

sananda 2021-07-25

Sananda: How To Create Miracles Part 1

萨南达 20190510 如何创造奇迹-Ⅰ

Greetings beloved brothers & sisters,


It is now time for me to play a greater part in reminding you just how powerful you are, and showing you the next stepping stone, in your journey to reach the destination of: ultimate freedom to be your Self.


In my lifetime as Yeshua ben Yosef, believing in my own inherent God-powers, and fully understanding Oneness, came easily to me. I was privileged to be born to two awakened parents –something that rarely occurred, during that dark period of mankind’s history. My parents made sure (from an early age) to instill within me, only higher dimensional beliefs/programming that reflected our God-like nature. They also made sure to always talk to themselves and to everyone they encountered, in the language of God –the language your Higher Selves speak in (please read ‘The Cornucopia‘if you need a reminder), and they taught their children to do the same.


This means loved ones, creating an amazing life filled with miracles, ultimately depend only on the following:


You need to be fluently speaking the language of your Higher Self, 100% of the time, to both: self and others.


Yes, we have mentioned this frequently, for a reason. Some of you here may need the extra reminders from time to time. No more excuses, loved ones. It is time for the pendulum to stop swinging back and forth between your 3D & 5D selves depending on your mood/condition of the day. The physical manifestations of your desires had been inconsistent for exactly this reason alone. This inconsistency in the results you had been having thus far was caused by the inconsistency of: your methods and your ways of be-ing.


We understand that you are constantly changing and upgrading daily and thus may experience the various discomforts/ups & downs the Ascension process usually brings. However, helping all of you to master your mastery also means that we should not be coddling you –within this message that is part of Our higher-dimensional teaching series; specifically Light-coded/programmed for Mastery.


Some days you might be feeling good and thus, you could easily manifest your desires; but on other, not-so-good days, you might have begun to wonder if you are really as powerful as we kept saying you are. We can easily say that ‘you are so powerful beyond your current imaginations‘as often as you’d like us to say it, however we would prefer that you say, believe and choose to be so, right here, right now.


However, say for example if you are someone who is currently not ready for such a statement, or if you do not truly believe in this statement, or, if you do not make that statement your truth by practicing your mastery, or, if you choose instead to continuously succumb to your 3D programmings whenever you are faced with challenging circumstances, then there is no point.In this scenario, your active, deeply-ingrained programming language & all existing 3D filters in-place will continuously prevent you from experiencing a physical reality where thou art God.


Being told by someone (or by us, your higher dimensional friends) that you are God, is completely different from knowing it without a doubt and experiencing this Truth.


True learning can only be accomplished via personal, firsthand, life experiences. What worked, and what didn’t work. What caused your manifestations to speed up/slow down/stop. And such it was that you are currently learning the ropes to once again master your mastery in a brand new, higher-dimensional environment that you have not experienced ever since your past lifetime(s) in the Golden Age of Atlantis/Lemuria.


Adele had recently come to a powerful realization, that the process of creation & manifestation in a 3D environment is completely different from: the process of creation & manifestation in a 5D environment that Earth has now fully become!


Her process of realization can be likened to that of a PC-user who is proficient in the old, difficult-to-learn, plain-interfaced, MS-DOS operating system (that was mainstream in the 1980s, before Windows arrived).When the user decided to switch to a PC with the latest version of Windows, she then needs to learn how to operate her new PC. A PC that operates in a completely different, but easy-to-learn, graphical-user-interface environment that is Windows 10.


And what will happen in the following scenario if this PC user were to stubbornly insist on using her MS-DOS know-how on her brand new, Windows 10-system PC? Well, the answer is so simple; it will not work. Her efforts will be completely futile and she will probably be left feeling frustrated. She needs to adapt to the new, modern technology and learn new skills. Thankfully, the Windows operating environment is so easy to learn & get used to! All it takes is practice & exposure.


In much the same way, loved ones, you are at the moment facing a similar situation as the above PC user. You had been living in the 3D environment for so long, and thus, you are completely used to the rules of survival, or, the rules of creation/manifestation in the difficult, negative, fearful and lower-vibrational environment that used to be your planet Earth.


In that old, negatively-polarized environment, oftentimes ‘good’people suffered/died young, whilst wonderful things happened to ‘bad’people. St. Ambrose wrote the following phrase in the 4th century, ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’. This phrase accurately captured the need for you to adapt to the new environment you have found yourself in, in order for you to then thrivein that environment.Bad people thrived in a negatively-polarized world, and now that the rules of the game have changed, the same bad people (if they refuse to change their ways) will find it hard to survive/thrive/win ‘the game’in this 5D, positively-polarized operating system your planet has now adopted


That is why we (your higher-dimensional friends) know that individual Ascension in a negatively-polarized planet is thrice as challenging as individual Ascension in a positively-polarized planet.(If you ever had the thought that your current ascension process was too challenging, you may wish to, one day, try ascending in a different, negatively-polarized, non-Ascension Earth time period when there were not as many awakened souls as there are today! * laughed).


Souls who had successfully ascended to the higher dimensions during dark periods of Earth’s (or another planet’s) history are truly a rare find. After their success, Source (Father/Mother God) usually sent them on sacred missions to places/planets only when their assistance are needed. Many such souls have been tasked and chosen to return now, to help the human collective & Earth until such time their Higher Selves decide their missions have been successfully completed, and thus they are no longer needed here. Such souls are often called: ‘Source Souls’. Souls who have successfully completed their journey back to Source after many trials and tribulations. (If you feel so guided to know more about Source Souls, simply watch the following YouTube video titled ‘Part 6: Soul Origins & The 7 Rays of Light Series –7 Pools of Consciousness.


It is now time for you to completely abandon your old self once and for all. Stop fighting your God-Self within, and simply make a powerful intention daily to always be a living, walking demonstration of Christ consciousness and never look back! The battle between your 3D & 5D selves is over, as soon as you say that it is over, and decide to permanently walk away from the battlefield. What does this mean Sananda?


You have all heard of the following expression, ‘what you resist, persists’.Whenever your 3D self shows up to battle it out with you (by remaining stubborn to your old habits of fearful thoughts, words, feelings, deeds) and now that you have become your Higher Self, all you have to do is take a 5-minutes time out, take some deep breaths, re-align yourself with the God-Spark within and feel your infinite power, for you to then feel better and peaceful once again. When you have returned to your naturally harmonious state of being, no problems will ever be too big for you to solve. The battle will be over as soon as you return to the Harmony within. When you take these mini time-outs, minimum 3 times per day, simply observe how your life will change for the better soon after!


It is now time for all of you to stand tall in your Truth, and never waiver whenever you encounter/experience contrasts coming from people whose consciousness and vibrational frequencies are vastly different from yours. Just like it took time for you to get to where you are today, those people’s integration process with their own Higher Selves will take as long as required. Simply send them love, patience, peace, understanding and compassion, and hold the space for them to grow more spiritually-awakened.


For those of you here who are members of Adele’s groups, you have devotedly bathed your four lower bodies in the Seven Sacred Fires of God every day. And as a result, all of you had gone through a period of intense purification lately that was doing wonders in speeding up the energetic realignment process with the I AM within. For those of you who are not in one of her groups, if you haven’t been doing this, we would highly recommend to start doing this practice daily.

