
160本书带你走近美国的日本现代史研究 (上)

格里高利·斯米茨 东亚评论 2019-05-22




1:   Tokugawa/Edo Period


1. Watanabe Hiroshi, A History of Japanese Political Thought, 1600-1901 (David Noble, trans.), 978-4-924971-32-5

渡边 浩:《日本政治思想史——十七至十九世纪》[日文](2010)

2. Luke Roberts, Performing the Great Peace: Political Space and Open Secrets in Tokugawa Japan, 978-0-8248-3513-2


3. Constantine Nomikos Vaporis, Tour of Duty: Samurai Military Service in Edo and the Culture of Early Modern Japan, 978-0824834708


4. Herman Ooms, Tokugawa Ideology: Early Constructs, 1570-1680, 978-0691008387


5. Herman Ooms, Tokugawa Village Practice: Class, Status, Power, Law, 978-0520202092


6. Mary Elizabeth Berry, Japan in Print: Information and Nation in the Early Modern Period, 978-0520237667


7. Richard Rubinger, Popular Literacy in Early Modern Japan, 978-0824831240


8. Marcia Yonemoto, Mapping Early Modern Japan: Space, Place, and Culture in the Tokugawa Period (1603-1868), 978-0520232693

米本 玛西亚:《日本近世测绘——德川时代的空间、地方与文化》(2003)

9. Anna Beerens, Friends, Acquaintances, Pupils and Patrons: Japanese Intellectual Life in the Late Eighteenth Century: A Prosopographical Approach, 978-9087280017


10. Peter Nosco, Individuality in Early Modern Japan: Thinking for Oneself, 978-1138308787


11. Gregory Smits, Visions of Ryukyu: Identity and Ideology in Early-Modern Thought and Politics, 978-0824820374


12. Ronald Toby, State and Diplomacy in Early Modern Japan: Asia in the  Development of the Tokugawa Bakufu, 978-0804719520


13. Brett L. Walker, The Conquest of Ainu Lands: Ecology and Culture in Japanese Expansion,1590-1800, 1590-1800, 978-0520248342

布雷特·L. 沃克:《征服阿伊努人的土地——日本扩张期的生态与文化,1590-1800》(2006)

14. Amy Stanley, Selling Women: Prostitution, Markets, and the Household in Early Modern Japan, 978-0520270909



Kären Wigen, Sugimoto Fumiko, and Cary Karacas, eds. Cartographic Japan: A History in Maps (978-0226073057)

卡伦·魏根、杉本 史子、加里·卡拉克斯 编:《制图日本——地图里的历史》(2016)

Bettina Gramlich-Oka and Gregory Smits, eds. Economic Thought in Early Modern Japan (Monies, Markets, and Finance in East Asia, 1600-1900), 978-9004183834

贝蒂娜·格拉姆利克-冈、格里高利·斯米茨 编:《日本近世经济思想——十七至二十世纪东亚通货、市场与金融》(2010)

Peter Nosco, James E. Ketelaar, and Yasunori Kojima, eds. Values, Identity, and Equality in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-century Japan

彼得·诺斯克、詹姆斯·E. 柯特勒尔、小岛 康敬 编:《日本十八、十九世纪的价值观、身份与平等》(2015)

Jakobina K. Arch, Bringing Whales Ashore: Oceans and the Environment of Early Modern Japan, 978-0295743295

雅各比娜·K. 阿奇:《领鲸上岸——近世日本的海洋与环境》(2018)

Philip Brown, Cultivating Commons: Joint Ownership of Arable Land in Early Modern Japan, 978-0824833923


Karen M Gerhart, The Eyes of Power: Art and Early Tokugawa Authority, 0824821785

卡伦·M. 盖哈特:《权力之眼——艺术与德川时代初期的政府权威》(1999)

2: The Tokugawa-Meiji Transition


1. Stephen Vlastos, Peasant Protests and Uprisings in Tokugawa Japan, 978-0520072039


2. Daniel V. Botsman, Punishment and Power in the Making of Modern Japan, 978-0691130309

丹尼尔·V. 波茲曼:《现代日本成型期的惩罚与权力》(2004)

3. George M. Wilson, Patriots and Redeemers in Japan: Motives in the Meiji Restoration, 978-0226900926


4. Mark Ravina, The Last Samurai: The Life and Battles of Saigō Takamori, 978-0471705376


5. David Howell, Geographies of Identity in Nineteenth-Century Japan, 978-0520240858


6. Gregory Smits, Seismic Japan: The Long History and Continuing Legacy of the Ansei Edo Earthquake, 978-0824838171


7. Joshua A. Fogel, The Cultural Dimension of Sino-Japanese Relations: Essays on the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, 978-0471705376

约书亚·A. 弗格尔:《论集:十九至二十世纪中日关系的文化层面》(1995)

8.  Mark Ravina, To Stand with the Nations of the World: Japan's Meiji Restoration in World History, 978-0195327717


9. Anne Walthall and M. William Steele, Politics and Society in Japan's Meiji Restoration: A Brief History with Documents, 978-1457681059


