卡特三农学术论坛之166期通告 主讲人:周默涵研究员等
Banking Competition and the Effectiveness of Environmental Regulation: Evidence from China
周默涵,香港大学经济学博士,浙江大学“百人计划”研究员,博士生导师,现任教于浙江大学经济学院国际经济系。周默涵研究员于2008年获得武汉大学经济学与数学学士双学位,2013年博士毕业于香港大学经济与金融学院,2014-2018年间以副教授身份任教于中央财经大学国际经济与贸易学院;2018年作为浙江大学“百人计划”人才引进。他的研究领域包括异质性企业理论和环境经济学,研究成果发表在Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,Canadian Journal of Economics,《世界经济》等国内外重要学术期刊。
摘要:Poor development in financial markets may hinder firms from achieving environmental regulation goals set by governments. By using a policy change of environmental regulation in China and exploiting cross-city variation in banking concentration, we study how competition in local banking market affects the effectiveness of environmental regulation. Results indicate that banking industry competition played a positive role in assisting firms' reduction in SO2 emission to meet environmental regulation targets. Firms located in cities where banking competition is fierce tend to invest more in desulphurizing capacities when faced with a tightening of regulation. Both long-term debt and current liability increased for firms in cities with tougher banking competition, suggesting these processes may be facilitated by bank financing. These results are indicative that a well-functioning banking sector plays a critical role for environmental regulation to be effective.
Does migration experience reduce villagers’ social capital? Evidence from rural China
摘要:In this study, we examine the impact of migration experience on return migrant’s social capital using household survey data from rural China. We first develop a simple model to describe rural household’s decision to invest in social capital and then empirically examine how migration experience affects social capital using village-level natural disasters as instrumental variables for migration experience. Our results show that villagers’ migration experience reduces both structural social capital and cognitive social capital. Compared with those who never worked out of their own hometowns, return migrants would practice fewer social interactions, information communication, trust building and reciprocal behaviors with relatives. We provide suggestive evidence that the decline in social capital may be caused by the higher expected mobility of return migrants.
Consumers’ Acceptance and Valuation for Cultured Meat: A Multi-city Choice Experiment in China
摘要:Cultured meat is an unfamiliar emerging food technology that could provide a near endless supply of high quality protein with a relatively small ecological footprint. However, the successful adoption of a novel food technology not only depends on its technical feasibility, but also consumers acceptance and demand for the novel food product. To understand consumer acceptance and valuation of cultured meat, the study examines the impact of positive and negative information on consumer willingness-to- pay (WTP) for cultured chicken breast. A random sample of 1139 Chinese consumers from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou completed a survey instrument that included four information treatments and a choice experiment. Empirical results showed that consumers have a negative WTP for cultured meat, about ¥-10.22/500g,while information induced the increase of consumer WTP. In which a combination of positive information and negative information about cultured meat have the largest effects on the increase of WTP for cultured meat, followed by negative information, and the last is the positive information. More comprehensive information in a relevant context could therefore contribute to the commercial success of cultured meat.