对于你们那些从属于管道团队的人,你一心一意地将你的四个较低身体每天都沐浴于七个神圣的火焰中。因此,你们都在最近经历了一个强烈净化的时期,这会加速与内在我是(I AM)重新对齐的进程。对于你们那些并不从属于管道团队的人,如果你还没有在这么做,我们高度建议你去开始每日练习

We can all clearly see the powerful outcomes coming from your devotion, even if you can’t see or, feel them just yet!Don’t give up half way, by perhaps thinking that the hard work you had done thus far has been a waste of time. Impatience is one of the greatest pitfalls faced by candidates of Ascension. Lee Carroll, (in one of his YouTube videos channeling Kryon) had also shared with many, that ‘to have patience’is one of the 5 main challenges Ascension aspirants must face.

我们都可以清晰地看到来自你献身的强大结果,即使你还无法看到,或,无法感到。不要半途而废,不要认为迄今为止你所做的辛苦工作都是在浪费时间。不耐烦是扬升候选人会面对的最大的陷阱之一。Lee Carroll(在他通灵的一个克里昂视频中)也与许多人分享了,“耐心”是想要扬升之人必须面对的5个主要挑战是一。

Humanity has been highly conditioned, or even ‘brainwashed’to have instant results, right now, by the many programming languages used in various marketing plans –eg. in your TV/radio advertisements, to get people to take action right now. Many people are conditioned to ‘work hard & stay busy’, and are (more often than not) in a rush to be somewhere; to do something; to be somebody. There is nothing wrong with that, except that for most of the times, they have forgotten the importance to simply be. They have forgotten the fine art of conscious living/deep breathing.They often forget to schedule in joy, in their daily activities that are focused mostly on paying the bills, or keeping up with mortgage repayments, and/or looking after their loved ones.


The human collective has been so conditioned to feel that time is ‘running out’if people don’t buy something the marketers want them to buy, right now.How their health, the quality of their life, their happiness, their wealth/assets can be affected if they don’t do what the marketers want them to do, right now. Have you noticed, loved ones, that the human collective has mastered fear & some even used the power of fear to their advantage, to influence people’s behavior? Your life, your entire world, is often exposed to the subtle, and not-so-subtle, language of: fear, lack, limitation and separation. Fear that time is running out. Fear that something may break down/that you may suffer a loss. Fear that if you don’t have whatever it is they are selling you, you will not be accepted/valued just for who you are.


Fear, fear, and more fear, is precisely the programming language un-awakened members of the Human Collective are highly fluent in.


The steps needed to permanently change this fear-based programming language is:


1) To know & believe that your own programming language will naturally change, the more fully integrated you have become with the I AM presence within.

1) 去明白和相信你自己的编程语言会自然改变,随着你与内在的我是存在更充分地整合

2) To understand and trust, that once you have begun this sacred journey of I AM integration, there is no turning back.The journey will take however long it needs to take, and just like when you driving a car on a journey to a specific destination located far far away, it is best to take with you a relaxed, tourist-like attitude, and take as much time-outs (rest stops) as needed! Enjoy the journey, the views and the people/friends that you make along the way.

2) 去理解和信任,一旦你开始这个整合我是的神圣之旅,就没有回头路。旅程会花费它所需的时长,就像你开车前往一个相当遥远的特定目的地,最好带上放松、旅游般的态度,需要多少暂停就进行多少暂停(休息站)!享受旅程、风景和遭遇的人/结交的朋友。

Please compare the above with a different version of the same journey. In this second version, you continuously kept asking your Higher Self, every day, questions such as these ‘Are we there yet? I have been on this journey for so long and it seems never-ending. Why have there been no results, no signs that things are improving in my life? How much longer will we have to wait, until we get there?


Loved ones, as much as we love you, please learn to love yourself more. You acting in this impatient manner, is hardly conducive to a relaxed, peaceful journey. You are putting pressure on yourself; pressure on any passenger who may have come along with you on that journey, and pressure on us –members of your spirit team (not that we ever minded being on the receiving end of this pressure). And when you stress yourself out in this way, let us ask you the following question: ‘Is what you are doing, an act of self-love, or the opposite?Is your impatience the trait of your Higher Self, or your old, 3D self?‘


Patience is one the characteristics a chela must possess, in order to successfully ascend.(A word of sanskrit origins –a chela is a dedicated student of Ascension. A devoted student to the Ascended Masters).


3) Know that there is always ENOUGH TIME for anything and everything under the sky.

3) 知晓总是有着足够的时间去做任何事情

Questions such as these: ‘My Higher Self, I am now 50/60/70 years old now. Will I make it to my destination in time? Will I truly successfully ascend in this lifetime?’serve to further demonstrate your deep 3D programming that you are ‘running out of time’. That you don’t really believe that your physical body is changing to be a crystalline-based, light-er body right now, or, that you don’t really believe that some of you here have successfully stopped the aging process and even begun to reverse it completely.


4) Practice operating always from the NOW moment where the Present and Future have been fused into ONE.


Whenever you are feeling impatient, know without a doubt that it is always due to the following reason: you are not acting like your multidimensional Higher Self. You have gone out of alignment, and you then need to do whatever it takes to return to perfect alignment with the I AM within.


Remember dear ones, your I AM always operates within the zone of ZERO SEPARATION between your present-selves/present-realities, and your future-selves/future-realities. And you need to return, or, to learn how to always remain within this zero point field of NO TIME.


Ask your Higher Self to give you the gift of: real-life experience, by showing you exactly how it feels like, to walk through life with your state of be-ing powerfully set within this zero point field.A preview; or a snapshot, to give you a taste of how it feels to be a fifth-dimensional human being, operating in a fifth dimensional environment. Adele had experienced a few of these blissful days lately, and you can have similar experiences too –all you have to do is simply ask. If you wish, your Higher Self will also show you how to remain there always.


For those of you here who have continued to walk this ascension path with faith, perseverance, patience and occasionally even with joy, the time has come for you to remember how to easily create miracles from this moment onward.


Rejoice, loved ones, for the Kingdom of Heaven/Harmony is now here, and just like the mythical phoenix bird, you are now ready to rise from the ashes of your old, 3D self (that has been completely consumed by the 7 Sacred Flames of God), to once again be reborn anew as an upgraded, 5D ‘phoenix bird’that is ready to fly and master the skies.


Earth has now become completely positively-polarized as mentioned before, and thus, if you are walking through life by staying authentic, loving, peaceful, joyful, and in a constant state of Oneness with All, (i.e. by always staying within the zero point field), trust us when we say that Heaven will naturally be manifested in your physical reality.


Heaven is a place where miracles abound.Heaven is a place where you are the creators of your own miracles. Heaven is a place where victimhood mentality does not exist. It is also a place where you are all powerful Creators in your own right; constantly in the process of co-creating as God and with God.


Beloved friends, Heaven has always been on Earth and can be found within yourself. This is not a cliché; it is a statement of the highest Truth.


The following are the 5 fundamental rules; the 5 precepts to creating miracles in your life. Each one is equally as important as the other, and all of them are pre-requisites to your mastering the Art of Precipitation, and later on, mastering the Art of Etherealization –i.e. Mastering Your Magic!


Rule No. 1: Harmony/Peace.


One cannot create miracles when one’s entire being is in a state of disharmony.


Your mind, body and spirit must remain at peace, no matter what life throws at you, in order to continuously create and experience miracles. Mastering the fine art of sustained peace is something that most of you here are getting plenty of practice right now. The kingdom of Heaven is also known as the Kingdom of Harmony.


