撰稿| 陈思颖

By  Cheer Chan

摄影| 秦雁聆

 Photos by Carmen Qin

编辑| 北小花

Edited by Bei Xiaohua



