
30周年 | 90年代

红门画廊 2022-05-10

Red Gate Timeline Online View


90年代 90s

Author作者: Brian Wallace 布朗·华莱士

1992年,17位北京艺术家作品义卖 请柬


Winter was approaching and we could not work in the Watchtower because there was no way to heat it.  We were kindly offered a space at the China World Hotel, where we eventually moved.  In those days, the Watchtower, though a fantastic location to have, was perceived as too inaccessible - literally on the wrong side of the railway tracks, in a rundown part of town.



The small market for contemporary art was Beijing-based and was 100 per cent with the expat community and foreigners passing through.  Even before Red Gate opened, the market was promoted in Hong Kong particularly through the work of the Hanart TZ, Plum Blossoms and Schoeni galleries and the magazine Asian Art News. However, by the mid-90s other players in China were entering the gallery scene - China Art Archives and Warehouse and the CourtYard Gallery, as well as a handful of locally-owned galleries including Creation, Qin and Wan Fung, and many others which came and went.  As well, there were ground-breaking shows traveling overseas starting with New Art From China -- Post - Mao Product in 1992, which were educating a larger international audience. 


By the late 90s, the art scene had already surpassed the liveliness of the late 80s.  There were many new curators, writers and critics emerging or re-emerging and returning.  New publications, art fairs, auction houses, and alternative (but short-lived) art spaces were cropping up.  Internationally, a number of galleries beyond Hong Kong started to represent Chinese artists: London, New York, Sydney, San Francisco and Berlin were starting to take notice.



We remained at the hotel location until 1999 when the Bureau of Cultural Relics approached us to return to the Watchtower.  We agreed immediately to re-open there at the top level and within a few months were able to secure the ground floor and build an office area, allowing us to work through the winter.  By the end of the year, we had re-located completely, leaving China World.  Red Gate was back home, behind the large red doors for which the gallery was named, and secure in the only Ming Dynasty corner tower in existence. 


Our exhibition program was in full swing, and we soon celebrated our tenth anniversary in 2001 with an exhibition called Clues to the Future, an exciting presentation of gallery artists who showed work indicating where they were heading, rather than a retrospective celebrating where they had been.  It was an intuitive show hinting at what the future held for these artists, and for Red Gate.  Although we had survived a remarkable ten years on a shoestring budget and slowly increasing sales, it was always a struggle; we could not even afford to print the 10th anniversary catalogue!  


Though we were limited in resources, I always believed in the artists.  I knew that there was a growing interest, and therefore a market, for contemporary Chinese art.   


Memory Wall of 1990s




红门画廊Red Gate Gallery由澳大利亚籍人士布朗·华莱士Brian Wallace创办于1991年,是中国最早经营当代艺术的外资画廊。三十年来,红门画廊始终致力于中国当代艺术推广和国际艺术联络。邀请国际、国内知名策划人在红门画廊策划当代艺术活动,进行高水平的学术交流,向中国观众介绍国内外当代艺术,为中国当代艺术的发展以及中西方的艺术交流做出了巨大的贡献。



Images courtesy of Red Gate Gallery

Copyright Red Gate Gallery and the artists

Red Gate Gallery @ 798



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Copyright © 2021 Red Gate Gallery, All rights reserved.

Tel | 电话 : (86) 10 5762 3032

Email | 邮箱 : brian@redgategallery.com

Address: 798 Art District, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

地址 : 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号, 798艺术区