One’s energies must always be used in a harmonious manner with the energies of All in creation, in order to create & manifest that which one greatly desires to have/experience in life.


To put it simply, the powerful process of creation begins only with the complete acceptance of who,what and where you are right now. You must be at peace with who you are, what you are and where you are right now, so that you can then, peacefully, harmoniously, set your inner GPS for the next ‘goal/desire/destination’of who, what, and where you will be next. This is the true meaning of ‘All is always well, and life is constantly changing; creating itself anew‘. God is Creator of All That Is. What does a creator do? A creator is always creating something new. This means that creation/manifestation is so natural and inherent within us; and what we create, defines who we are.


Your God Self- who is always in the state of expansion and creation; who completely understands that nothing is ever lacking and that there is only the desire to expand & create something new –simply creates. Your Higher Self will always begin/start the act of Creation, from a state of Love, Oneness, Harmony and Joy, with Expansion and Growth as its only purpose.


One cannot create miracles from a state of Lack. Your Higher Self always has direct access to the unlimited abundance of Raw Energy (also known as Electron-ic Light Substance) that is Source. And She/He can easily transform this raw energy into matter; into anything you need, anytime (with your readiness & collaboration).


Recognize, feel and acknowledge that all is well with you/with your life right now. Nothing is ever truly lacking.


Once you have: mastered Harmony with your entire way of be-ing, and fully embedded the belief within you, that you have everything you want/ever need and nothing is ever lacking, that is when miracles big & small can be easily manifested. That is when you have successfully become the ultimate conductor, leading the Universe, to orchestrate/wield the Raw Energies of Source into a beautiful symphony of never-ending miracles.


If the experience of lack is God’s will for Mankind, then it will forever be held in place by Divine Law, unable to be changed.As you can see for yourself, there are a lot of people out there who have no problem attracting positive abundance into their lives (e.g. wealth, health, love, friendships, etc.). So the questions become, ‘are you allowing abundance into your life, or are you (subconsciously) blocking it?‘ ‘Do you perhaps feel more comfortable living in a state of lack, maybe because that is all you have ever known?‘


Whenever you feel lack (in one or more aspects of your life), what you are actually doing is that, you are living your life in a state of disharmony. For example, if you are experiencing lack in the area of financial abundance, you are not living in harmony with the energies of wealth & prosperity. Most importantly, this goes to show that you are not in harmony (in alignment) with your Higher Self.


You are where you are today because of all your past choices; and even if you were to refuse to admit this to yourself, this is nothing but the truth. If there is something about you/your life right now that you do not enjoy, the way to Harmony/Peace is through admitting to yourself, that on a higher level, you had deliberately created that contrast so you can experience it. In other words, you are where you are right now, because at one point in your life, you had consciously or subconsciously created that experience. And now, you are hopefully feeling more ready to move on, to choose differently, and to create a new experience.


Adele had come to a powerful realization recently, through actual life experience, that any negative feeling such as: desperation, impatience, frustration, anger etc. will only serve to slow down, and eventually stop the process of creation on its tracks.Prolonged negativity will even reverse your creation process, by undoing everything you have been working so hard for and, by attracting to you more of what you do not desire to have in life. Is this what you truly wish for yourself, loved ones?


Please remember, whenever you are feeling desperate, or impatient, to have/to experience something, what you are actually doing is reaffirming to yourself, that you do not yet have what you want.


And by now all of you, students of Life/Spiritual Mastery, should clearly know that to manifest your desire, you must feel as though you already have what you want, right here, right now.


Desperation or impatience powerfully pushes away your dreams.


Love, joy, gratitude and excitement pull your dreams to you at magnificent speed.


In other words, the very first step; the very foundation to creating a life filled with miracles, requires you to be at peace and harmonious, no matter what. The peace that carries within it, a certain degree of detachment to your desired outcomes. This detachment comes from your complete surrender to the will of God, and complete trust in the Divine that is within you/all.


Rule No. 2: Oneness/Unity with ALL That Was, Is, and Will Be.


When creating a life filled with miracles, one is required to be and to act in oneness with ALL that is in existence, including oneness with Time itself.


Everything that you can see, hear, touch, smell and even that which is invisible to your senses are: GOD. God is Energy. Energy particles are everywhere and nowhere. For those of you here who desire to master the magical art of conscious creation, i.e. to master the use of Life Force Energy that is Source, you must first elevate your consciousness and understanding to a level where you can always feel (with every fiber of your being and every cell of your body) that you are one with God. And ONE with all of Creation.


And with oneness, understanding will soon come that what you did or, didn’t do to/for others (e.g. fellow humans, animals, trees, the planet), you did/didn’t do to yourself. And thus, one must make a powerful intention to always think, say, feel and act for the higher good of self and ALL. Or, in other words, never do harm to any living being and live your daily life by always staying connected with your powerful heart (the center/source of all your God-given powers). In my lifetime as Yeshua, to teach the concept of oneness, I used the following words in one of my many sermons to the masses: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you‘.


Once you have mastered oneness, Ascended Master Merlin or, your own Higher Self, can be called upon for assistance, to help you master the elements: water, air, earth and fire. You will learn how to wield the raw, ever-present, Life Force/Source energies in the Universe, to then command these energies to take the shape of anything that you wish to precipitate. Doing this, i.e. creating what many of you classify as miracles today, will one day become second nature and commonplace to you.


You can master oneness, by deciding right now, to once again be able to powerfully feel the energies that completely surround you.Decide right now, if you wish, to be someone who is extremely sensitive to energy frequencies/vibrations, so that you can then become master of Life Force energies. All of you here are naturally sensitive to some degree –loving, compassionate souls always are. In this case, your next step to create miracles, is by increasing the level of your energy sensitivity to the same level as that of an energy worker’s, sooner rather than later. Everyone will be by definition, energy workers, within the next 20-100 years. Your society is rapidly changing every day, to become one that will one day achieve mastery over energy.


A 5th dimensional planet occupied by a 5th dimensional society/civilization, is a planet that is filled with embodied souls who have become Masters of Source Energy. If/when you are ready, simply ask your Higher Self for guidance as to how you can gradually and safely increase your energy sensitivity.


However loved ones, just like with every action there is a reaction, simply be aware that with every power given to you, a great responsibility also comes along with it. There will be a learning curve; a period of adjustments, until you are ready to be as sensitive as you need to be, in order to fully embrace your powerful, magical, Alchemist-Selves.


Rule No. 3: One must always live within the ‘Zero Point Field’, or Zero Point Consciousness, where there is only NOW.Past and future do not exist.


This rule is perhaps easy to understand, but to successfully achieve this state of consciousness, can be very challenging to do (for most of you here, in the present moment of time when this message was written).


For you to live within the zero point field, is for you to be and act as the powerful, multidimensional, luminous Light-being you truly are. A being who operates outside of ALL constraints and limitations, and outside of the lower dimensional frameworks of Time.


Now do you understand why we think it is the most challenging rule for you to achieve? The majority of you reading this today, still operates within the limitations of Time because it is the very foundation of how your society works right now.


The question now becomes: ‘How can we (your higher dimensional friends) effectively teach all of you here –who are still so powerfully bound to the extremely limiting frameworks of Time –how to live/operate from the Zero Point Field of NO Time?


