1. Data sources and study selection(检索数据库和研究的选择)
方法学标准: Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) group.(规范更重要)
数据库:PubMed (1966-2015), Embase (1974-2015), CINAHL (1982-2015), the Cochrane Library (2015), and PsychINFO (up to 2015).
检索词: delirium, acute confusional state, encephalopathy, organic brain syndrome, brain dysfunction, brain failure which were cross-referenced to the terms intensive care, intensive care unit, ICU, critical care, critical illness, critically ill, sepsis, acute respiratory distress, multiple organ system failure, and mechanical ventilation (附件列出了详细的检索策略).
1.全文发表,full length reports published in peer reviewed journals
2.前瞻性观察性研究,大于16岁的入住ICU的患者,prospective observational cohorts or clinical trials of adult patients (aged >16) admitted to an intensive care unit
3.谵妄是经过已经验证过的工具进行评估,patients were evaluated for delirium with a validated screening or diagnostic instrument: confusion assessment method (CAM) 29 , confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit (CAM-ICU) 17 , intensive care delirium screening checklist (ICDSC) 30 , diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 4th and 3th edition (DSM-IV and DSM-III) 2 , and the Neelon and Champagne (NEECHAM) confusion scale 31
4.结局指标,the relation between delirium and at least one of the following outcomes was reported: death in the intensive care unit or in hospital, length of stay in the intensive care unit or in hospital, duration of mechanical ventilation, or any outcome after hospital discharge.
排除标准:(We excluded articles if they did not have a control group of patients without delirium; if they were case studies or case series; if most enrolled patients (or the largest subgroup) had a primary central nervous system disorder (stroke, traumatic brain injury, central nervous system infections, brain tumors, recent intracranial surgery); if most enrolled patients were undergoing cardiac surgery or organ/tissue transplantation
(patient subsets associated with pathophysiologically distinct forms of acute brain dysfunction); if most enrolled patients were experiencing alcohol or substance withdrawal; or if the primary study endpoint was the comparative efficacy or safety of different sedative drugs. RDS, JIFS, and AD screened citations identified by the initial search and selected poten -tially relevant titles for review of abstracts. From
these, RDS, JIFS, and RBS then chose articles for review of full length reports. Figure 1 shows the study selection process.)由此可见,要想发表高影响因子的meta分析,过程一定要严谨。
数据的提取以及文献质量的评估,Data extraction and study quality assessment
这个部分没有什么过多需要注意的, 原文也是按套路出牌,三个作者独立提取数据,同时使用Newcastle-Ottawa Scale 量表对文献质量进行评估。