
Recycling is not the Solution. It is the LAST OPTION. 回收不过是无奈之选。

绿色倡议 绿色倡议 2020-09-15


What do you do with unwanted clothing?


You can take some of your past favorites to a Swapping Party like other conscious fashionistas, or may take the effort to carry them to one of our RE:FORM boxes, in addition to dropping them off at fashion retailers collection boxes or designated points in your local community. If this is something that you currently do, well done!


But is it enough? 


We have been asking ourselves and want to encourage you to think about the following question too:


Can we lift the weight of textile waste through recycling alone? 



You may know about the environmental benefits of textile recycling: it saves virgin fibers, reduces consumption of energy and water, and avoids piling up waste in landfills (latest report in the U.S. shows that at least 12.8 million tons of textile waste ends up in landfills each year; while in China, the number is more than doubled - 26 million tons to be precise).


Perhaps that's why you do it in the first place?



An irretrievable problem:


Unfortunately, the cold hard truth is: reusing and recycling don’t and will not solve the problem. 


The idea of ‘reusing’, ‘recovering’ and ‘recycling’ is a possibility with metals, which can be re-melted and change form many times without altering its chemical and physical qualities. However, for textiles made from various materials: animal, plant, mineral, synthetic, etc, this is unfortunately not as easy.


To start with, sorting out different garments is difficult. Modern-day clothing constitutes a range of mixes, including synthetic fibers such as nylon and polyester, which are essentially a type of plastic that requires different processing methods compared to natural materials like cotton, wool or linen. In terms of financial incentive, synthetic fibers unsurprisingly aren’t as valuable as cotton or wool, which is why they are often overlooked. 


From a manufacturing perspective, in order to transform an old piece of cloth to new it has to be shredded into small pieces and turned into raw fibers. Mechanical shredding reduces the staple length of the fibers, which is the key attribute to determine textile strength and softness. As a result, these shredded fibers degrade in quality, and are usually used for making kitchen cloths, rugs, car insulations or seat fillings, etc, which is commonly referred to as ‘downcycling’ or ‘cascading’.   


You can also watch UNRAVEL, the short-documentary film (13-minutes) about how one factory in India deals with all the clothing waste they receive from different countries, by scanning the QR code below. 


How effectively do retailers recycle?


In 2013, customers of H&M, the world’s second largest clothing retailer, started seeing recycling boxes at its 3,800 stores worldwide - a global movement propelled by its pioneering garment collecting initiative. 


Between then and November 2016, it is said to have collected almost 39,000 tons of garments, which appears to be a significant amount compared to its production size. The Guardian calculated and published that H&M is capable of pumping out 1,000 tons clothes in 2 days, but processing that much amount of waste would take 12 years. 


For a company the size of H&M, accurately tracking progress can also be challenging. After scanning through H&M’s last two publicized Sustainability Reports we found a mismatch in the percentage recycled materials used in 2015 (PDF) and 2016 (PDF) - see images below taken from these reports. This leads us to beg the questions, what was the recycled material percentage used in 2015? 1% or 0.5%? 

H&M 可持续性发展报告 2015 vs 2016   

H&M Sustainability report 2015 vs 2016

在图表旁边有一栏字体较小的脚注:“经过使用更详细的新系统,历史数据已被更新……偏差来自四舍五入后的结果 。” 也许这是一个无心之过,但是广告中出现误导信息就需另当别论了。

In a small footnote next to the chart, we read: “Historical data has been updated using a new, more detailed system… Deviations are due to rounding effects.” While this is perhaps an honest mistake, misleading advertising is not. 


H&M launched its first World Recycle Week in May 2016 featuring pop star M.I.A, in which it claims: “95% of textiles thrown away worldwide could get a second life”, but it failed to mention how few textiles did get a second life in general context or within their own practice. ‍

正如绿色和平组织在“时尚排毒”活动的新闻稿中写道:“H&M的回收周实际上是一个 ‘幻想周’,因为仅有1%的回收衣物可被作为再生纤维使用。”

Greenpeace, in a press release for their Detox My Fashion campaign, commented: “H&M’s Recycling Week is in reality a week of illusions since only 1% of collected clothing can be used as recycled fibers.”


It is worth noting that H&M is indeed trying to steer the industry into a greener and more sustainable one, their Global Change Award to reward innovations in the industry being one such example, but there is still plenty of space for improvement. What’s more, the well-intentioned efforts may well-become purchasing incentives, as Bloomberg commented, customers might even spend more since they get rewards and discount coupons to recycle their clothing and thus, waste more.


Testing the water with technology


紧随H&M的脚步, Zara, 美国鹰牌、乐斯菲斯等世界时装零售商也开始旧衣回收,而一些牛仔服装零售商则把目光放在一些初露头角的技术手段上。

Following H&M’s lead, other fashion retailers such as Zara, American Eagle Outfitters, The North Face, have also started collecting used garments,. In addition, a few jean brands have been researching new fiber recycling technologies.



As mentioned above, textile recycling usually uses degraded materials, which means the process involves ‘down cycling’. However, just last year, the Seattle-based start-up Evrnu is said to have developed a brand-new fiber dissolving technology that can help recycle clothes as easily as melting it.


In June, 2016, Evrnu made its first jean prototype with Levi’s using approximately 5 discarded cotton shirts, which was described by Levi’s as a ‘breakthrough innovation’ in post-consumer recycling. Although the company has yet to use 100% recycled materials in the prototyping stage, it said that their practice uses 98% less water than virgin cotton products, and reduces CO2 emissions by 90% compared to standard polyester production.  Even chemicals are reused for dissolving, creating a solution where the recycling and manufacturing process can truly be turned into a closed loop. 

