

数学视野 2021-07-14









苏教译林版小学英语3~6年级上册期末测试卷(音频+答案)| 可下载

一、 听录音,选出听到的单词或短语,将其序号填入题前括号内。(听两遍,共10题,每小题1分,计10分)

(    ) 1.A. duck     B. dog      C. cat

(    ) 2.A. bag      B. pig        C. big

(    ) 3.A. any       B. make    C. many

(    ) 4.A. where   B. here      C. there

(    ) 5.A. twenty  B. thirty    C. fifty

(    ) 6.A. fan        B. fish       C. fly

(    ) 7.A. tail        B. table     C. tea

(    ) 8.A. hungry    B. hamburger     C. hurry

(    ) 9.A. in the bathroom   

          B. in the living room

          C. in the kitchen

(    ) 10.A. How many   B. How old

            C. How are you?



(    ) 1.A. No, I can t.    

          B.No, thanks.

          C. Yes, I do.

(    ) 2.A. I have eighteen.  

          B. I have some stickers.

           C. I like stickers.

(    ) 3.A. They’re 19 yuan.  

          B. It’s 19 yuan.

           C. I’m 19.

(    ) 4.A. I like hamburgers.

          B. l d like two hamburgers.

          C. Thank you.

(    ) 5.A. Yes, he can.

          B. Yes, she can.

          C. Yes, I can.


1. I ________ ________. They’re cute and fat.

2. —Can I ________you?

—I’d like some ________.

3. His eyes are ________. His mouth is________.

4. I can ________, but I can’t ________.



(    )1.A. lion             B. elephant       C. king

(    )2.A. mango        B. snowman     C. grape

(    )3.A. table tennisB. basketball    C. fruit

(    )4.A. skirt            B. fan                C. cap

(    )5.A. I                  B. his                 C. you

(    )6.A. cute            B. fat                 C. he


(    )1. —Do you like ________.

           —Yes, I ________.

    A. dog; do       B. a dog; don’t    C.dogs; do

(    )2. —Do you have ________ apples?

           —No, I don’t. I have ________ oranges.

    A. any; some   B. any; any   C. some; any

(    )3. —________ mangoes do you have ? 


    A. How much  B. How many  C. How old

(    )4. ________a big egg!

    A. How            B. What            C. What’s

(    )5. This ________ our doll. Her hair ________ long.

    A. is, is            B. are, are          C. is, are

(    ) 6. The skirts are nice. They are ________ my sister.

    A. for               B. at                   C. in

(    ) 7. —Where’s the bird?

            —It’s ________the tree.

    A. on                B. in                    C. at

(    ) 8. —Is the fridge ________ the kitchen?

            —Yes, ________.

    A. in, they are      B. on, it is       C. in, it is

(    ) 9.—I have ________ balls.

           —Can I have ________ look?

    A. any, a           B. some, an         C. many, a

(    ) 10. —What’s this? 

              —It’s ________ red umbrella.

    A. an                 B. a                      C. /

(    ) 11. —I like that________. Do you like________?

    A. monkey, it.   B. monkeys, it  

    C. monkey, monkey.

(    ) 12. —Would you like an orange? 


    A. No, it isn’t.    B. No, thank you. 

    C. No, I don’t.



(    )1. Look at this doll.          

(    )2.What would you like?             

(    )3.Here you are.         

(    )4. Can you jump?    

(    )5.How much are they?     

(    )6. Do you like tigers?     

(    )7.How many toy cars do you have?     

(    )8.Would you like some noodles?     


A. Yes, I can.

B. Fifteen.  

C. I’d like a glass of milk.

D. No, I don’t.

E. Thank you.

F. They’re28 yuan.

G. Yes, please.

H. She’s beautiful.


1. Look at these toy ________ (animal/animals)?

2. Bobby can’tfly. Sam can’t fly _______ (either/too).

3. Here are some _______ (sandwich/sandwiches) for you.

4. Mike can play basketball very ________ (well/good)?

5. This is ______ (our/we) fruit salad.

6. ______ (He’s/She’s) my brother.


1. many,  balls,  do ,  have , how,  you


2. are,  kitchen,  they,  the,  in


on,  sofa,  it,  the,  is


4. is,  nose,  his,  big,  very



1. —我能看一看吗?—当然可以。

    —Can I ________ a look?