Like we had earlier stated, the best, most effective teacher comes from real life experiences. In your every waking moment, your Higher Self will constantly pull you back, into the NOW. Whenever you are worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet, you are fearful about the future and thus not living in the NOW. Your Higher Self will realign you back to NOW. Whenever you are reminiscing about the past, or feeling emotionally distraught by something that had occurred in the past (that by now you should have already let go of), you are once again not living in the NOW. Your Higher Self will realign you back to NOW.


This will keep happening, more and more often from now on, and your Higher Self will keep doing it for you, until you finally learn one day, how to always stay in the NOW, no matter what.When you are fully present, fully anchored/grounded in the moment of NOW, (instead of in the past or future), you will be able to easily access the wondrous feeling, and the crystal-clear knowing that: All is well, and will always be well. Love is all there is. I AM. This is known as the ‘Purest State of Creation’. This is the Beginning and The End. Life everlasting eternally. Know that when you are able to successfully feel this, you have gained entrance to the zero point field of Mastery over your Matrix, Mastery over Energy; Mastery over all of Creation.

这会不断发生,从现在起更频繁,你的更高自我会不断为你去这么做,直到你有一天终于学会,如何总是处于当下,无论发生什么。当你完全存在、完全锚定/稳固于当下时刻(而不是在过去或未来),你就能够轻易访问奇妙的感受、水晶般通彻的知晓:一切都好,总是如此。爱就是一切。我是(I AM)。这被称为“创造最纯粹的状态”。这是开始和结束。生命永恒。知晓,当你能够成功感到这些,你已经到达了精通矩阵、精通能量、精通所有造物的零点场域的入口

Rule No. 4: One must know that one IS Love. One must know that one is Loved. One must know that LOVE is all there is. One must also commit to be the Love within, in every moment without exceptions.


Most of you here know that Love is the Cohesive Life-Force Energy that is binding all in Creation together. In every item that you can see, touch, feel, eat, hear, sense, there exists the Pink Flame of Unconditional Love that can be found within the core of its being. Love is truly the glue that binds everything together. That sounds like a clichéwe know, but we are in fact talking about energy here.


Without Love at its core, everything that has been physically created in your reality will cease to be. It will once again return to the raw energy of Source, awaiting the next moment of Creation by the God-Self of all embodied souls. Love is all there is. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. This message has been delivered to humanity often, throughout the fabric of time, through our many Love-Light, Light-Love Messengers of the Divine, because this is truly the most important KEY to Creation.


Start by imbuing everything that which you wish to create with this most important ingredient.If you are a chef wanting to cook a meal, for the meal to be successful, all the ingredients to your delicious recipes must be present. In the Art of Co-Creation with God, Love is the energy that sustains and feeds that which you wish to create.


In other words dear friends, if you wish to successfully create anything, you must do it out of love. And never do it out of fear, lack, separation, or obligation.


For example, to create more money, more wealth & prosperity in your life, you need to love money. You need to be loving friends with money. You cannot scorn someone who loves money, nor adopt a ‘holier than thou’attitude on people who have money/those who enjoy making money. Another example, if you wish to enjoy a healthy body, you need to love your body inside out. When you look at yourself in the mirror, there must be zero criticism, zero anger/judgmental thoughts about your body, your health, how you look, etc. You must always communicate with your body, using the language of love. When you say ‘I love you’to your body often and when you send that love to every single cell of every single organ, you are in fact giving your body the ‘fuel’that rejuvenates the body part(s) you need to heal! You give your body access to the limitless power of Love, to heal itself from any health condition your consciousness has adopted after many years of living on Earth.


It is time for you to be the Love that you truly are, in your every thought, word, feeling and action/deed.

是时候去成为你真正所是的爱,在你的每一个想法、话语、感受 、行为/行动中

Realize that you are powerful energy beings.Every invested thought is energy. Every word is made up of powerful energies. Never waste the spoken word. Learn to speak carefully; fully realizing the weight and power of your words. Every radiated feeling is energy. Every single deed you do, is your energies being put into action. One day, when you have successfully learnt to power up your energy system with overflowing Love, and use Love as your only Fuel, trust me when I say, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth will become completely yours to command. That is when you will know experientially, that thou art God.


Rule No. 5: The Holy Trinity of: Acceptance, Gratitude and Joy.


This last rule is quite simple.


Acceptance of your Divine Birthright, as God, is needed to co-create miracles.


Gratitude is another important ingredient, to be given to God –the Source of All in Creation. Gratitude for what is about to be created, provided, or given to you, in this act of Creation you are about to do.


Joy is a crucial ingredient that keeps the passion of Creation alive! When you infuse your Creations with the energy of Joy, you will attract to you more and more reasons to be grateful, to be alive, to be more joyful about. Joy should truly be the only reason why you do anything from now on. Creating a life filled with miracles requires you to remain joyful and be 100% present in life. Joy is also the secret to having a physical body that never ages/decays. The energy of JOY functions as a different type of fuel needed in the Art of Creation (we had already explained earlier that Love is the primary fuel), that will speed up/accelerate your Creative process!


Whenever I, as Yeshua, was in the process of creating any miracle (such as turning water into wine, healing people, having control over Mother Nature, or, resurrecting the dead), all 5 of these fundamental rules/precepts were always present, without fail.All 5 are equally important and they are all inter-connected.


The question now becomes, which one(s) out of the 5 do you think you need to improve on the most? Or do you perhaps feel that you have mastered them all? If so, you will then be ready for the tests/the challenges that your Higher Self will send your way, to show you how much you have grown, and how much you have got left to go, to master your Mastery.


Many things revealed here in today’s message are not new to you. In fact, some of you here who are our devoted chelas, you have come a long way in understanding all of these, and applying them daily in your life. Keep walking straight ahead, loved ones, fully focused on your goal of full integration with Higher Self. Always by following your own guidance coming from within your heart. When you do this, embodying the 5 fundamental rules/precepts explained above, will become so easy, so second nature.


We will continue this message at a later date, to give all of you here some time to fully understand and fully integrate with the Light-Love and Love-Light energies powerfully infused in every single word of this message.


Loving you always beyond measure,Sananda.



通灵:Adele Arini

翻译:Nick Chan


Sananda: How to create miracles part 2

萨南达 20190624 如何创造奇迹-Ⅱ

Sananda speaks:


“Greetings beloved friends,


The time has come for us to continue our higher dimensional teaching series, designed to help you master your Mastery. All the 7 Precepts we had discussed in Part 1 (the 5th Precept encompassed the following three attributes: Acceptance(5), Gratitude(6) and Joy(7)) are essential in your ascension journey to fully become Master and Architect of the Matrix.


(^_^ Rule No. 1: Master Harmony/Peace


Rule No. 2: Oneness/Unity with ALL That Was, Is, and Will Be.

Master the magical art of conscious creation, i.e. to master the use of Life Force Energy that is Source, always feel (with every fiber of your being and every cell of your body) that you are one with God. And ONE with all of Creation.


Rule No. 3: Live within the ‘Zero Point Field’, or Zero Point Consciousness, NOW. Be and act as the powerful, multidimensional, luminous Light-being you truly are. Master the elements: water, air, earth and fire.


Rule No. 4: One IS Love. one is Loved. LOVE is all there is. Be the Love within.


Rule No. 5: The Holy Trinity of: Acceptance(5), Gratitude(6) and Joy(7).


Humanity had used many different labels to describe souls who had successfully attained this Christ-Creator Level.


Those in the spiritual circle called these souls: Ascended Masters; others called them Master Alchemists, Master Magicians/Wizards/Witches. Those in the religious communities called them: Saints/Prophets/Gurus.


