30周年 | 周吉荣 - 销售款捐给了孤残儿童村
Red Gate Timeline Online View
Zhou Jirong周吉荣
The City: Between the Old and the New launched Zhou Jirong at Red Gate in 1994 with the beautiful silkscreen prints of Beijing alleyways almost devoid of life and activity but for a shadow, a kite or a solitary figure. Zhou’s work over years has used the cityscape as the background for his comment on environmental and societal issues. One of those issues was how to bring art and the Chinese audience together for a public cause, and he came up with the idea of creating a calendar of contemporary prints that could be sold to raise money for a special charity.
By 2004 the public was just exploring contemporary art and so the idea of producing a high quality calendar of prints by well-known artists at a very attractive price was proposed to bring artists and art-lovers together to raise money. Eventually the Philip Hayden Foundation’s orphanage was chosen to be the beneficiary. Each calendar contained seven prints in all techniques, and an edition of 50 calendars was produced each year. In all, eight years of calendars were commissioned and they were enthusiastically sort after by the domestic and international buyers. In fact, people came back each year to buy the same edition number like me – I have all eight calendars editioned 1/50!
城市 - 新旧之间是1994年周吉荣在红门画廊推出的精美丝网版画——胡同里萧索且缺乏生机,只有斜影、独行的人和一只风筝。多年来,周吉荣的作品一直基于城市景观为原型,探讨环境和社会议题。其中的一个议题就是如何让中国的观众和艺术深入到公共事业;他想到了版画年历的创意,通过销售年历为特定的慈善机构筹款。
2004 年,当代艺术还处于社会探索中,因此这个想法吸引了很多艺术家和艺术爱好者们蜂拥而至,这些价格超值、由知名艺术家制作的高品质版画年历,筹集到很多资金。菲利浦海德基金会的孤儿院也成为真正的受益人。每本年历中都包含了7幅使用各种手法制作的版画,每年只有50版。八年的定制生产,版画年历一直都受到国内外买家的热烈追捧。
事实上,藏家们每年都会赶来收藏同样的版本号——比如我,收藏的八本年历版本号都是 1/50 !
布朗·华莱士 Brian Wallace
2005年 版画原作年历展 募款现场
左1:周吉荣,左2:菲利普海德基金会代表,左3:布朗,左4: 苏新平
红门画廊伴随着中国的改革开放进程,已经走过了三十年。红门画廊的展场从北京的古观象台到中国大饭店再到东便门角楼再到今天的798画廊新址 ,三十多年来展场的场所在改变,但画廊的掌门人一直是布朗·华莱士。
Red Gate Gallery has gone through 30 years with the reform and opening-up of China. Brian started organizing shows at the Ancient Observatory in Beijing 1988, and then opened the gallery in Dongbianmen in 1991, moving to China World Hotel 1993. Then back to the watchtower of Dongbianmen in 1999 and to the new site of 798 in 2017. For more than 30 years, the address has changed, but the director of the gallery has always been Mr. Brian Wallace.
I remember my first exhibition at the Red Gate Gallery was on the second floor of China World Hotel. It was my first solo exhibition with the gallery. Most of the subsequent exhibitions were held in the watchtower of Dongbianmen. In the past 30 years, my works of different periods have made their debut in Red Gate: the screen prints in 1994 are also my earliest works; mixed media on canvas works in 2002; paper pulp works in 2011; digital printmaking in 2013 and so on. It can be said that the Red Gate Gallery is always the first stage of my art practice and transformation of style.
Over the past 30 years, Red Gate Gallery has not only produced many excellent artists, but also promoted the development of China's gallery industry. It provides a good example for the internation alization of Chinese galleries.
Brian is a calm, low-key and consistent person. We not only cooperate in exhibitions, but also do something for charity through gallery and printmaking. I came up with an idea in 2002: making use of the technique of printmaking to do something useful for the society. I discussed my idea with Brian and he agreed immediately. Then we started to look for a charity. The first contact is the International AIDS Association, but for various reasons, this did not work out. A few days later, Brian called me and said that there was a foundation that could cooperate: Philip Hayden Foundation for orphaned and disabled children in Langfang, just outside of Beijing. Soon we negotiated with their project leader about cooperating and began our project of eight years. Since 2004, we printed 50 copies of a calendar with seven original prints covering all forms of printmaking. At the end of each year, we will display and sell them at Red Gate, and the proceeds were be donated to the orphanage. On reflection, this meaningful event lasted for eight years because of Brian's kindness and the active participation of many artists– it was a very worth while project!
Time brings great changes as it flew by. May the Red Gate Gallery shine in the East and West in the next 30 years, and that Red Gate remains prosperous for a long time.
