

2016-04-19 ScalersTalk成长持续论



本小组成立的目的,是以Economist,FT,Washington Post,New York Times,Newsweek,Time等英语外刊为重点,在完成基础词汇句式分析的基础上,对外刊的写作、逻辑、文风以及领域深入剖析,以期横跨中英文化,获取更广阔视野,从而对个人成长提升,发挥关键作用。










外刊研究小组 Week6精读笔记


主题:恐袭成常态、中国农村改革、中国足球体育、科技巨头 (本周笔记推送为节选,完整版仅供内部成员分享。)
Day1  Bombing in Brussels - The new normal(1)[Economist, 20160326]
Day2  Bombing in Brussels - The new normal(2) [Economist, 20160326]
Day3  Reform in rural China[Economist, 20160326]
Day4  Football —- Patriotic goal[Economist, 20160227]
Day5   On the stump [Economist, 20160227]

Day1&2 Bombing in Brussels - The new normal


  • ON THE streets of Brussels they had been dreading the next attack.
    [dread] v.非常害怕;极为担心to be very afraid of sth; to fear that sth bad is going to happen/to feel very worried about something that might happen or something that is going to happen ; n.恐惧;畏惧的事物;紧张 a feeling of great fear or terror, especially at the thought of experiencing or encountering something unpleasant
    Eg.We all dread to think what will happen if the company closes. 我们都不敢去想一旦公司关门我们该怎么办。
    Eg.She also began to dread the long walk down the mountain.她又开始害怕漫长的下山的路了。
    Eg.The possibility of encounter with him filled me with dread.可能遇到他让我充满了恐惧。
    Eg.Isabel’s chief dread in life at this period of her development was that she should appear narrow - minded .伊莎贝尔在生活中的这个发展时期,最怕自己显得心胸狭窄。

  • As we went to press, the death toll was over 30;
    [toll]vt. 征收;敲钟  vi. 鸣钟;征税  n. 通行费;代价;钟声
    Eg. death toll 死亡人数
    Eg. toll charge 通行税,道路税,养路费
    Eg. toll highway 收费公路

  • Over the coming days Europe will once again pass through terrorism’s stages of grief: despair over innocent lives cut short; anger towards the young men and women (some of them citizens) who kill in the name of jihad; questions about the grip of the police and intelligence services; and eventually, as news bulletins and headlines subside, a weary resignation.
    [weary]:adj.(尤指长时间努力工作后)疲劳的,疲倦的,疲惫的very tired, especially after you have been working hard or doing sth for a long time/~ of sth/of doing sth(对…)不再感兴趣,不再热心,感到不耐烦no longer interested in or enthusiastic about sth  ~
    [aweary resignation] 精疲力竭地退出视线(形容事件趋于平息,用词非常生动形象)
    Eg.How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, Seem to me all the uses of this world!人世间的一切在我看来是多么可厌、陈腐、乏味和无聊。
    [subside]  [səb’saɪd]    v. 回落;减退to go back to a normal level/趋于平静;平息;减弱;消退to become calmer or quieter
    Eg.First, global financial turmoil needs to subside.首先,需要等待全球金融动荡平息。
    Eg.The typhoon began to subside.台风开始平息下来。

  • One is that, despite being at the top of the most-wanted list for years, IS remains resourceful enough to mount synchronised bombings in the heart of Europe.
    [mount] 与amount (to) 对比记。mount 可以表示increase gradually,也可以表示开展、进行
    [most-wanted]: n.通缉犯
    Eg.By 1943, she was the Gestapo’s most-wanted person, with a 5 million-franc price on her head.1943年,她上了盖世太保的黑名单,他们悬赏五百万法郎捉拿她。
    [resourcceful] : adj. able to deal well with new or difficult situations and to find solutions to problems   足智多谋的
    Eg.a resourceful leader
    E.g. Because of his adventures, he is a person of far greater experience and resourcefulness. 由于他的各种冒险经历,他是个在经验和足智多谋上都远胜一筹的人
    [mount]: v.准备;安排;组织开展to organize and begin sth /逐步增加to increase gradually/登上;爬上;攀登to go up sth, or up on to sth that is raised/骑上;乘上;跨上to get on a bicycle, horse, etc. in order to ride it/镶嵌;安置to fix sth into position on sth, so that you can use it, look at it or study it
    Eg.Screw holes on all sides; easy to mount on the wall or under a table top.旁边有螺丝孔;便于安装在墙上或桌面底下。