In the ancient past, these evolved souls were often called Gods/Goddesses by people who worshiped them, i.e. by those who had forgotten their own Sovereignty/Divinity. Some of these higher-dimensional beings (who happened to appear/disappear whenever necessary, whilst on a mission to assist humanity) were also called angels.


This tendency; this third dimensional habit of using those labels to put highly-evolved, higher dimensional beings on a pedestal, or, in a ‘special’category, to indicate their seemingly higher status above yourselves must stop now. This type of supplicant behavior, is a clear denial of your powerful God-Selves; your Sovereignty as someone who is equally capable of creating any miracle that you can think of, without limits. And when you label/point at a specific Light-Being as God, and not label/point towards yourself as the same God, you are actually sending a powerful, crystal-clear message to your Matrix.


What kind of powerful message you might ask?You are practically telling yourself; telling the powerful Matrix that surrounds ALL who inhabit the physical universe, that you are not powerful. That you are often a helpless victim, to those who are seemingly ‘higher’or, better than you. That you are weaker than them; less capable than them. That life is not under your control –i.e. life happens To you, instead of, created By you.


This powerful denial/false belief will then provide you with plenty of leeway to then blame those ‘higher-ups’whenever something happens in your life that is not to your liking. After all, it is a lot easier to blame God; to blame your spirit team, Higher Self, the people around you or the world, if something ‘wrong’happens to you, or, if what you wish for has not appeared in your life.


We have heard many similar prayers such as this, for eons:


‘I have been praying for a miracle for a long time now, why is it still not appearing in my life? What’s causing the hold up? God, my Higher Self, my team, do you not love me enough to give me what I have greatly desired? Why did you let that happen to me?‘


Many of you here who have been on this ascension journey for quite awhile are well on your way to permanently eliminate this dis-empowering 3D habit, once and for all. But once in awhile, it can be more comfortable to walk around as your 3D-self, rather than as your uncomfortable 5D-Self.Sometimes it feels cozier to wear old, worn-out clothes more often than shiny, brand new clothes which at the moment, you feel they don’t fit quite well, or that you are not used to wearing just yet.


As a result of your discomfort, many of you have continued up to this day, to send mixed signals to: your matrix/the Universe.The signals sometimes said: ‘Yes, I know and believe that I am as powerful as God/Source is’. At other times, (especially when you were feeling: low/powerless/impatient/desperate), you might have completely forgotten to think/say/feel/act like the powerful, loving and harmonious God that you truly are.


And in that moment when you had forgotten who you truly are, you were very effectively sending signals to your Matrix/the Universe that contradicted your inner knowing/belief in your: Divinity and Infinite Power (that is yours to command by birthright as God). You were back to (habitually perhaps) programming your Matrix once again with the 3D language of: fear, scarcity, disharmony, separation and dis-ease.


Loved ones, how much longer are you going to let your circumstances dictate what you think/say/feel/do to yourself or to others? It is now past time for all of you to learn how to be accountable for your day-to-day vibrations.


If mastery is your goal, then you should actively choose Peace/Harmony in all of your interactions with the world around you –so as not to create more Karma for yourself that will then become obstacles to your path of Life/Self Mastery. (Remember the channeled message ‘Right Vs. Wrong –Who Decides?’from Portia & Pallas Athena, stating the importance of complete adherence to Divine Cosmic Laws, in order for all chelas to successfully ascend to higher dimensional playgrounds).


Therefore if Mastery is your goal, you must learn to always choose the higher vibrations of: Love, Joy, Harmony and Gratitude, until they become second nature to you. Until you proactively choose only these higher vibrations, instead of constantly being reactive/feeling triggered by the many challenges you face in life.


Let us now use a car as metaphor for your life.This motor vehicle (that symbolized your physical body; the vessel and sacred temple of your God-Self) is none other than you. You are (hopefully) sitting at the driver’s seat with the steering wheel at the ready –symbolizing the car is under your control.


How long you and your car will take to reach your desired destinations (i.e. how fast your goals/dreams are manifested) will depend on several factors:


1) Who is driving your car (i.e. your life)?


Is it truly you doing the driving, or, are you feeling as though you had oftentimes lost control of your life? Are your parents, your loved ones, your finances or the world, currently dictating where you are headed –by driving your car for you?


2) What is the condition of your car/your physical body?

2) 你的汽车/物理身体的状况怎么样?

How often is it serviced and how well is it lovingly maintained? Do you fuel your car with premium petrol (i.e. do you give your physical body high vibrational foods/drinks to keep it at optimum condition?) or, do you always give your car junk, cheap/old fuels with zero vitality? Do you habitually push your car/physical body to the limits often, by driving non-stop without regular maintenance? Or, do you take the time to have plenty of rest at regular intervals, for check-ups and recharging activities?


Remember loved ones, just like many of you here looked after your cars really well (since your life depends on it when driving), you now also need to learn to love your physical body as well. When you powerfully use love as the fuel to run the ‘engines’of your physical body, vitality, perfect health and even immortality are easy to achieve.


Your car’s parts will eventually malfunction without regular, loving automotive maintenance.


In much the same way, the original design;the Divine blueprint God has created for the human body is for it to last forever and never decay/age. If someone were to die from illness, disease, or old age, suffice it to say that (most of the time) it was due to non-adherence to the Cosmic Laws of Harmony, Karma, Love and Energy –the Divine Laws that govern all physically-embodied souls. This person’s consciousness had adopted lower-vibrational beliefs foreign to the God-Self personality within him/herself, which then led to eventual decay and death of the physical body.


3) How expertly are you driving your car/your life?

3) 你有多熟练地在驾驶你的汽车/生活?

For example, do you follow the directions coming from a 3D-GPS that represents the voice of your old, fearful, little-self, or, do you follow the directions coming from a 5D-GPS? The voice coming from this 5D-GPS will be that of your Higher Self’s. Your Higher Self will choose routes/life paths aimed to assist in your growth and expansion; encouraging you to go outside all comfort zones and all 3D-prisons of your own making; always creating yourself anew whilst at the same time integrating all Past, Present & Future aspects of yourself –with Ascension as the Ultimate Goal.


Dear friends, would you consider yourself to be an expert driver? Do you drive fairly smoothly –by faithfully trusting your 5D-GPS? Or, are you constantly self-sabotaging your journey by often applying the brakes unnecessarily (perhaps out of fear/low confidence in your driving abilities, i.e. in your natural, God-given manifestation abilities)?


Whenever you are loudly broadcasting the 3D programming language of: fear, lack and separation, you are in fact putting your foot on the brake –stopping your car’s journey;i.e. stopping the momentum of the physical manifestations of your dreams/desires. If you keep applying the brakes (or, if the pendulum of your daily vibrations kept swinging back & forth from 3D to 5D often) when are you ever going to reach your destination, loved ones? No one but yourself, is stopping/slowing down the manifestations of your desires.


Prolonged broadcast of negative signals coming from your thoughts, words, feelings and actions will ultimately produce in your reality (in your car’s journey) that which you do not wish to have/experience in life. Your cells are always listening. Your own DNA acts like powerful radio receivers/transmitters; constantly broadcasting signals to the Matrix/Universe that consist of: all positive and negative thoughts, words, feelings.


The signals that you send out will soon become the life experiences that you receive, with precise, mathematical accuracy.