10. Eiichi Kiyooka, trans. The Autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa, 978-0231139878

福泽 谕吉:《福泽谕吉自传》[日文] (英译者:清冈 暎一)

11. Donald Keene, Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912, 978-0231123419


12. Alistair Swale, The Meiji Restoration: Monarchism, Mass Communication and Conservative Revolution, 978-0230593862


13. Marius B. Jansen, Sakamoto Ryōma and the Meiji Restoration, 978-0231101738

马里乌斯·B. 詹森:《坂本龙马与明治维新》(1995)

14. Brian Platt, Burning and Building: Schooling and State Formation in Japan, 1750-1890, 978-674013964



Ernest Mason Satow, Japan's Critical Years: As Witnessed by an English Diplomat, 978-9492722065


Albert M. Craig, Chōshū in the Meiji Restoration, 978-0674128507

阿尔伯特·M. 克雷格:《明治维新中的长州》(2000)

3: Debates over Civilization, Culture, and Identity


1. Dōshin Satō, Modern Japanese Art and the Meiji State: The Politics of Beauty (Hiroshi Nara, trans.),   978-1606060599

佐藤 道信:《明治国家与近代美术——美的政治学》[日文](1999)

2. Takashi Fujitani, Splendid Monarchy: Power and Pageantry in Modern Japan, 978-0520213715

藤谷 隆:《煌煌君权——现代日本的权力与典礼》(1998)

3. Daikichi Irokawa, The Culture of the Meiji Period, 978-0691000305

色川 大吉:《明治的文化》[日文](1970)

4. Gregory Clancey, Earthquake Nation: The Cultural Politics of Japanese Seismicity, 1868-1930, 978-0520246072


5. Takii Kazuhiro, The Meiji Constitution: The Japanese Experience of the West and the Shaping of the Modern State, 978-4924971202

泷井 一博:《文明史中的明治宪法——国家形态与西洋体验》[日文](2003)

6. Michael Wert, Meiji Restoration Losers: Memory and Tokugawa Supporters in Modern Japan, 978-0674726703


7. Tessa Morris-Suzuki, Re-Inventing Japan: Time, Space, Nation, 978-0765600820


8. Julia Adeney Thomas, Reconfiguring Modernity: Concepts of Nature in Japanese Political Ideology, 978-0520228542


9. Stephen Vlastos, ed. Mirror of Modernity: Invented Traditions of Modern Japan, 978-0520206373


10. Gerald Figal, Civilization and Monsters: Spirits of Modernity in Meiji Japan, 978-0822324188


11. Kenneth B. Pyle, The New Generation in Meiji Japan: Problems of Cultural Identity, 1885-1895, 978-0804706971

肯尼思·B. 派尔:《明治日本的新新一代——文化身份诸问题,1885-1895》(1969)

12. James Edward Ketelaar, Of Heretics and Martyrs in Meiji Japan: Buddhism and its Persecution, 978-0691024813


13. John Breen and Mark Teeuwen, A New History of Shinto, 978-1405155168



Ian Nish, The Iwakura Mission to America and Europe: A New Assessment, 978-1873410844


Stefan Tanaka, New Times in Modern Japan, 978-0691128016

田中 史蒂芬:《现代日本之新时代》(2004)

4: Meiji and Taishō Politics, Institutions, Economy, Symbols, Ideology


1. E. Patricia Tsurumi, Factory Girls: Women in the Thread Mills of Meiji Japan, 978-0691000350

鹤见 E. 派特利西亚:《工厂女孩——明治日本纺织厂中的女性》(1990)

2. Helen Hardacre, Shintō and the State, 1868-1988, 978-0691020525


3. J. Charles Schencking, Making Waves: Politics, Propaganda, and the Emergence of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1868-1922, 978-0804749770

J. 查尔斯·申克因:《造浪——政治、宣传与日本帝国海军的发生》(2005)

4. Noriko Aso, Public Properties: Museums in Imperial Japan, 978-0822354291

阿苏 纪子(音):《公共财产——日本帝国的博物馆》(2013)

5. Byron K. Marshall, Learning to be Modern: Japanese Political Discourse on Education, 978-0813318929

拜伦·K. 马歇尔:《学习现代——日本教育相关的政治话语》(1995)

6. Takii Kazuhiro, Itō Hirobumi: Japan's First Prime Minister and Father of the Meiji Constitution, 978-4924971202

泷井 一博:《伊藤博文——思想政治家》[日文](2010)(英译名:《伊藤博文——日本初任首相与明治宪法之父》)

7. Ian Jared Miller, The Nature of the Beasts: Empire and Exhibition at the Tokyo  Imperial Zoo, 978-0520271869


8. James L. Huffman, Down and Out in Late Meiji Japan, 978-082487291

詹姆斯·L. 哈夫曼:《日本明治后期的穷人生活》(2018)

9Walter Wallace McLaren, A Political History of Japan during the Meiji Era 1867-1912, 978-1500909758


10. Alice Y. Tseng, The Imperial Museums of Meiji Japan: Architecture and the Art of the Nation, 978-0295987774

爱丽丝·Y. 曾:《明治日本的帝国博物馆——建筑与国族的艺术》(2008)