  • For four months he had found haven with sympathetic friends and neighbours just a few streets away from his home in Molenbeek, a Brussels suburb.
    [heaven] 并不是真的指“天堂”,在Out of ammo中,Gold, a haven in times of turmoil, has had its best start to a year in more than three decades.  heaven都取同样的含义,即在不利的情况下的“庇护所”。
    [翻译] 他被发现有四个月的时间都与仅距其住处—布鲁塞尔外城 Molenbeek —几个街区的朋友和邻居有来往。 (译文中并没有刻意翻译heaven的含义)

  • IS’s resilience will cause alarm and rightly so.
    [resilience] n. elasticity, ability to return to the original shape; cheerfulness, quality of quickly recovering from sadness or failure, buoyancy
    Eg. The bulls continue to show resilience, which suggests a near-term market bottom is in place.
    [rightly so]理当如此

  • Plainly, some people are prepared to endorse Mr Abdeslam’s methods even if they are not yet ready to dip their own hands in their compatriots’ blood.
    [endorse] [V-T] ① If you endorse someone or something, you say publicly that you support or approve of them. 公开支持;赞同  ②  If you endorse a product or company, you appear in advertisements for it. 代言
    Eg. The twins endorsed a line of household cleaning products. 这对双胞胎为一系列的家庭清洁产品代言过。
    [dip one’s hands in their compatriots‘ blood] 形象表达“手上沾满同胞的血“,即”残杀,残害同胞“
    Eg.In the name of Him who is all mercy, show mercy to this unhappy man, and not dip your hands in his blood.  凭仁慈的上帝的名义,对这不幸的人发发慈悲吧,别让你们的手沾上他的血。
    [翻译] 显然,有些人支持 Adbeslam 的做法,即使他们并未准备好要残害同胞。


  • anticipation did nothing to diminish the shock or the suffering.
    [分析] 这里did nothing to相当于failed to do;diminish相当于relieve

  • despair over innocent lives cut short; anger towards the young men and women (some of them citizens) who kill in the name of jihad; questions about the grip of the police and intelligence services; and eventually, as news bulletins and headlines subside, a weary resignation.
    [分析]  排比,三个名词预期强烈,读着很有力。表达非常简洁,多用短语作定语,不累赘。
    [翻译] 首先对无辜生命被害感到绝望,然后对以圣战为名杀人的年轻人无比愤恨,质疑警察的抓捕行动和智能服务系统,最后随着新闻公报和报纸头条的减少,精疲力竭地退出人们的视线。

  • Havens and have nots
    (1)头韵 Alliteration  Eg.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers”
    (2)双关,化用haves and have nots 富人与穷人的表达,双关暗示难民处境。

  • Over the coming days Europe will once again pass through terrorism’s stages of grief: despair over innocent lives cut short; anger towards the young men and women (some of them citizens) who kill in the name of jihad; questions about the grip of the police and intelligence services; and eventually, as news bulletins and headlines subside, a weary resignation.
    [分析] 冒号引导的解释说明的句子,后面均为名词词组,虽然是名词,但是在翻译是需要补充谓语部分,译成完整的句子。
    [翻译] 欧洲将再次经历恐怖主义悲痛的几个阶段。首先对无辜生命被害感到绝望,然后对以圣战为名杀人的年轻人无比愤恨,质疑警察的抓捕行动和智能服务系统,最后随着新闻公报和报纸头条的减少,精疲力竭地退出人们的视线。


  • Brexit Brexit和Brixit是对英国退出欧盟的一种戏虐说法,即British exit or Britain exiting from the EU(英国退出欧盟)。1月23日英国首相卡梅伦就是否退出欧盟发表讲话后,这两个词立即广泛传播。卡梅伦在讲话中表示,在离任前要就欧盟成员问题逐步实现依法全民公投;如果获得连任,将在2017年底前就此进行全民公投。Brexit和Brixit这两个词最早出现在2012年6月,Brixit由《经济学人》杂志一位专栏作家首创,而Brexit则出自民族主义组织“英国抵抗”。这两个词的灵感很可能来源于2012年2月份出现的Grexit一词,这个词指希腊退出欧元区的可能性。2012年6月还出现Fixit一词,指芬兰退出欧元区。

  • [French National Front] 法国国民阵线; 国民阵线(Front National):成立于1972年10月,前身是被取缔的极右组织“新秩序党”。党员约10万人,多为中小工商业者。1986年议会选举中首次进入国民议会。代表极端民族主义思潮,煽动排外情绪,强调“要把法国从欧洲控制和世界主义中拯救出来”,呼吁“进行一次反对新共产主义和世界主义的十字军讨伐”。党主席让-玛丽·勒庞(Jean-Marie LE PEN)在2002年首轮总统选举中胜出,对法朝野上下和欧洲政坛震动极大,在第二轮中被法左右翼联手击败。近来,由于法经济社会矛盾突出,该党影响再度上升。

Day3 Reform in rural China  - Sell up, Move on


  • The Communist Party bEgan loosening the rules it had used to ensure that farmers stayed in their villages and produced food at the party’s behest.
    [behest]: an authoritative command or request    同义:instruction/order/bidding/request
    Eg. Just last week, Weibo was forced to suspend users at the behest of the Chinese government.