The physical Universe has been perfectly designed to obey the precise commands coming from all Source-Beings living in it; coming from the energetic signals that you/everyone transmits externally, out into the world at large. In other words dear friends, all you have to do now, to be able to create any miracle, is to practice broadcasting only positive signals that are completely focused on what you want.


Simple, isn’t it?


It is perhaps easier for you to imagine the entire Universe is listening to you, just like an impartial Genie would.Always obeying all of your commands, giving you everything that you had asked for, according to your most dominant(positive/negative) vibrations.


Remember that accountability is the key here. For you to be: a powerful Creator; a Manifestor of the highest level; God-in-action, you must have a powerful desire to release ALL resistance to the God-Self within.


In other words, from now on you have to be fully responsible and accountable for your daily vibrations; for your ways of Be-ing, no matter what triggers/provocations/challenges you may encounter in the future.


It is time to choose to express harmonious, peaceful and loving thoughts, words, feelings and actions –that demonstrate your Unity/Oneness with the collective energies of ALL-THAT-IS in existence. Decide right now, loved ones, to choose whether to react: as God, or, as a hapless victim, in the face of all present/future life challenges that you have consciously/subconsciously created for yourselves –to help you master your mastery.


The depth of your passion and desire to permanently be the God that you have always been within, will be the deciding factors that will influence the speed of your I AM-integration process.

“去永久地成为你总是所是的神”的热情和渴望的深度,会是影响你“我是(I AM)-整合”进程速度的决定性因素

If your desire to: outwardly express your Godliness and truly be the living God in embodiment, is lukewarm, then your integration process will be equally as lukewarm/slow in its manifestation.


However, if you are passionate about becoming your God-Self now and are completely devoted in this sacred cause by staying highly disciplined with your daily practices (e.g. using Invocations, Decrees, Mantras, Meditation etc. to purify your consciousness from the inside out), then you will soon return to be the blazing, bright Light of God you have always been, before false 3D consciousness took over, interfered and covered your Light (just like clouds in the sky can temporarily block out the powerful sun).


Why do you think saints, angels, or ascended masters are often depicted in images surrounded by Light (eg. with a halo around their heads)? During their lifetimes, oftentimes the Light of God-Self within them became easily visible for all to see; usually after years of daily devotional, higher-vibrational practices.


When your desire to be and act as our loving, benevolent Father/Mother God is strong, the Universe will orchestrate behind the scenes many things/people/circumstances to give you plenty of opportunities to rise above all challenges; to practise being your God-Self in action. Think of these Mastery tests as fun, no matter how difficult it is to accept such a concept –because what you think and believe, you instantly become. If you think those challenges are fun, they are. If you think they are too hard, and so they are.


Many teachers we had sent among you, to teach humanity the concept of: You become what you think, believe and feel about. No more needs to be said about this concept here; as a small reminder is all that is needed in this moment.


And if you ever wonder why we make the final phase of your I-AM integration process so highly challenging, the answer is quite simple.For you to be able to act like God –i.e. enjoying full access to the presently incomprehensible, immense powers at your disposal –first you need to become someone who can be completely trusted with these Godlike-powers.

如果你想知道为什么我们值得你“我是(I AM)整合”进程的最终阶段高度具有挑战性,答案很简单。因为要能够像神一样行为---也就是,享受完全使用目前来说难以理解的、巨大的力量---首先你需要成为能够被托付这些神一般力量的人

You need to genuinely and permanently become a person with a pure, loving and compassionate heart; someone who has the higher good of ALL as their only focus and top priority; someone who has successfully passed all the mastery tests we send their way. In other words, to be able to completely master Source Energy, master the Universe, and master the Matrix, you first need to successfully demonstrate your Godlike attributes/characteristics whenever challenges arise.


This is to prevent younger, immature, negatively-polarized, or, service-to-self souls from possessing complete command/control over all of Creation –to the detriment of many embodied souls.


When you have consistently proven that you have become someone who always acts in loving Oneness and Harmony with ALL-THAT-IS, that is when you will find that you have the entire Universe at your command.


The ever-present raw energies of Source, infinitely abundant in the Universe, are constantly at the ready to shape themselves into whatever forms, the ‘I AM’desires to create next.


4) How well do you know your road rules?


The laws and regulations of the land;the environment in which you have found yourself in? For example, if you live in one country and you intend to drive all the way to a different country (for over there lies your final destination) –do the 2 countries have the same, or, different driving laws/regulations? If different, what do you need to do, to adhere to the laws of both countries? Do you need a new, international driving permit, or, do you perhaps need to gain more driving experiences/upgrade your skills (e.g. by learning to drive on both the left & right sides of the road)?


In much the same way, for you to master the fifth-dimensional environment your planet has now become, you first need to learn the ‘lay of the land’. Adjust your modus operandi to the Laws of the 5D-OS (operating system) so that you can easily thrive within this ‘new’higher-vibrational playground you have found yourselves in. Those who refuse to do so, and stubbornly cling onto their old, 3D ways of serving self rather than serving ALL, will soon find themselves in ‘hot water’.


The world is changing, loved ones. Non heart-based actions/activities that used to be acceptable to society will soon become completely unacceptable –as many awakened souls are now recognizing the Love & Harmony that are their True Nature (successfully found within themselves) and have no problem expressing these externally, for the Higher Good of All.


‘For the Higher Good of All‘will be the motto; the only rule to live by, on 5D-Earth. The time has now come for you to make a strong intention to abide by Divine Cosmic Laws, in all of your interactions with the world. When you are always harmonious with those Laws, you are undoubtedly serving the higher good of all in your ways of be-ing –thus demonstrating your Mastery.


And when your Higher Self can see many evidences of you having mastered your Mastery –by always choosing to react with Peace, Love, Joy, Unity and Abundance no matter what –your I AM will reward you with ‘hard’-earned God powers by granting you permanent access to the Zero Point Field;the vortex of co-creation with God, and, as God.

当你更高的自我可以看到你已经“精通你的精通”的许多证据---通过总是选择伴随着平和、喜悦、爱、统一和丰盛回应,无论发生什么---你的我是(I AM)会奖励你“难以”获得的神之力量,通过让你永远能够访问零点场域;与神共同创造的漩涡,像神一样

Inside this vortex, just like Neo (Matrix Trilogy movies), you will become Master and Architect of your Matrix. Just like the master potter can expertly shape his clay to assume any form he wants –the clay remaining compliant and pliable to the image/vision the Master has in mind for it –so will you have the infinite, Electron-ic Light Substance of Source at your disposal. To be wielded, shaped into whatever form you wish; and used for whatever purpose as set by you.


The fantasy, magical genre in your books/movies is a popular one on your planet due to one reason alone. Think how popular the Harry Potter series was, during its heyday. At the core of your Collective and Individual Consciousness, stored within everyone’s God-DNA, (often labeled as ‘junk’DNA by many scientists in the not-so-distant past) therein lies the memory codes; the inner-knowing, of the immense powers you hold within.


Children are naturally more attracted to all things magical, since they are closest (in terms of age) to Source. They can more readily believe in their ‘magical powers’before the world ‘beats it out of them’figuratively speaking. For as soon as the children grow up, 3D mainstream-conditioning coming from society states that ‘magic is pure fantasy’. It is only useful for entertainment purposes and nothing else.


