[664]我们用了16周,练完了三级口译实务 | “今年夏天一起虐口译”之第16周训练日志
1. genuine movement 名副其实的行动
2. nonproliferation 不扩散
3. target nuclear weapons at each other 把核武器瞄准各自的对方
4. bridge the gap 跨越分歧
5. sit together and have a heart-to-heart talk 促膝长谈
6. local tension 局部紧张
7. 贫富差距 wealth gap
8. 温故知新 revisiting the past will give people new inspirations
9. 威慑 deterrence
10. 弥合分歧 narrow differences
11. 求同存异 seek common ground while shelving differences
12. 联合国安理会常任理事国 permanent member of the UN Security Council
13. Incessant fears of global conflagrations 全球性灾难的持续恐慌
14. predicated on ever-widening possibilities 基于不断扩大的可能性
15. scourge 灾难
16. grinding poverty 难以忍受的贫困
17. predicament 困境
18. cripple their capacities 能力受到挫折
19. succour 援助
20. tuberculosis 肺结核
21. misuse 滥用
22. devastating consequences 破坏性的后果
23. ring hollow and of dubious value 听起来令人感到空洞并产生疑虑
24. reap the benefit of peace 收获和平的成果
25. portend 预示
26. reinvigorate 复兴
27. prolonged stability 长期稳定
28. global conflagration 全球性灾难
29. in all spheres of 在所有领域/在各个方面
30. impede 阻碍,妨碍
31. eradicated 根除,根绝
32. malaria 疟疾
33. lethal nexus 致命联系
34. eradication 消灭,扑灭,根除
35. brutal 残忍的,不讲道理的
36. savage 野蛮的,狂怒的
37. devastating 毁灭性的
38. reinvigorate 使复兴
39. imperative 必然的,势必的,必不可免的
40. suck 吸允
41. vortex 涡流,漩涡,中心
42. creditor 债权人,贷方
43. commensurately 相似地,相同地
44. 粗暴干涉 gross interference
45. 断绝外交关系 severance of diplomatic relations
46. 政治态度 political postures
47. 巩固和发展长期稳定,全面合作的相互关系 consolidate and develop a bilateral relationship of long-term stability and comprehensive/all –round cooperation
48. 国家无论大小,强弱,贫富都应该平等对待 all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, should be treated equally.
49. 和平共处五项原则 the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
50. 和平与发展仍然是当今世界的两大主题 peace and development remain the two overriding issues of our time
51. 互不干涉内政 non-interference in each other’s internal affairs
52. 互不侵犯 mutual non-aggression
53. 互相尊重主权和领土完整 mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity
54. 继续向其他国家提供力所能及,不附加任何政治条件的政府援助 continue to provide as much unconditional governmental aid to countries as it can afford
55. 坚持独立自主的和平外交政策 adhere/stick to the independent foreign policy of peace
56. 签署全面禁止核、生、化武器的公约 sign the conventions banning nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
57. 遣返回国 repatriation
58. 全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器 the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of all nuclear weapons
59. 融冰之旅 ice-thawing trip
60. 通过协商和平解决争议或冲突,而不是诉诸武力或武力相威胁 settle disputes or conflicts peacefully through consultation rather than resorting to the use of or the threat of force
61. 支持非洲国家争取民族独立,主权和尊严的正义斗争 support African countries in their just struggles for national independence, sovereignty and dignity
62. 最起码的国际关系准则 rudimentary code of international relations
63. 尊重它们根据本国国情自主选择政治制度和发展道路 respect their choice of political system and development path suited to their own national/specific conditions
64. Your trip in China is almost halfway 中国之行接近半程
65. 对中国有更清晰的认识 gained a clear picture of China
1. 我们反对任何形式的霸权主义,强权政治和侵略扩张张。 We firmly oppose hegemonism, power politics and expansion in whatever form
2. 我们两国人民的友谊源远流长 The friendship between our two people dates back/can be traced/goes back to ancient time
3. 中国不参与军备竞赛,不搞军事扩张 China will never participate in any arms race, nor will it engage in military expansion
4. 中国不以社会制度和意识形态的异同来决定国家关系的亲疏 China will not allow differences in social systems and ideology to affect state-to-state relations
5. 中国对南沙群岛及附近水域拥有不可争辩的主权China holds undisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Island/Archipelago and the surrounding waters
6. 中国决不屈从于任何大国的压力,也不与任何大国或国家集团结盟 China will never yield to the pressure of any major power, nor will it align itself with any power or bloc of powers
7. There is good interaction among the ARF, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea have entered the second decade of cooperation.东盟与中日韩合作迎来第二十年。
8. The evolution of its security environment directly concerns the long-term stability of the region and interests of people of all countries in the region.
