
天妒英才 清华高材生和女儿湾区车祸不幸离世 |捐款链接


Beidi是一位非常卓越,有激情,有思想和启发性的创业者,亦是一位美丽善良,热情向上,才华横溢,有抱负的母亲和朋友。她拥有非常丰富的投资银行和商业运营的经验,曾就职于野村,高盛,默克,赛诺菲等国际知名企业,创立并担任Flyhigh Group 主席。她同时拥有加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院MBA学历,亦是哈斯商学院校友会董事。Beidi女士于2023年6月14日在美国加州硅谷发生的一起交通事故中不幸与自己的女儿一起失去了生命。这个突如其来的沉痛打击给Beidi的家人带来了巨大且无法弥补的重创。




在上周三Santa Clara的一场车祸中,我们失去了美丽的Beidi和天使一样的Elyse。当我收到消息时简直无法相信、无法呼吸。Elyse是我到美国后最早的学生之一,几乎可以说是在我家沙发上长大的,当我去她家吊唁时看到我给留的奏鸣曲作业的谱子还在钢琴上,我简直要崩溃了。Beidi是一个让人难忘的人,她是清华毕业生,小提琴拉的相当不错。她的热诚、真诚、活力、能力,是我们很多朋友的榜样。我和大家一样,心中说不出的难过。我也不知道能做什么,现在我们有了帮助她家人的donation的网站,我发给大家,我想这远远不能表达我们对失去她们的痛苦。希望在将来,我们能给她的家人不断的、长久的帮助。谢谢大家!

Beidi某好友留言:上周一还在和Beidi聊ChatGPT的应用场景,今天就听到了噩耗。Beidi和她女儿在Santa Clara一起交通意外中丧生。清华高材生,创业女强人,两个孩子的妈妈,幸福的一家人,在硅谷风和日丽的一天下午,一切嘎然而止。作为多年的朋友,创业小伙伴,伯克利的同窗,难以接受的痛!人生无常,永远不知道明天和意外哪个先来。正值端午佳节,惟愿生者珍惜,逝者安息。希望大家能滴水相助,谢谢!






I'm Christopher Chambers. Until June 14th, 2023, I would have honestly said I was the luckiest man alive.

I met Beidi while studying in China, where she was a student and volunteer language tutor at Tsing Hua University. Her intelligence and poise captured me, and we soon started dating. Our first trip together took us to Inner Mongolia, marking the beginning of a series of unforgettable adventures.

Despite my school year ending, (and my scholarship money) I stayed in Beijing, working as a freelance English teacher just to be close to her. A few short years later we married and moved to the United States, full of dreams and aspirations. We launched our careers, had two beautiful children, and started building our American Dream.

On that day, June 14th, 2023, Beidi left with our eldest, Elyse, for a doctor’s appointment. I stayed home to study with our younger son Ethan. It was a day, I thought, like any other.

I didn’t even say goodbye.

A subsequent call from the doctor complaining that they had never arrived filled me with dread.

Neither their phones nor their Tesla’s location could be traced. Minds racing, Ethan and I drove to the doctor’s office in an attempt to retrace their path. En route, we saw dark smoke billowing into the sky ahead of us. We ran towards it through the throng of emergency responders, only to find a burning, twisted white Tesla Model Y.

Just like ours.

The police restrained me, saying they didn’t know who was in the car. Despite their frustrating attempts to prevent me from approaching the horrifying scene, I gave them our car’s VIN.

The confirmation was as I feared: it was our car. My wife and daughter had been inside when it was engulfed in flames.

I was left with unbearable questions - were my girls conscious, in the end? Did they suffer?

Overwhelmed, I fell to my knees.

I’d often told Beidi that I wasn't afraid of death, that I’d go first and be waiting for her when her time came. I wished it had been me instead, burning in that car, if only my willing sacrifice would bring my girls back.

Their sudden absence has left a deep scar on our family - a grieving husband and father, a bewildered son, and Beidi’s mother, mourning the loss of her only daughter - not to mention all the extended family and friends whose lives were touched by their lives and love.

I humbly ask you now to help our family find a beautiful, peaceful place for Beidi and Elyse to rest together, side by side - somewhere close where friends and family can visit them to honor and remember two beautiful lives cut short, gone in the blink of an eye.

Please help us ensure their memory remains with as much or as little as you can, with happiness in your hearts. Every act of giving counts, and your generosity and compassion will not be forgotten.


