

策马翻译 2022-10-02













策马新一期医学口译班即将开启!6月13 日开始给自己一个充电之旅!




  • Lupus Forum by GSK; Hangzhou; CI

  • The 13th BILLY Academic Exchange on Diabetes; Hangzhou; SI

  • The 13th BILLY Academic Exchange on Diabetes; Zhengzhou; SI

  • Academic Exchange on Empagliflozin by Boehringer Ingelheim; Nanjing; CI

  • Academic Exchange on Empagliflozin by Boehringer Ingelheim; Guangzhou; CI

  • The 13th BILLY Academic Exchange on Diabetes; Fuzhou; SI

  • The 6th Chinese Academic Conference on Adipose Medicine and 4th International Plastic Surgery Summit; SI

  • New product training, Respiratory GSK; SI

  • The 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension; SI

  • Academic journey of GSK Respiratory; Wuxi; CI

  • Academic journey of GSK Respiratory; Qingdao; CI

  • Academic journey of GSK Respiratory; Hefei; CI

  • Academic journey of GSK Respiratory; Bengbu; CI

  • Advanced module training of functional medicine by IFM; Beijing; SI

  • 2018 China Summit on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; Wuhan; SI

  • 2018 ISCTM International Symposium of Clinical and Translational Medicine; SI

  • 2018 International summit of sport and health management; Beijing; SI

  • 2018 National conference on Pediatric CKD; Zhengzhou; SI

  • Executive meeting of Novartis; SI

  • Boehringer Ingelheim distributor conference, 2018; SI

  • The 8th China Conference of Fetal Medicine; SI 

  • The 6th Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension; SI

  • 2018 Shanghai Renji International Knee Forum on State-of-Art Intervention and Surgery of Knee Osteoarthritis; SI

  • The second genetic industry international summit; Nanjing; SI

  • The third Medtronic CRHF Chinese research advisory board meeting; SI

  • China-US Precision Medicine Initiatives Nanjing Summit; Nanjing; SI

  • 2017 Symposium on Development and Clinical Practices of Functional Medicine in China and the USA; SI

  • IO v2.0 – Second Wave Cancer Immunotherapy and Combination Strategies; SI

  • 2016 East-Sea international forum on metabolic surgery and the 3rd China-US summit on metabolic and bariatric surgery; SI

  • Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology; Beijing; SI

  • Medtronic Sequoia medical innovation salon on Cardiovascular medical technology; SI

  • The first international conference on cancer precision medicine; Tianjin; SI

  • Guizhou ASEAN Education Week – Precision Medicine; Guiyang; SI

  • Conference on Functional Medicine; Guangzhou; SI

  • the 2nd China International Forum of Paediatric Development; Beijing; CI

  • International Forum on Magnetic Nursing by Peking University First Hospital; Beijing; CI

  • 2015 National Hospital Congress; Xiamen; SI

  • 2014 East Sea International Forum on Metabolic Surgery (IFMS), the 2nd Duke University-Shanghai Pudong Masters of Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery; SI

  • Launch Conference: Education & Research Programme of Patient Safety; Organised by Chinese Hospital Association and World Health Organisation; Beijing; SI

  • Drug compatibility research; CI

  • Hospital Management Forum on Continuous Quality Improvement; Jinan; CI

  • Celgene cooperation investigator’s meeting (drug for metastatic pancreatic cancer); SI

  • 2013 WCLI APAC Symposium (Dentistry); SI

  • Optimizing Patient safety using safe medication practices – Train the Trainer Advanced Conference; SI+CI

  • IV safety and quality continuous improvement; Wuhan; CI

  • 2013 Symposium on Forensic Theory and Practice; SI

  • PHARMA QbD 2013; SI

  • The 6th Asia Pacific summit on infection control; SI

  • Highfly IV Safety and quality continuous improvement summit; CI

  • Biomed Innovation China 2013; SI

  • International Symposium on Improving IV Infusion Safety Across the Continuum of Care; Shenyang, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Shanghai; CI

  • International Symposium on ED Patient Safety; Shenyang, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Shanghai; CI

  • Sino-US Symposium on Magnet Nursing; Wuhan; CI

  • (Baxter Organised) US-China Medication Safety Meticulous Management Symposium; Jinan; CI+SI

  • (Baxter Organised) Training for Management of PIVAS and the Standardisation of Operation Procedures; CI+SI

  • (Baxter Organised) “High Fly” Symposium on Continuous Quality Improvement of Safe IV Medication; CI+SI

  • (Baxter Organised) 2012National Hospital and Pharmaceutics Academic Conference; Guangzhou; CI

  • (Baxter Organised) Seminar of the compatibility between medicines and packaging; CI

  • UCB AED (Lacosamide ) Investigator’s Meeting; SI

  • (Baxter Organised) JCI Train the Trainer Workshop, Improving IV Medication Practices for Patient Safety; CI

  • (Baxter Organised) 2012 Hospital Management Exchange Forum – Financial Management; Beijing + Guangzhou; CI

  • Legal Investigation of XX Pharmaceutical company; CI

  • UCB AED (levetiracetam) Investigator’s Meeting; SI 

  • Qlaira (COC) investigators’ meeting, Bayer; SI

  • 4th DIA China Annual Meeting, Collaboration & Innovation in China; SI

  • 7th International China Pharmaceutical R&D Summit; SI

  • NEXTGEN China 2012; SI

  • 3rd APAC SUMMIT (Study to Understand Mortality and Morbidity in COPD), Investigators Meeting China; SI

  • China Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management Summit; SI

  • The Opportunity and challenges of the Pharmaceutical R&D under the guidance of the "Twelfth Five-year Plan"; SI

  • 1st international Symposium on Forensic Theory and Practice Shanghai; SI

  • International Symposium on Forensic Medicine by CFMA; SI

  • Second Generics R&D and Partnering Asia 2011; SI

  • Report of the Preparation Work of NYOGOC Medical Service and Anti-doping to IOC; CI

  • Risk Intelligence <Clinical Risk Management>; SI

  • MSD China Business Review with President about the Northeast, Jiangsu and North region; CI

  • Discussion on the Healthcare situation in China and the Healthy Food Related Issue; SI

  • ICD-10 coding training session; SI

  • New Medical Policy and Product R&D; SI

  • 2010 the 1st International Conference on Forensic Science; SI

  • 2010 Academic annual meeting on Forensic Science; SI














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