9. There is much we can benefit from the growth of the ARF in the past 14 years, as this enables us to steer the right course for security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and follow a sound thinking on security and a sound model of security cooperation. 东盟地区论坛14年成长的历程,为我们认识和把握亚太地区安全合作方向,坚持正确的安全观念和安全合作模式,提供有益的启示。
10. The old thinking on security based on security alliance, national strength, and deterrence, instead of bringing security and peace to the world, only subjected it to dominance, conquest, and even conflicts and wars in the last century. 上个世纪,以结盟、实力、威慑为特征的旧有安全理念,给世界带来的不是安全与和平,而是控制,征服甚至冲突和战争。
11. In short, the new thinking on security, which is being enriched and developed in practice, takes mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation as its core values. This new thinking on security and new model of security conform to the will of the people and the trend of the times, and serves peace, development, progress and prosperity in the region. 总之,在实践中不断丰富和发展的新安全观,是以互信、互利、平等,协作为核心理念的安全观。这个新安全观和安全模式,顺应人民的意愿和时代潮流,符合亚太和平,发展,进步和繁荣。
12. A new horizon is now in front of us, predicated on ever-widening possibilities for development in all spheres of human endeavor, resulting from unparalleled advances in science and technology.由于科学技术取得了前所未有的进步,人类在各个方面通过自身的努力而获得发展的可能性不断扩大,一个崭新的前进正展现在我们面前。
13. We must all feel deeply worried that the message of hope which this organization has been spreading is yet to reach the millions of humanity for whom it is intended. 联合国未能将希望带给联合国为之服务的数以百万计的人们,我们为此深感不安。
14. We now have AIDS which continues to defy control and has now combined with malaria, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, to form a lethal nexus with as much potential for devastation as war itself, and thus a modern day threat to world peace and security. 现在我们又有了艾滋病,至今无法控制,而艾滋病现在和疟疾,肺结核以及其他一些传染病搅合在一起,形成了具有和战争本身一样的潜在的破坏性的致命联系,从而构成了对当今世界和平与安全的威胁。
15. For us the developing world, globalization will continue to ring hollow and of dubious value, until we see its positive effects on our fortunes. 全球化对于我们这些发展中国家来讲,在我们看到它给我们带来富裕之前,听起来令人感到空洞并产生疑虑。
16. Blessed with time-honored and rich cultural heritages, China and Europe have much to learn from and offer each other. 中国和欧洲的文明都源远流长,博大精深,有很多可以交流和借鉴之处。
17. China's Terracotta Army in the British Museum, which showcases the charm of the ancient Chinese culture. 正在大英博物馆举办的秦始皇兵马俑向英国人民生动地展示了中国古老文化的迷人魅力。
18. Cooperation between China and the United States in responding to these challenges not only serves the interests of both sides, but also conducts to international peace, stability and development. 中美之间的合作不仅符合双方的利益,也是对国际和平,稳定与发展的贡献。
19. South Asia is an important component not only of Asia, but also of the whole world. Peace and development in the region are vitally linked with the stability and prosperity of Asia and the world at large.
首先,谈谈在交传群里刷书的体验吧!单枪匹马是不可能这么保质保量的持续行动的!至少对我来说是这样。战线拉长,总会有放水的时候,除非你自我掌控力比较强。每周一单元,群里发初版和修改版发在群里,每周写复盘日志发送到tower上,一步一步记录你的练习量和成长。我不相信记忆,我相信记录的力量,不然你说说去年的今天你做了什么,时间怎么花费的。记录下来,就像看老照片一样,定义着现在的自己。You are what you have done.
第二,每天都在做口译练习,却忘记了自己为什么练习?来到这个群里的伙伴都对口译有着自己的认识和理解,亦或出于热爱,亦或出于需要,也有可能就是单纯的想干干。来到交传群的人,很容易分类:英专和非英专。抱歉,我就是游走在有专业和没专业的英专学生,接触口译两年。当初报口译培训班也纯属误打误撞,在后期得行动中才逐渐了解口译,开始真的以为口译高大上,可以赚很多钱,后来改变了想法。口译带给我什么?带给我double的知识和应用能力,用英文看看外面的世界,用口译接触行业精英,最后,也许有一天口译会帮助我实现价值、带给他人实实在在的好处和便利。现在很多人加入创业大军,大众创业 、万众创新,口译界也可以创业创新,直接建立译员和客户的联系不更好?口译界里也要有Uber的,至于怎样实现,我现在真的没头绪(因为现在笔者格局小、口译能力不够强)。但是,回过头来,问问自己,你为什么要做口译?我很清楚,你呢?
ScalersTalk ID:scalerstalk
本微信公众号作者Scalers,游走在口译世界的IT从业者。微信公众号ScalersTalk,网站ScalersTalk.com,口译100小时训练计划群C 456036104