11. Oleg Benesch, Inventing the Way of the Samurai: Nationalism, Internationalism, and Bushido in Modern Japan, 978-0198754251


12. Tetsuo Najita, Japan: The Intellectual Foundations of Modern Japanese Politics, 978-0226568034

奈地田 哲夫:《日本——现代日本政治的思想基础》(1974)

13. Carol Gluck, Japan's Modern Myths: Ideology and the Late Meiji Period, 978-0691008127


14. Jason Ananda Jospehson, The Invention of Religion in Japan, 978-0226412344



Jason G. Karlin, Gender and Nation in Meiji Japan: Modernity, Loss, and the Doing of History, 978-0824838263

杰森·G. 卡林:《日本明治时代的性别与国家——现代性,丧失以及历史之所为》(2014)

James L. Huffman, Creating a Public: People and Press in Meiji Japan, 978-0824818821

詹姆斯·L. 哈夫曼:《创造公众——日本明治时代的人民与新闻》(2014)

Trent E. Maxey, The "Greatest Problem": Religion and State Formation in Meiji Japan, 978-0674491991

特伦特·E. 马克西:《“终极难题”——明治日本的宗教与国家形成》(2014)

Brett Walker, The Lost Wolves of Japan, 978-0295988146

布雷特·L. 沃克:《日本失去的狼》(2005)

Sharon L. Sievers, Flowers in Salt: The Beginnings of Feminist Consciousness in Modern Japan, 978-0804713825

夏朗·L. 西弗斯:《盐花——现代日本女性主义意识的起源》(1983)

5: Foreign Relations, Early Empire & Japanese Self-Definitions


1. Peter Duus, The Abacus and the Sword: The Japanese Penetration of Korea, 1895- 1910, 978-0520213616


2. Eiji Oguma, A Genealogy of 'Japanese' Self-Images (David Askew, trans.), 978-1876843045


3. Michael R. Austin, Negotiating with Imperialism: The Unequal Treaties and the Culture of Japanese Diplomacy, 978-0674015210


4. Frederick R. Dickinson, War and National Reinvention: Japan in the  Great War, 1914-1919, 978-0674005075

弗雷德里克·R. 狄金森:《战争与国家重塑——第一次世界大战中的日本,1914-1919》(2001)

5. Saya Makito, The Sino-Japanese War and the Birth of Japanese Nationalism (David   Noble, translator), 978-4924971301

佐谷 真木人:《甲午中日战争与“国民”的诞生》[日文](2009)

6. Stefan Tanaka, Japan's Orient: Rendering Pasts into History, 978-0520201705

田中 斯蒂芬:《日本的东方——将过去变成历史》(1995)

7. Naoko Shimazu, Japanese Society at War: Death, Memory and the Russo-Japanese War, 978-0521294775

岛津 直子:《战时日本社会——死亡、记忆与日俄战争》(2011)

8. S. C. M. Paine, The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895:  Perceptions, Power, and Primacy, 978-0521617451

S. C. M. 潘恩:《1894-1895年甲午中日战争——感知、权力与主导地位》(2002)

9. Akiko Takenaka, Yasukuni Shrine: History, Memory, and Japan’s Unending Postwar, 978-0824873806

竹中 晶子:《靖国神社——历史、记忆与漫无休止的日本战后》(2015)

10. Hiroko Matsuda, Liminality of the Japanese Empire: Border Crossings from Okinawa to Colonial Taiwan, 978082486756  

松田 弘子(音):《日本帝国的阈限性——从冲绳到殖民地台湾的边境跨越》(2018)

11. Alexis Dudden, Japan's Colonization of Korea: Discourse and Power, 978-0824831394


12. Timothy D. Amos, Embodying Difference: The Making of Burakumin in Modern Japan, 1910-1923, 978-0824835798.

蒂莫西·D. 阿莫斯:《差异的身体性——现代日本部落民的构造,1910-1923》(1989)

13. Michael A. Weiner, The Origins of the Korean Community in Japan, 1910-23, 978-   0719029875

迈克尔·A. 韦纳:《在日朝韩社群的起源》(2011)

14. Paul D. Barclay, Outcasts of Empire: Japan's Rule on Taiwan's "Savage Border" ,1874-1945, 978-0520296213.

保罗·D. 巴克利:《帝国的流放者——日本对台湾“野蛮人边境”的管辖》(2017)


Catherine L. Phipps, Empires on the Waterfront: Japan's Ports and Power, 1858–1899, 978-0674417168

凯瑟琳·L. 菲普斯:《滨水帝国——日本的港口与权力,1858-1899》(2015)

Nayoung Aimee Kwon, Intimate Empire: Collaboration and Colonial Modernity in Korea and Japan, 978-0822359258


Todd A. Henry, Assimilating Seoul: Japanese Rule and the Politics of Public Space in Colonial Korea, 1910–1945, 978-0520293151

托德·A. 亨利:《同化首尔——殖民地朝鲜中的日本统治与公共空间的政治,1910-1945》(2016)

Victoria Weston, Japanese Painting and National Identity: Okakura Tenshin and His Circle, 978-1929280179


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