
30周年 | 三十年前,我开始考虑开一家画廊

红门画廊 2022-05-10

Red Gate Timeline Online View


30 Years Ago 三十年前

Author作者: Brian Wallace 布朗·华莱士


I was faced with the decision to go home or to find a job in business in Beijing (my background is in business management and marketing), neither of which appealed to me.  Facing that dilemma and based on my experience from the late 80s, I thought about opening an art gallery. 

30 Years Ago 三十年前


Well! Here we are thirty years on – who would have thought in 1991 that Red Gate Gallery could have reached this historic date?  We had a vision and a perception that the time was right to open an art gallery - not that we knew how to do that, or even if we could.  We never dreamed then of how far it would go.

1991年7月24日,澳大利亚报纸 “The Age” 刊登红门画廊开业的整版报道。



Developing the art scene back then was more than an initiative by foreigners; something much more grassroots was happening.

There was a palpable yearning by the youthful art community for more than isolated, anonymous practice.  The artists wanted to show their creativity and their understanding of the awakening world around them to a wider audience of friends and artists, and an appreciative, yet unknown public.  These young artists were traveling from all over the country to Beijing, leaving the blissful innocence of the provinces to wander through the Bohemian world of the Beijing art scene, literally and figuratively at the margins of the city in environs like the Old Summer Palace and later Tongxian and Songzhuang.  It was an environment at once daunting, exhilarating, impoverished, but oiled with energy. 

1988年 都市四艺术家 展览资料


Many of these artists had been trained at the most prestigious academies in China, giving them the highest recognition for their talent.  Others had modest training or no arts training at all, but had the gift and the passion.  Either way, their time was yet to come: only in the next century were their insights and critical eye finally recognised, first by the establishment and later by society at large. 


Meanwhile, the nascent commercial contemporary art scene of the 1980s was comprised of the pioneering Concert Hall Gallery - in the 80’s there were no other galleries, as we understand a professional commercial art gallery scene to be.  This reflected the austere palette of society and business at that time – it was a bare canvas waiting to be painted. 


During the 80s the contemporary art scene continued to percolate, and culminated in the pivotal China  Avant-Garde No U-Turn exhibition at the National Art Gallery of China (Meishuguan) in February 1989.  Honestly hailed as recognising the new era of contemporary art in China, this notorious blockbuster - replete with gun shots and a bomb threat – prefigured a major reversal for the art scene. The ensuing two years were a period of disenchantment and reflection.  A sobering shaft of reality had hit the young artists, who had grown up in the post-Cultural Revolution idyll.  There was little attempt by these artists to exhibit, even if they could.  They did other things: they moved overseas to study, or work, or to get away, had families, or pursued new interests – it was a time of great adjustment.

1989年 北京现代艺术沙龙·水墨画展 请柬



I adjusted as well.  I had been in China for three years and was not ready to leave.  From 1989 - 90, I worked at the Foreign Language Press, and then in 1990 made the decision to go to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing to study Chinese art history, participating in a one-year bridging course.  Along with students who were artists, researchers and teachers from all over the country, we covered 5,000 years of art history, slide by slide, in little over nine months.  For me it was a breathtaking introduction to the broad range of the Chinese arts – calligraphy, painting, sculpture, ceramics, bronzes, porcelains, carvings, furniture, architecture, gardens.

Within a flash, I had been in China for five years.  My scholarships were gone, the savings were depleted, and the part-time job at the Far Eastern Economic Review I had had all along was not going to last forever.  I was faced with the decision to go home or to find a job in business in Beijing (my background is in business management and marketing), neither of which appealed to me.  Facing that dilemma and based on my experience from the late 80s, I thought about opening an art gallery. 

Memory before 1991







1989年 中国现代艺术展 开幕现场 幻灯片




1990年 轮 青年艺术展 请柬




1991年 布朗受聘为北京古观象台艺术咨询



节选自《到角楼去 红门画廊与中国当代艺术》 ISBN 978-988-99266-8-7



红门画廊Red Gate Gallery由澳大利亚籍人士布朗·华莱士Brian Wallace创办于1991年,是中国最早经营当代艺术的外资画廊。三十年来,红门画廊始终致力于中国当代艺术推广和国际艺术联络。邀请国际、国内知名策划人在红门画廊策划当代艺术活动,进行高水平的学术交流,向中国观众介绍国内外当代艺术,为中国当代艺术的发展以及中西方的艺术交流做出了巨大的贡献。



Images courtesy of Red Gate Gallery

Copyright Red Gate Gallery and the artists

Red Gate Gallery @ 798



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Copyright © 2021 Red Gate Gallery, All rights reserved.

Tel | 电话 : (86) 10 5762 3032

Email | 邮箱 : brian@redgategallery.com

Address: 798 Art District, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

地址 : 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号, 798艺术区

