

2015-04-13 Scalers ScalersTalk成长持续论




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Day 1 合资意向 【主题:经贸】


China’s low taxation, low wages, large consumer market and stable political and social environment have attracted a growing number of overseas investors. Your wish to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with our company coincides with ours. We hope to enter a partnership with your corporation to form a joint venture, to manufacture what we call “China Concept cars”. We expect to hold a minimum of 50% of the capital equity in the joint venture with a term of 15 years. We hope that your company will provide the venture with advanced, integrated and reliable equipment.

l 低税收 low taxation
l 低工资 low wages
l 大市场 large consumer market
l 越来越多 a growing number of (替换more and more)
l 与我们不谋而合 coincide with ours
l 长期合作 a long-term cooperative relationship
l 生产 manufacture
l 中国概念型轿车China Concept Cars
l 50%以上 a minimum of 50% (替 more than 50%)
l 占……资本份额 hold … of the capital equity
l 合资企业 joint venture
l 先进 advanced
l 成套 integrated
l 设备 equipment(没有复数)

l 吸引了 have attracted
l 你们……的想法 your wish to/that
l 与贵公司建立一家合资企业enter a partnership with your corporation to form a joint venture 这里是意译,因强调“合作”的理念,而故意把“合作”翻译出来
l 我们的合资期为15年 with a term of 15 years 不单独成句,而是应用了一个介词短语表伴随”with a term of”
l 希望…能向 hope…will provide 而不是 can provide

l 诸如“越来越多”“海外”“建立合作”“希望”等词汇,不能只满足于简单的一种表达,而要多积累同义词或者高级表达,摆脱一翻译“越来越多”就只能呢想到“more and more”的惯性思维。
l 中文最后一句有“向……提供……”的含义,英文里面有个词channel表示向XXX调度资源、感情、精力等含义

Day 02 东海世界公园 【景点介绍】



Welcome to the Donghai World Park. The Donghai World Park, which is the largest theme park of its kind unparalleled in the Far East, features a complete miniature collection of the well-known world scenic spots. Surrounded by 100 sights of historical interest and natural attraction including the Seven Wonders of the World, you will easily fulfill your dream of touring around the world in a day.

The miniature replicas of the selected scenic sights all boasts exquisite workmanship and ingenious design. The tourists will find themselves engrossed in an involuntary admiration of the dazzling arrays of the exact scenic reproductions that are unbelievably true to the original.


同类 of its kind
…之冠 adj+est(最高级)…unparalleled in… (此处翻译有明显的笔译色彩,口译时不要拘泥)
名胜/景点 scenic spots
历史名胜 historical interest
自然景观 natural attraction
世界七大奇观 Seven Wonders of the World
置身于 surrounded by
工艺精湛 exquisite workmanship
独具匠心 ingenious design
一系列 (dazzling) arrays of
集…之大成 a complete miniature collection of


l 复制程度之精确,形象之逼真,足可以以假乱真 the exact scenic reproductions that are unbelievably true to the original (本句三个小句意思非常相近,即景观模仿得非常逼真,因而进行概括和意译,用reproductions说明景观制作是复制工艺,that从句表逼真程度。)
l 令游人叹为观止 The tourists will find themselves engrossed in an involuntary admiration of…(游人做主语,用被动句更体现出景观引人入胜)

景点介绍常用 “features””boasts” 等动词表示某景观最著名的、最有特色、最吸引游人的特征。中文句子没有明示“特征”等词语,却暗含了这种意思,英译时要注意译出来。
本文口译时第一段有一个陷阱。“集世界名胜之大成”并没有说明是”miniature collection” 如果不了解相关背景很容易译成“collection of world scenic spots”,从占地面积上讲也不太可能。启示:重视逻辑,重视背景知识。

Day 3 年会致词 【会议开场词】



It’s with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting. On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my deep appreciation to the host for this opportunity to address the topic of peace and development, and pay my high respect for all the representatives present at the meeting.