  • Under Maoist madness, farmers were corralled into “people’s communes” where they toiled abject poverty and sometimes extreme hunger.
    [corral]: enclose in a corral
    Eg. But email is too widely distributed to corral into a any kind of structure now.
    [toil]  v.   1.(长时间)苦干,辛勤劳作(此处之意)     2.艰难缓慢地移动;跋涉  n. 苦工;劳累的工作  hard unpleasant work that makes you very tired.
    Eg. No men living are more worthy to be trusted than those who toil up from poverty.世间最值得信赖的人,莫过于那些从贫困中辛苦奋斗起来的人。
    Eg. I’ve bEgun to toil away at my study.我已经开始努力学习了。
    Eg.Otherwise, all of that toil will eventually become overwhelming.否则,所有的辛苦最后会压垮你。
    [abject] : abject poverty/misery/failure etc the state of being extremely poor, unhappy, unsuccessful etc 凄惨的;糟透的;蹩脚的
    Eg: Both of them died in abject poverty.
    This scheme was an abject failure.
    [abject poverty]  abject poverty/misery/failure赤贫

  • These changes were a liberation; they helped to transform the   country from basket case to economic powerhouse.
    [basket case]
    1. a country with many severe economic and social    problems that   are likely to continue for a long time (经济或金融)困境
    Eg.The country is an economic basket case with chronic    unemployment and rampant crime.
    [economic powerhouse] 经济发动机; 经济强国; 经济中心;
    Nigeria is the most populous Africancountry and an economic   powerhouse for the continent.

  • For a country that sees middle-class spending as a vital source of   future growth, these problems bode ill.
    [bode]: indicate by signs
      Eg. Unfortunately this does not bode well with my ability to get other thinngs done.
    [colossal] used to emphasize that something is extremely large:
    Eg. a colossal statue of the King
    The whole holiday was a colossal waste of money.


  • [huge/massive/enormous] extremely big:
    The table was enormous.
    a huge explosion
    Their house is huge.
    There is a huge  amount of work to be done.
    There has been a massive increase in oil   prices.
    The company is massive, operating in 150 countries.
    A massive fire destroyed more than thirty homes.
     He’s been under an enormous amount of stress recently.
     The changes will have an enormous impact.

  • [great]very big – used especially to describe the level or number of something: He achieved great success in America.
    The collEge offers a great number of courses. | a great advantage

  • [vast] extremely big – used about areas, distances, numbers, or   amounts: vast areas of rainforest .
    A vast number of tourists visit the island every year.

  • [gigantic] extremely big and much bigger than other things of the same type: Gigantic waves crashed onto the beach.

  • [colossal] extremely big – used about amounts or objects.
    James ran up a colossal phone bill.
    a colossal statue of Napoleon

  • [tremendous]having an extremely big effect.
    There have been some tremendous changes.
    My new job will be a tremendous challenge.
     The children were making a tremendous amount of noise. 

    Rather than tinker with incremental reform, it is time for China both to scrap the pernicious hukou system, and give farmers full rights to the land they live on and till.

  • [incremental]:increasing gradually by rEgular dEgrees or additions.

    Eg. But more importantly, those incremental earings would have outsized impact on the stock price.

    同义:accessorial / enhansive Eg: incremental learning 渐进式学习

  • [scrap]: dispose of (something useless or old) v     同义:trash/junk

    Eg.  Some 55% of Australians backed the status quo, while 45% voted to scrap the constitutional monarchy.

  • [pernicious]: exceedingly harmfulEg; pernicious malaria 恶性疟疾  n, perniciousness 危害性

Day4  Football —- Patriotic goal

  • CHINESE demand for the world’s commodities may be sputtering
    [sputter] 唾沫飞溅( sputter的现在分词 ); 发劈啪声; 喷出; 飞溅出 (但这里取这些意思明显不合适)   [correct] (过程、行动或事态)缓慢不稳地进行,慢慢结束 If a process, action, or state of affairs sputters, it progresses slowly and unevenly or starts to end.  (下降的又一个表达)
    Eg. Russia’s presidential campaign sputtered to an uneasy close on Monday.