2. —我的鞋子在哪里?—它们在卧室里。

    —________ are my ________? 

    —They’re in the ________.

3. —这条鱼多少钱?—40元。

    —How much is the ________?

    —________ yuan.

4. 看这匹马。他很瘦。他的尾巴很短。

 Look at this ________. He is very ________. His tail is ________.




Hello, boys and girls. My name is Nancy. I’m twelve years old. I’m from England.

I like cats and monkeys. They are cute and funny. I can sing and dance well, but I can’t play table tennis. I have a good friend Helen. She’s eleven. She likes pandas very much. And she likes pears. She can’t dance, but she can swim very well. We often(经常) play together.

(   ) 1. Nancy is twelve years old.

(   )2. Nancy likes cats and pandas.

(   )3. Helen likes pears.

(   )4. Nancy and Helen are good friends.

(   )5. Helen can sing and dance well.



Woman: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

Man: Yes, please. Tomorrow(明天) is my son’s(儿子的) birthday. I’d like a birthday cake.

Woman: Look at the small one. It’s cheap and nice.

Man: How much is it?

Woman: It’s fifty-nine yuan.

Man: What about the big one?

Woman: It’s ninety-five yuan.

Man: OK. I’ll buy(买) the big one. Can I have twelve candles(蜡烛),please?

Woman: Sure. Here you are.

Man: Here’s the money.

Woman: Thank you.

(    ) 1. How much is the small birthday cake?

    A. 95 yuan   B. 59 yuan   C. 50 yuan

(    ) 2. How much is the big birthday cake?

    A. 95 yuan   B. 59 yuan   C. 50 yuan

(    ) 3. The man buys the birthday cake for his ________.

    A. mother    B. sister       C. son

(    )4. The man would like a ________ birthday cake.

    A. nice         B. small        C. big

()5. How old is the man’s son?

    A. 10            B. 11            C. 12




一、1. —What’s this?

           —It’s a toy dog.

       2. The snowman’s nose is big and red.

       3. Let’s make a fruit salad.

       4. Here is a snack bar.

       5. —How much are they?

           —They’re fifty yuan.

       6. —Can you fly?

           —No, I can’t.

       7. The clock is on the table.

       8. —Would you like a hamburger?

           —Yes, please.

       9. My socks are in the bathroom.

      10. —How old is your sister?

            —She is ten.

二、1. —What do you have?

           —I have some stickers.

       2. —I can swim? Can you swim?

           —No, I can’t. But I can skate.

       3. I can see a pineapple and some bananas on the table.

       4. —What would you like?

           —I’d like a hamburger and a glass of milk. What about you?

           —I’d like some noodles.

5. Look at the doll. He’s a king now.

6. —What can you do?

    —I can play table tennis.

7.—Where are the toy cars?

   —They are behind the sofa.

8.—How much are the mangoes and the apples?

   —They are twenty-six yuan.

三、 1. Do you like cats?

        2. How many stickers do you have?

        3. How much are they?

        4. What would you like?

        5. Can Mike play football?

四、 1. I like pandas. They’re cute and fat.

        2. —Can I help you?

            —I’d like some rice.

        3. His eyes are big. His mouth is small.

        4. I can jump, but I can’t swim.


一、1-5    BCBBC

       6-10  CBBAB

二、5 7 1 3 8 2 6 4

三、1-5 CAABA

四、1. I like pandas. They’re cute and fat

2.Can I help you? I’d like some rice.

3. His eyes are big. His mouth is small.

4. I can jump, but I can’t swim.

五、1-6   C B C B B C

六、1-6   C A B B A A 

       7-12 B C C B A B


八、1. animals 2. either 3. sandwiches

       4. well       5. our    6. He’s

九、1. How many balls do you have?

       2. They are in the kitchen.

       3. Is it on the sofa?

       4. His nose is very big.

十、1. have, Sure 2. Where, shoes, bedroom 

       3. fish, Forty  4. horse, thin, short


(一)1-5 √ × √ √ ×

(二)1-5 B A C C C

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第二步:数学视野公众号底部对话框回复关键词:苏教译林期末试卷 即可领取。(要按照正确的关键字回复哦,否则系统无法识别)






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