This meeting provides us with an ideal arena where we will exchange views, clear up misunderstandings and reach common ground. I would like to take this opportunity to elaborate on the position and views of my government on the issues concerning the establishment of a new international political and economic order at the turn of the century, the prospects of world peace and development, and the role of the United Nations.


l 值此…之际 on the occasion of
l 表达谢意 express my (deep) appreciation(不要总用thanks thank you, gratitude)
l 致以崇高敬意 pay high respect
l 理想的场所 ideal arena (也可意译为perfect chance, 不过这里的译法明显语域更高,适用正式场合)
l 消除误解 clear up misunderstandings (clear up 小词大用)
l 达成共识 reach common ground
l 世纪之交 at the turn of the century
l 阐述 elaborate on (比talk about 语域更高)


l 我愿借此机会,谨代表代表某人,就A、B、C等问题,阐述某观点或内容。


l 总体而言,本篇口译很基础,是会口开场白基本款。
l 注意最后一句的越长并列,注意在交传时笔记的记法以及结构的把握。

Day 04 和平发展道路 【外交】




China will firmly keep to the path of peaceful development, a strategic decision made by the Chinese government and people. This decision is based on China’s realities and in keeping with the trend of our times. It demonstrates that China’s foreign policy and domestic policy are consistent with each other and that the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the common interests of the world’s people are in harmony. Peaceful development is the only way leading to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

China respects the right of other peoples to independently choose their development path. It does not interfere in other countries’ internal affairs, nor does it try to impose its own will on others. China is committed to peaceful settlement of international disputes and follows a defense policy that is defensive in nature. China will never seek hegemony or expansion.


l 始终不渝 firmly (firm替换词:committed, unswerving, unwavering)
l 坚持走……路线 keep to the path of
l 战略抉择 strategic decision
l 立足中国国情 based on China’s realities
l 顺应时代潮流 keeping with the tread of our times
l 统一 be consistent wrrith/ be in harmony
l 对内政策和对外政策 foreign policy and domestic policy
l 根本利益 fundamental interests
l 共同利益 common interests
l 实现中华民族伟大复兴的必经之路 the only way leading to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation(看看“必经”的表达)
l 自主选择发展道路 independently choose their development path
l 干涉别国内部事务 interfere in other countries’ internal affairs
l 致力于 committed to
l 和平解决国际争端 peaceful settlement of international disputes(名词形式)
l 奉行 follow
l 防御性国防政策 defense policy that is defensive in nature
l 称霸 seek hegemony /hɪˈɡeməni/这个词很容易读错
l 扩张 seek expansion

l 中国将始终不渝走和平发展道路。这是中国政府和人民做出的战略抉择。


l 外交基本款,多看白皮书。

Day 05 共和国60周年 【外交】



The 60 year’s course of struggle, brilliant achievements and valuable experience of the People’s Republic of China are the most direct, vivid and convincing teaching materials for patriotism education. Holding high the banner of patriotism, we have held a grand ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the Democratic Reform in Tibet as well as the 90th anniversary of the May 4th Movement, which further strengthens the nationwide confidence and courage in helping each other and tiding over the difficulties. It again proves that patriotism is a strong driving force for the progress of our society.

At the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the promotion of mass activities of patriotic education will certainly boost/encourage the people of the entire country to establish common ideals and convictions and devote themselves to the revival of the Chinese nations with a hundredfold confidence and high spirit.


l 60年的奋斗历程 60 year’s course of struggle
l 辉煌成就 brilliant achievements
l 爱国主义教育…的教材 …teaching materials for patriotism education。
l 高举…旗帜 hold high the banner of
l 西藏民主改革Democratic Reform in Tibet
l 推动…(进步)的巨大力量 a strong driving force (for the progress of) …
l 群众性爱国教育活动 mass activities of patriotic education
l 树立共同的理想信念 establish common ideals and convictions
l 百倍的信心 hundredfold confidence
l 昂扬的精神面貌 high spirit
l 民族复兴的伟业中 the revival of the Chinese nations


l 同舟共济、共度难关 help each other and tide over the difficulties
l (四字词的翻译是难点。这里采用了意译的方法,把“共度难关”翻译为”tide over the difficulties”,而不是 “get through the difficulties” 既巧妙,又贴切,正好和中文前半句中“舟”“济”相呼应。)

l 隆重纪念了 held a grand ceremony to mark
l (这里的翻译,如果没有相关背景,很难知道是grand ceremony, 以此推测,本文可能是闭幕式演讲。如果无背景知识,可以译为”deeply commemorate”。)

Day 6 中加经贸关系 【经贸】



I’m very pleased to meet my friends from Canadian business community on the other side of the Pacific. My current felling can be best expressed by an ancient Chinese remark: “How delightful I am to have friends coming from afar!” The Chinese government attaches great importance to the development of bilateral economic and trade relations and appreciates the efforts made by Canadian-Chinese Trade Council serving as a bridge linking the business communities of our two great nations.