Let us now compare this to the education of children within higher dimensional civilizations such as the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Venusians, etc. in your galaxy alone.The children from these races of beings are trained and highly conditioned to believe in their own greatness; in the magnificent power of their thoughts, words and emotions as tools of Creation –ever since the day they were born. These children are also taught how to put into practical application, the seemingly abstract concepts of: Oneness, Freedom, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Abundance and Harmony, straight from the ‘kindergarten phase, primary and secondary school all the way to college/university phase’ –to use Earth-based educational expressions to express these children’s coming of age; their graduation into society as adults.


Your galactic family will soon render assistance (led by your Lemurian brothers and sisters in Telos) to share their knowledge/experience only with those who genuinely wish to learn how to transform all aspects of your society into a fifth dimensional society –one with Love, Harmony, Abundance and Unity at its Core.


Let us now return to the topic of how to master your Creation/Manifestation process, to the Ascended Master, Christ-Creator Level.


First and foremost, it is time for all of you to realize that the phrase ‘creating miracles’is actually oxymoronic. There is no such activity in higher dimensional civilizations. The word ‘miracle’itself, is in fact often: non-existent, foreign, or archaic (rarely used) in their native languages. To them, miracles are simply natural byproducts of their higher ways of being. What many of you would consider as miracles here on present-day Earth, are in fact their regular, day-to-day, ‘normal’activities.


And thus, the two words: ‘creating‘and ‘miracles‘are vibrationally, or, energetically contradicting one another.


For one cannot actually create something when one fully believes and feels that it cannot be created easily, or, that it doesn’t happen often in life.


Extraordinary events are often categorized as miracles, because they are usually considered difficult to create/obtain/experience in life (i.e. these phenomena have not become the norm). For example, when a person is sick with a life-threatening disease, their loved ones often pray for a miracle to occur. Or, when a person is heavily drowning in debts, he often prays for a financial miracle of any kind to help him out of that challenging situation.


A dictionary defines the word ‘miracle‘as follows: an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.


It is crucial for all of you to change your perspectives; your beliefs and ways of thinking now. You need to believe in your own magic; in your own powers and majesty. Neo became Master of the Matrix because he finally believed. At first he was in denial that he was ‘The One’but when push came to shove, he simply decided to abandon all that he used to be. Once and for all, he surrendered to become all that he was meant to be, by believing in himself and by believing in his own powers and abilities. In other words, he fully embraced his destiny.


Are you now ready to embrace your destiny and once again feel free to express your true, divine nature as a powerful God/Goddess –loved ones?


You are now facing another crossroad;about to decide which life path to choose from, out of the 2 available routes as shown below. The path to the left, labeled as ‘God’definitely is an accelerated path that will assist you to become your God-Self in action, sooner rather than later. The path to the right, labeled with a question mark, symbolizes the ‘scenic’route; the longer, slower path that will eventually take you to the same destination, some day, in a more distant future.


The majority of you reading Our messages here belong to a group of souls who would eagerly choose the path to the left; the one labeled as God. You are passionate about life mastery and Ascension, and are willing to do whatever it takes, each day, to fully integrate with your God-Self within. You possess a strong desire to shine your Light brightly and strive to lead by personal example.


To all our chelas in this group of souls, the following is Our Collective message for you:


Your wishes have been heard, loved ones. The challenges you are facing right now are nothing when compared with the magnificence of your Higher Self –they are but pebbles in the road; ones that you can easily remove. Stay aligned to us always and be receptive to our guidance. For we are constantly monitoring your progress; ensuring that you will have/experience everything that you need to have/experience for soul growth and mastery; these will always be arriving at the perfect, divine timing –at a (faster) pace that you have set for yourselves.


Adele had recently expressed a prayer of gratitude to God.She gave us her thanks, for everything that we had arranged/orchestrated to assist her in mastering her mastery. She also expressed her strong desire to once again be completely free, to be the living embodiment of the Christ within her –sooner rather than later. Not long after we heard that request, we sent her several life challenges; giving her ample opportunities to act as the loving, benevolent God/Goddess that she is within. How do you think she reacted?


Not well, dear friends. She had made the request; which we then answered and fulfilled. Then not long after, she got annoyed with us (*laughed) for sending her those difficult tests. We are not sharing this with you all here to criticize our beloved Adele; far from it, dear friends. We are sharing this, as a reminder to all of you here, to be careful about what you ask for, from the Universe/God/your Higher Self. For we take and consider all of your heartfelt requests, very seriously.


Be sure that you are ready for the accelerated life path towards your God-Self; ready for all the ‘tests’and challenges such a path will bring you. Choosing this particular path may sound scary and exhausting, however, once you have started walking the path you will find that your easy success will depend upon your willingness and readiness to completely: surrender your old, fearful, ego-based 3D-self, and eliminate all negative 3D habits that you are perhaps still stubbornly clinging onto right now.


Let go and let God. Your complete surrender will then be richly rewarded with many powers and positive abundance in all aspects of your life.


For those of you who are our devoted chelas, walking the accelerated path of mastery-over-self, the time has come for us to reveal the next steps to assist you in becoming Master of Source Energy;Master of the Matrix.


The precepts in Part 1 are all about your ways of being.


For you to successfully be a powerful Creator at the highest, Ascended-Master Level, you have to consistently achieve a score of 100% for all 7 precepts; 100% of the time without fail.


If you are satisfied with being a 3D-standard Master Creator (manifesting all the usual things people love to have in abundance, e.g. Prosperity/Wealth, Health, wonderful friendships, romantic love, amazing career, expensive assets, etc.), all you have to do is to: consistently maintain a high score (for most/all of the 7 precepts) at least 70% of the time. 70% of the time is enough for you to be viewed as a successful person –from the human collective’s 3D-standard.


If however, your goal is to eventually become a: ‘5D-standard’Master Creator, (mastering your magical: Precipitation/Etherealization abilities and other spiritual abilities e.g. clairvoyance, telekinesis, healing, traveling in your Merkaba, etc.), just like all the Ascended Masters who had once lived on this planet successfully achieved in their lifetimes, then you need to permanently embody ALL the 7 precepts, 100% of the time.


All of you reading this message had lived in the Golden Age of Atlantis and Lemuria in one (or many) past lives.The people living during this great age, were naturally walking around as their Christ-Selves. They were the personifications of God in the physical body. They lived and breathed the 7 precepts, naturally. And as such, the ‘magical’, or ‘miraculous’acts of Precipitation and Etherealization came very easily to all of them. For example, whenever they needed to build a house, they would work together in a group to precipitate said house, out of thin air; using nothing but the combined powers of their will, third eye and mental strength.


Let us begin by providing you with the simplest explanation of the two terms above.


When you precipitate an object, you are essentially drawing upon the raw, electron-ic light substance/energy that is Source. By the power of your focus/intention, you are shaping/moulding these raw energies to create any object that you desire, into physical materialization. In other words, you are transforming the pure, light energy that is God, into any solid matter/object of your desire.


When you etherealize an object that you have previously precipitated, you are technically transforming solid matter/the object back into the raw, electron-ic light substance/energy that is Source. This is in accordance of the Law of the Use of Energy that states: all Light-energies loaned to mankind, must one day be returned to the Universal Light-substance that is Source.


Once all 7 Precepts are fully demonstrated in your ways of Be-ing, 24/7, the process of Precipitation will be as follows:


1.Clearly visualize the desired item/outcome.Place the image clearly in front of you; in your mind’s eye. You need to be as specific as possible so that the item you are creating will materialize exactly as designed. The more complex the item, the better it is to write down all the important properties/characteristics of the object. It is recommended that you begin your precipitation training, by having a drawing (of the object) ready on a piece of paper in front of you. It is important for you to make a strong intention to imbue the object with any specific quality that you wish to enjoy/experience, when using the item later on.