李维斯并非唯一一家在这方面进行探索的公司。在过去几年,G-Star Raw(荷兰牛仔装零售商)在推出“原始海洋”(Raw for the Oceans)系列的时候就开始关注水环境污染问题,并承诺在不久的将来会把从海洋中回收上来的塑料废弃物用于所有的产品。与此同时,设计师品牌AG牛仔裤和臭氧技术公司合作推出了一套全新的生产方法,制作牛仔布的传统方法是通过大量清洗去除多余的靛蓝染料,而AG新的生产方式是干法工艺,能够节省大量的水和能源。最近,阿迪达斯利用从海洋回收上来的塑料垃圾制成新鞋,引发不小的轰动。

Levi’s is not the brand testing new recycling technology. In the past few years, G Star Raw has focused on aquatic waste with its Raw for the Oceans line, and pledges to include recycled ocean plastic in all of their products in the near future. Meanwhile, designer brand AG jeans partnered up with Ozone Technology to reduce the amount of water and dye in the dying process, creating a dry dying process to save water and energy. More recently, Adidas has been making waves with their new shoe made from recovered ocean plastic.(G-Star RAW for the oceans campaign with Pharrel)


However, two immediate questions emerge on this front: Can and the companies and those that aspire to join them close the gap between hope and practice? Can technology catch up with the growing demand?


How you can help

作为消费者,唯一的方式就是养成理性消费行为,记住3R定律: Reduce(减少)、Reuse(再利用)、Recycle(回收),鼓励人们少买、买好的和环保商品。

1. 买你所需  Buy what you need


If you participated in the 13-in-31 challenge to design your daily wardrobe with only 13 pieces for 31 days, you’ve probably figured out that you need much less clothing than you previously anticipated. The next time you see that shirt or dress on sale through the glass window, think whether it would end up becoming another ‘extra’ piece in your closet, and/or if you want to go into the store just because of the sale. We are not asking you to wear what you are wearing for the rest of your life, but if you want to care about the environment, buy necessities and cherish them. 

2. 为质量买单 Pay for good quality


When you buy higher quality clothes, it is more likely that you are going to wear it for longer. A shirt that costs 100RMB gets worn out rather quickly if it’s made from 90% polyester, 10% cotton, and possibly poor-quality dyes. When you pay for a shirt that costs more, and is made from Fairtrade cotton and organic dyes, it will undoubtedly last longer. 


 Spending more time on making smart choices (read both price tag and material tag) will not only help you to reduce your cost of living, it is also helping the environment by creating a solution that recycling never could. We should also hope to have more clothes with a story that goes further than the source or price tag.. Fashion revolution was recently running a campaign called #whomademyclothes 

3. 支持环保品牌 Support ethical brands

近年来,很多可持续发展的服装公司纷纷在中国涌现,让消费者可以买得放心用得舒心。(1331挑战活动列出了上海12家崇尚可持续发展理念的品牌 )沉浸在可持续发展理念的时尚潮流中,需谨记:首先买你所需,然后才是为好质量买单,和支持环保品牌。

In recent years many sustainable apparel companies have popped up in China to give you a chance to buy quality products and feel good about it. (See our partners from the 1331-challenge’s list of12 sustainable brands in Shanghai) Do what you can to get immersed in the world of sustainable fashion, but first remember: First buy less, then buy better and ethical.


If you find that you don’t need a piece of clothing anymore, think about how to reuse it. Give clothing that you don’t need to charities. Sell it or swap it. Refuse, where necessary – be it a discount voucher encouraging you to buy more clothes, a free t-shirt, or a canvas bag at an event. Repair your jeans or repurpose them in a creative way.


Lastly and most importantly, understand that recycling is not a solution – it is simply the last resort.

以上文章由绿色倡议志愿者Yaling Jiang和Nicolas Huppenbauer编写。

The above article was researched and written by Green Initiatives' Community Volunteers Yaling Jiang & Nicolas Huppenbauer.

Yaling说“女生热爱快消品牌 - 打折,促销,廉价,同时又能作为高端品牌的替代品。我也曾经热衷于此。但是我们必须清楚的意识到问题的源头并且共同努力让这些大公司承担起社会责任。同时,我希望能够将新科技带入讨论中 - 让我对衣物回收的未来抱有希望。”

On why Yaling worked on this piece she says, "Girls love fast fashion brands - we fall for the price, the sale and accessible spinoffs from high fashion. I've been there. But it's important for us (guys, too) to see where the source of the problem is, and make collective efforts to keep these big brands accountable; at the same time, I also want to shed light on new technology in the sphere- something that brings me optimism about the future of textile recycling." 

Nicolas说“我觉得有很多的时间和金钱浪费在了无用的解决方案上。我想知道关于衣物回收的关键问题而为这篇文章做研究时让我了解了许多: 回收并不是目前解决垃圾问题的最好方案。我希望这篇文章能够提供一些新的视角并且让更多的人们对衣物回收以及背后的行业利益链条感兴趣。”

On why Nicolas worked on this piece, he says, “I have the feeling a lot of money and time are wasted on solutions that aren't really effective. I wanted to find out what's the matter with recycling and the research for this article gave me a lot of new insights: Recycling is not all for nothing, but still, it's not really an effective solution to the huge waste problem we have. I hope this article can make things clearer for our readers as well and maybe make more people interested in the economy behind our fashion and recycling industries.”

A non-profit organization that promotes awareness, facilitates actions, implements projects, and stimulates change toward sustainable models of growth and consumption.


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