I commend all the members of the Council for their effort in promoting trade with China. Canada is a country with well-developed industries and abundant resources, while China has a plentiful supply of labor force and a potential huge market. We hope to see Canadian enterprises make full use of their technical and financial advantages and compete well in the Chinese market.


l 中国一句古话 an ancient Chinese remark
l 赢得中国市场 compete well in the Chinese market (“赢得”并不是指be crowned,win或者rank the 1st, 而是指在市场竞争中获得更好表现,一种鼓励和祝福。个人认为也可进一步译为gain a larger share of the market)
l 充足 be abundant (with/in)/ has a plentiful supply
l 感谢、赞赏 appreciate/commend
l 劳动力 labor force


l …并且非常赞赏加中贸易理事会为加强我们这两个伟大国家商业界的联系而做出的努力和起到的桥梁作用。
… appreciates the efforts made by Canadian-Chinese Trade Council serving as a bridge linking the business communities of our two great nations
(本句中“桥梁作用”其实就是“加强联系”一种“努力”,语意重复,可以翻译得更简洁,个人认为可译为”appreciates the efforts of bridging/linking our business communities together”)


l 本篇和《高口口译》教材第一课文章有相似之处,总体难度不高,但是要注意本文场合很正式,在口译时要相应提高语域。
l 包括这篇在内,很多文章译法偏笔译。事实上,很多口译书提供的参考译文也都是笔译出来的,而不是口译中会用的处理方法。口译和笔译在译法上差别很大,因此译文仅供参考,千万不能拘泥参考译文。以后不再赘述。

Day 7 上海发展60年 【外交】



When the last gunsmoke dissipate above the Suzhou Creek three score years ago, a newly-born city of such greatness ushered in a brilliant chapter in history. Six decades flown by, and the city has witnessed an earthshaking change. At this very moment, paying attribute to the heroic feat of the revolutionists, we forge ahead unswervingly; looking forward to a promising future, we become increasingly confident of the emergence and progress in Shanghai.

Standing at the new historical point, we should not be content with the current achievements, let alone be disheartened in the face of difficulties. We are embracing the hard-won substantial opportunity under the wing of the Scientific Outlook on Development. Only by bearing the mission of the era in mind, maintaining high morale, freeing the minds, having a trailblazing spirit, advancing despite adversity, being modest and struggling arduously can we yield satisfactory results.

l 60年 three score years (six decades/ sixty years)
l 硝烟 gunsmoke
l 飘散 dissipate
l 新生的城市 newly-born city
l 开启历史辉煌篇章 ushered in a brilliant chapter in history (usher vi.)(其他译法: open a splendid/magnificent chapter in history)
l 缅怀 pay tribute to
l 革命先辈的英勇壮举heroic feat of the revolutionists
l 矢志不渝、奋然前行、力量无穷 we forge ahead unswervingly
l 站在新的历史起点上 standing at the new historical point
l 气馁、灰心 disheartened
l 迎来难得的重大机遇 embrace the hard-won substantial opportunity (此译法有些冗余)(其他:precious opportunity)
l 在…引领下 under the wing of
l 牢记 bear in mind
l 历史使命 the mission of the era
l 保持昂扬斗志 maintain high morale
l 解放思想、勇敢创新,知难而进、一往无前 freeing the minds, having a trailblazing spirit, advancing despite adversity,
l 谦虚谨慎、艰苦奋斗 being modest and struggling arduously
l 交出满意答卷 yield satisfactory results (就是取得满意成绩)

l 仆仆风尘一甲子,敢叫日月换新天。 Six decades flown by, and the city has witnessed an earthshaking change. (意译你懂的)
l 展望前程似锦的未来,我们对上海实现新崛起再创新业绩信心倍增。 Looking forward to a promising future, we become increasingly confident of the emergence and progress in Shanghai.(看似辞藻华丽,就是说未来很好,我们有信心,要化繁为简。)
l 满足已有成绩不足为训,因眼前困难气短更不可取。We should not be content with the current achievements, let alone be disheartened in the face of difficulties. (不足为训、更不可取,都是为了体现中文美感,其实就是不满足、不气馁)

l 本文是典型的笔译文章,而不是口译技法。口笔译差别大,要辩证学习,千万不能死背字眼。






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