2.Focus on your feelings -> how you would feel once this item you are in the process of creating, physically materializes in your reality. Feel those feelings now. For example, if you are precipitating a glass of water out of the Universal Light substance, imagine how drinking that refreshing glass of water would feel for your thirsty body. Imagine and feel the weight of the glass/cup in your hand.

2.专注于你的感受-> 一旦你在创造的这个物品,物理具象化到你的现实中,你会作何感受。现在就感受那些感受。比如,如果你在用光之实质沉淀一杯水,想象喝下那杯提神的水对你口渴的身体来说会有什么感受。想象并感受水杯在你手中的重量

3.Merge with the magnificent spark of Light; the Golden Sun within your heart chakra that symbolizes the God Presence within. Feel your intimate connection; your constant Oneness with your Higher Self.


4.As the Creator of All-That-Is in existence, make a simple but deeply profound declaration: ‘Thank you God for this gift of Light.’


5.And then, as Source Itself, feel the existence of the Raw Energies/Raw Powers of God –contained in the Universal, Electron-ic Light Substance available throughout the Universe.Mentally ‘reach out’to these raw energies and simply make the intention to send/direct these energies into the image of your desire (step 1). Fully aware that by doing so, in that moment you are acting as God; you are using the powers of God, and, you are collaborating with God to create the object of your desire.


6.You don’t have to know which colored flames/what elements/energies should be the ones sent first to the image, or, in what order. Simply believe that your God-Self will automatically do that for you, because by the time you have reached this 5D Master Level of Creation, the process will have become so automatic.


We are talking about the specific energies/elements that make-up the chemical composition of your object; the building blocks/sacred geometries of the item you are in the process of precipitating. There is an original, divine blueprint for everything that is already created anywhere within the physical universe. And your God-Self will have access to ALL of these blueprints of Creation.


For example, for you to create the glass of water (see step 2) that you so desired, you need to be able to combine hydrogen with oxygen (H2O) to precipitate water, out of the Universal light substance. The glass itself will be made from several substances, the most common ingredient being: silicon dioxide (SiO2).

比如,要创造你如此渴望的一杯水(见第二步),你需要能够联合氢与氧(H2O) 来沉淀水,从光之实质中。杯子会由集中物质构成,最常见的成分就是:二氧化硅(SiO2)

Once again, we remind you that you do not need to know exactly what is contained within the item you wish to precipitate. Your job, is to be as clear and specific as possible, about how the item will be like, look like, feel like, or taste like, once it is fully precipitated into a physical form.


7.Keep your focus on continuously sending these raw energies;the Universal Light Substance of Source, into the image of your desire –fully expecting the object to physically materialize in front of you. Adjusting the speed and the intensity of the Light accordingly, as instinctively guided by your Higher Self. Do not let fear, worry or doubt to enter your mental, emotional bodies when you are precipitating. For in that moment, thou are acting as God, the Creator. You are One with the energies of Source; ever present in the Universe. During the act of precipitation, you are acting in your natural capacity as Master Wizard, Master Alchemist, Master Creator, and, Master of All the Elements.


8.Once the object has physically materialized, simply tweak it in any way you please (with the powers of your mind) until it fully fits your requirements. Give thanks.


When you are finished with using the item you had previously precipitated, it then becomes your responsibility to etherealize said item, so that it can once again return to the state of pure light energy, from whence it came.


The process of Etherealization:


1.Clearly state your intention (out loud, or via mind) that you wish to etherealize, or, to make an object completely disintegrate. So that the energies that make up that specific item can return back to the Raw Energies of Source to be recycled/used for something else, by you/by someone else.


2.Merge with your God-Self within.


3.As God/as the Creator of All That Is, simply say: ‘Thank you God for the gift of this item, which I now no longer need.I now return this, back unto you.’


4.As Source Itself, simply send Light into the Core of the item (that contains the Threefold Flame), with the intention to disintegrate it.Bear in mind, for every living (animate) or, non-living (inanimate) object, there exists the Threefold Flame that lies in the center of said object. Simply use your inner eye to find out the location of your object’s Core. For when you send laser-focused Light into this core, the etherealization process will be completed faster.


Keep sending the Light; adjusting the speed and intensity accordingly, until you can feel/see that the item has fully disintegrated into nothingness. Give thanks.


Just like when a beginner driver may feel awkward/unsure about what steps to do next, when getting his car ready for a drive (e.g. adjust the rear view mirror, put the foot on the brake, release handbrake, etc.), at first you may be feeling out of your depth during your first few attempts of precipitation/etherealization. The entire process will one day become automatic, the more you become fully integrated with your Higher Self. There is nothing to worry. All is well. You will come to remember how easy and natural, precipitation and etherealization truly are, to your God-Self. You will find yourself gifted with ‘inner knowing’, or easy downloads of information from within. You will definitely know what to do when the time comes.


A member within one of Adele’s groups recently asked, how long would it take her to reach the 5D Master Creator Level?The true answer to this question is: it depends on you; on your commitment and motivation. Your ascension journey is as unique as your DNA. For those of you reading this channeled message (in the Now moment), you may take anywhere between 20 to 80 years to re-master your Precipitation and Etherealization abilities. This forecast is based on our observations of your past behavior/habits, and your past dedication to the ascension process. We deliberately highlighted the word ‘past’to indicate that your future can change anytime, whenever you decide to adopt new, positive habits that will align you more with your powerful Higher Self.


Harry Potter was born with the magical potential of a wizard, however, it took him 6+ years of thorough study and practice at Hogwarts, for him and his friends to successfully wield higher, more complex magic. In other words, he left his home and stayed at Hogwarts to give his utmost focus to his magical studies.


Since it took Harry many years of devoted studies and practice to train his magic, how long do you think it will take you, to master your ‘magical’God-like abilities? Especially when you take into account the many, seemingly unending distractions you often have around you –coming from work, family, friends, the challenges you are facing now. In light of these distractions, perhaps our above forecast was a little bit too optimistic.


Simply tune in to your Higher Self to get an individualized answer to this ‘how long‘question (if you wish to know), and ask us to guide you, so that every day you are walking closer and closer to your desired ‘future’reality where you are Master of all the Elements; Master of Source Energy;Master and Architect of the Matrix.


Today’s message is designed to empower you, and to expand/broaden your definition of Mastery.So that you can from now on set the bar really high, in your goal of full integration with your God-Self. There are plenty of wondrous, amazing self-discoveries for you to look forward to; in the not-so-distant future!


As Yeshua ben Yosef, I had made the following promise to my disciples back then:


“Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”(John 14: 12-14)

“我实实在在地告诉你们。相信我的人,我所做的工作他也会去做;他所做的工作会比现在的更加伟大;因为我去见我的父亲。”(John 14: 12-14)

With today’s message, I have once again fulfilled my promise to all of you here (some of you reading this were my past and present disciples) to share with you all the keys to the Magical Kingdom of God.


Call upon me, your Higher Self, or members of your own spirit team, anytime, for personalized assistance and guidance, so that the way forward is crystal-clear for those of you who are strongly interested in becoming a 5D-standard Master Creator sooner rather than later.”


With all my Love and Devotion,Your brother in Light, Sananda.



通灵:Adele Arini

翻译:Nick Chan