Zhou Jirong
July 5, 2021
Zhou Jirong's Memory Wall
1994年 城市 - 新旧之间﹕周吉荣版画展 请柬
1993年 周吉荣 现代版画展 请柬
1997年 红门画廊 时空·记忆 请柬
1998年 媒体报道周吉荣作品
2002年 红门画廊 海市蜃楼 周吉荣新作品展 请柬
1997年 红门画廊 三个版画家展览 请柬
2004年版画原作年历展 请柬
2004年 周吉荣在展览现场向媒体展示版画原作年历
2005年 版画原作年历展览现场与受助儿童合影
2008年 第六次版画原作年历捐助展与儿童村孤残儿童合影
2008年 798 红门画廊 展览现场
2008年 798 红门画廊 周吉荣接受媒体采访
2011年 版画原作年历展览现场
部分版画原作年历展 请柬
2004年 红门画廊 幻影 周吉荣作品展 请柬
2006年 虚境 周吉荣作品展 请柬
2013年 不确定的景观 - 周吉荣新作展 请柬
1962 生于贵州新安
1987 毕业于中央美术学院版画系,同年留校任教
目前 中央美术学院版画系教授,版画系副主任
1962 Born in Xin’an, Guizhou
1987 Graduated from the Printmaking Dept., Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA),Beijing
Professor, Deputy Head of Printmaking Dept., CAFA
Supervisor of Doctoral, CAFA
Zhou Jirong exhibitions at Red Gate Gallery:
1994 The City: Between the Old and the New 城市 - 新旧之间﹕周吉荣版画展
1997 Three Printmakers 三个美术学院画家联展
1997 Time, Space and Memory 时空·记忆
1998 Retake: A selected exhibition reviewing Red Gate Artists’ Signature Works 再现
1998 Through the Gate III: Involvement and Eschewal 再现 - 红门画廊精选作品回顾展
1998 New Prints by Zhou Jirong 周吉荣新作品
2001 CLUES TO THE FUTURE Red Gate Gallery's 10th Anniversary 迹象未来——十周年纪念展
2002 Zhou Jirong: Mirage 海市蜃楼—— 周吉荣作品
2003 Philip Hayden Foundation Fundraiser 菲利浦海德基金会(中国分会)
2004 CIGE 中国国际艺术博览会
2004 Melbourne Art Fair 墨尔本艺术博览会
2004 Zhou Jirong: Illusion 幻影 - 周吉荣
2004 Philip Hayden Foundation Fundraiser 菲利浦海德基金会(中国分会)
2005 Philip Hayden Foundation Fundraiser - III 菲利浦海德基金会(中国分会)
2006 Constructed Winds 北京 背景
2006 15th Anniversary - To the Watchtower 角楼15周年纪念
2006 Zhou Jirong: Shadowland 虚境 - 周吉荣
2006 Philip Hayden Foundation Fundraiser IV 菲利浦海德基金会(中国分会)
2007 1st International Printmaking Biennial 第一届国际版画展
2007 Art Beijng 艺术北京
2007 Coporeality 身体 印象
2007 Philip Hayden Foundation Fundraiser - V 菲利浦海德基金会(中国分会)
2008 A Different Take 不同的视角
2008 Red Gate Stars 红门群星
2008 Zhou Jirong: Fantastic City 绮城 - 周吉荣
2008 Living Space 共同的空间
2009 China Form 中国形式
2009 In League: Contemporary Printmaking 版图——中国版画艺术工作室联盟作品联展
2009 Head On 碰击
2010 The City: Calendar of Contemporary Printmaking Fundraiser 城市:2011版画原作年历展
2011 Art Beijing 艺术北京
2011 Two Generations, Red Gate 20th Anniversary 红门二十周年-两代艺术家
2011 Twilight City – New Works on Paper by Zhou Jirong 城观汐景 – 周吉荣综合材料作品展
2011 Calendar of Contemporary Printmaking Fundraiser 和谐
2013 Zhou Jirong: Uncertain Landscapes 不确定的景观 - 周吉荣
2013 River on Paper - Dialogue between Poetry and Prints 纸上河流 - 诗与版画的对谈
2015 Art Central
2015 ART021
2016 Art Central
2017 Red Gate on the Move! Last Exhibition at the Watchtower! 红门·继往开来
2018 Editions, Multiples and More 多元的张力
2020 Colour Memories 色彩记忆
红门画廊Red Gate Gallery由澳大利亚籍人士布朗·华莱士Brian Wallace创办于1991年,是中国最早经营当代艺术的外资画廊。三十年来,红门画廊始终致力于中国当代艺术推广和国际艺术联络。邀请国际、国内知名策划人在红门画廊策划当代艺术活动,进行高水平的学术交流,向中国观众介绍国内外当代艺术,为中国当代艺术的发展以及中西方的艺术交流做出了巨大的贡献。
Images courtesy of Red Gate Gallery
Copyright Red Gate Gallery and the artists
Red Gate Gallery @ 798
For more information, please contact
Directions to Red Gate Gallery
Copyright © 2021 Red Gate Gallery, All rights reserved.
Tel | 电话 : (86) 10 5762 3032
Email | 邮箱 : brian@redgategallery.com
Address: 798 Art District, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
地址 : 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号, 798艺术区