为了方便摘要的写作,有人提出了“5A Strategy”.”5A Strategy”涉及到拟写摘要时需要考虑和回答的五个基本问题。假如你要用200词来概述所做的科学研究,你应当确保摘要的内容对目标读者是重要和客观的。通过回答这五个问题(5Qs),你的摘要写作会显得更便捷容易些,最终写出的摘要也会更令人满意一些。5个问题分列如下:
Q1: What is the general knowledge of your topic in the academic field?
Q2: What research topic is the paper going to focus on ?
Q3: What method or material do you use to support your main point of view?
Q4: What conclusion will you draw?
Q5: What is the main contribution of the paper?
Abstract = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5(A: Answers)
A1 to Q1 (one sentence)
A2 to Q2 (one topic sentence, one or two supporting sentences that set forth the research topic if necessary)
A3 to Q3( two sentences or three sentences to give specific information about yhe research).
A4 to Q4(one sentence)
A5 to Q5(one sentence)
让我们仔细阅读下面这段摘要,看“5A Stragety”是怎样付诸运用的:
Abstract: Modern managements is essentially about managing people as well as processes in a rapidly changing environment. The author presents the factors which make “strategic management” (策略管理)effective. A dominant factor is the organization climate(组织风气) which, in turn, is determined by the quality of the managers and the availability of alternatives(可能的抉择). To improve the organization climate in which stragetic management can be effective, the quality of the manager is a crucial factor. The scope for alternatives(选择范围) also proves an important constraint. The author suggests that the assessment of effects for management should include the use of consultants(顾问人员) and the role of formal procedure(正式程序的作用). It is concluded that the correct judgment and optimum operation of the essential factors will enhance the effectiveness of stragetic management in general.(当前这项研究的意义)