  • In recent weeks, the country’s football clubs have been on their biggest ever spending spree , signing up foreign talent for sums which, by Asian standards, have been jaw-dropping.
    n. 无节制的狂热行为;狂欢;欢闹
    vi. 狂欢;狂饮
    [on the spree] 毫无节制;纵情 同[binge]
    go on the spree  v. 行乐
    shopping spree  (广告用语)大血拼!
    Killing Spree: 大杀特杀;嗜杀成性;大杀特杀
    Eg. Get out those cruise brochures—retirees may soon be going on a spending spree.
    adj. 指极度令人惊讶的,给人深刻印象的,或骇人听闻的
    best jaw-dropping moment  最佳雷人瞬间;最让人惊掉下巴一刻
    Eg. The perfect steak you see below is just one of the sweet wonders Debbie has created over the years, but there are other jaw-dropping masterpieces, including that awesome slab of bacon.
    [翻译] 下面这块完美的牛排只是这些年中黛比创造的“粉甜蜜”作品之一,这里还有其他令人垂涎欲滴的杰作,当然包括那些厚厚的培根。


  • Chelsea
    切尔西足球俱乐部,是一间位于英格兰首都伦敦的英格兰足俱乐部,现正在参加英超联赛。它成立于1905年3月10日,主场位于伦敦哈默史密斯-富勒姆区邻近泰晤士河的斯坦福桥球场。 切尔西足球俱乐部成立超过一百年,在1955年首次赢得英格兰最顶级足球联赛冠军。

  • Guangzhou Evergrande Taobao
    知道广州恒大淘宝这么翻译也是极好的。Evergrande ———— 恒大

  • transfer period
    转会,是在体育界常用的一个词,是球员转出远俱乐部转入另一俱乐部的简称。体育新闻中常说的转会费,指的是接收俱乐部买入球员的价格。而有些俱乐部为填补球队的人员空缺或加强某方面人员技术的实力,不惜出重金进行所谓的挖墙脚;当然也不排除行业中有炒作的。transfer period就是各足球协会规定的转会时间,像欧洲一般是夏季的6月至9月和冬季的1月所有转会交易在一段时间内完成交易,其他时间不能完成交易,这段时间就是转会窗口。

  • top division
    一般国家都会有不同等级的联赛,由该国的俱乐部参加。例如意甲 英超 西甲 德甲 法甲等欧洲五大联赛是世界最高水平的足球超级联赛。

  • Europe’s top five leagues


NOTE: 体育知识要好好学,要不然翻译得时候会闹笑话的,科科。

  • [forward] 前锋

  • [back] 后卫

  • [center/ center forward] 中锋

  • [wing/ wing forward] 边锋

  • [free kick] 任意球

  • [corner kick] 角球

  • [off side] 越位

  • [penalty box] 禁区

  • [penalty kick] 点球

  • [red card] 红牌

  • [yellow card] 黄牌

  • [goalkeeper] 守门员

Day5 - On the stump [Economist, 20160227]


  • On the stump
    [On the stump] (go)on the stump四处演讲拉票,巡回演讲
    Great Washington did he,upon astump place himself to speak……
    Eg. While on the stump,he promised his voters that there would be no new taxes. 他竞选期间,向投票人许诺不会开征新税。

  • HE HAS been on-message for months, sharing his tweet-worthy opinions on stage and playing on media interest.
    [翻译] 连续数个月以来他都和既定政策保持一致,在台上分享值得推特的观点,投媒体所好。
    If a politician is on-message, they say something that follows the official policy of their party. adj. 与既定政治策略一致的[亦称作 on-script(口径一致), 反 off-message(口是心非,不一致)]
    Eg.  The candidate is clearly on-message with the Tory party leader.
    [play on] PHRASAL VERB If you play on someone’s fears, weaknesses, or faults, you deliberately use them in order to persuade that person to do something, or to achieve what you want. 有意利用 (别人的恐惧、弱点或过错)
    Eg. The ad plays on our emotions, showing a doctor holding a newborn baby.

  • …he made a vigorous statement on privacy rights that attacked the government, every politician’s favourite punchbag these days.
    [punchbag] 沙袋;(喻)出气包
    Eg. Why is the 2009 stimulus legislation such a punchbag?


  • CEO-statesman
    [解释] CEO政客,即结合商业与政治于一身的角色,不再是单纯的企业家或者政治家。近两年兴起的新的身份
    CEOs as Urban Statesma: http://www.urbanstatesman.com/about.html  

  • Department of Justice 司法部

  • The Reputation Institute国际信誉研究所

  • on-demand economy 应需型经济
    The On-Demand Economy is defined as the economic activity created by technology companies that fulfill consumer demand via the immediate provisioning of goods and services.

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