
【加拿大移民】BC省10万加币全家投资移民新政解析! [Canadian Immigrants]

JoyMay Joymay加乐美出国 2023-08-19


Migration policies around the world are tightening, and there are few countries that welcome migrants. Traditional immigrant powers have raised the bar in succession in recent years. U.S. immigration policy shrinks severely, and Australia announced this week that new arrivals will have to wait 4 years to benefit.


Canada's hottest Quebec immigrant investor has also released a new policy this year, raising total household assets to 2 million Canadian dollars and increasing investment payments by 1.2 million Canadian dollars. Investment is getting higher, audits are becoming more stringent, and waiting times are getting longer. Applicants do not need to actively run a business, but it takes 4 years for the trial to take place.


The global scramble for just 1900 places, hundreds of domestic intermediaries, tens of thousands of applicants in the brush places, the chances of being selected are lower. So Vie's immigration consultants believe that the Quebec immigrant investor program is now better suited to older, non-verbal applicants。


Quebec is not comparable in climate, humanities, medical and other aspects to the livable BC Province. People who have traveled to BC Province, it is certainly the preferred BC province. BC Province, Canada recently revealed a positive immigration policy! Open a new investment immigration pilot program, and even lower personal net assets and investment standards.


Through the pilot project, the BC Provincial nomination project will work with communities with a local population of less than 75000 to attract entrepreneurs to emigrate to start new businesses in the region, thus meeting local needs, providing employment and contributing to the local economy.

企业家移民 —— 区域试验

Entrepreneur migration--regional experiment

该项目全名为“企业家移民 —— 区域试验(Entrepreneur Immigration — Regional Pilot)”。成功的候选者将会得到加拿大工作签证,配偶也可享受加拿大工签,孩子可免费读书。

The full name of the project is "entrepreneur migration-regional experiment (entrepreneur Immigration-regional pilot)". Successful candidates will receive a Canadian work visa, spouses can also enjoy a Canadian job signature, and children can read free of charge.

进一步满足条件的企业家将获得省提名并移民,买房无需缴纳20%海外买家税。该项目适合企业主、企业高管;拥有G类雅思听说读写:4.5/ 4/ 3.5 / 4分以上的英文水平;想要短期投资移民的申请人。

Entrepreneurs who further meet the conditions will be nominated by the province and emigrated, without paying 20% overseas buyer tax. The project is suitable for business owners, business executives, with G-Class IELTS listening, speaking, reading and writing: 4.5/4/3.5/4 + English proficiency, applicants who want to invest in the short term


Investment requirements;


Invest at least 100 thousands canadian dollars;


The personal net worth least of 300 thousands;


At least half (at least 51%) of the equity in the proposed enterprise


Hire at least one Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.


Experience requirements:

在过去5年中,有3年以上作为业主的积极经营经验(active business owner-manager);或4年以上高级经理工作经验。

Over the past 5 years, he has more than 3 years of active business experience as an owner, or more than 4 years of experience as a senior manager.

语言:CLB 4, G类雅思听说读写:4.5/ 4/ 3.5 / 4分以上

Language: CLB 4, Class G ielts listening, speaking, reading and writing.


The participatng district of BC province


Must be located 30 km away from urban centres with a population size of more than 75000


After the new deal was released, a very large number of guests consulted on the pilot project. JoyMay Immigration Advisor Team brings together all the FAQs, here to bring you a deep analysis


What are the specific application steps for the pilot project?

1、探索性考察 - 申请人必须在符合条件的社区开展商务探索性考察,向社区指定的试验项目代表提交商业提案;获得目标社区的推荐,项目代表向BCPNP提交推荐表格,作为注册的一部分。

Exploratory expedition-Applicants must conduct business exploratory expeditions in eligible communities and submit business proposals to community-designated pilot project representatives; Obtain recommendations from the target community, and project representatives submit referral forms to BCPNP as part of the registration.

2、省提名注册 - 在BCPNP官网上注册填写个人信息,系统将根据填写的信息自动为每个申请人计算得分;试验项目每个月抽签,邀请得分靠前的申请人。

Provincial nomination Registration-Register on the BCPNP website to fill in personal information, the system will automatically calculate the score for each applicant based on the information completed; The pilot project draws lots every month to invite applicants who have scored forward.

3、提交完整申请 (审理时间4个月)- 申请人补充文件及信息;签署绩效协议(Performance Agreement),承诺完成绩效目标。

Submit a full application (4 months of trial time)-applicant's supplementary documents and information, sign performance Agreement (Performance Agreement), commitment to achieve performance objectives.


Apply for a work visa, be approved to land as a job signing holder, can operate legally in Canada, the spouse is also eligible to apply for a work visa;

5、满足绩效协议的要求,提交最终报告(Final Report),申请省提名(审理时间4个月);

Meet the requirements of the performance agreement, submit the final report (final), apply for provincial nominations (4 months of trial time)


Application approved, obtained provincial nomination certificate


Submit an immigration application to the federal Government of Canada. Received the federal Government Mail Notification Medical examination, received the federal Government Mail notification mailing Passport Original.


Access to permanent resident paper


How long does the approval time take?


Summarizing the above steps, the provincial nomination trial time of 4-6 months, the operation of 1 years after the re-audit, passed the provincial nomination after the submission of PR application, it takes 18 months. The entire process amounts to 3 years.


Is there a requirement for residence


The pilot project explicitly requires applicants to reside for 75% of the time within 100 km of the business operation. Community-recommended mechanisms will more strictly urge applicants to actually implement their business plans. If you do not meet the residence requirements, or cheat in the process, BCPNP is likely to cancel the application for manual signing, and finally can not be approved by the provincial nomination and PR status.


Where is the community in the end of the population of 75 thousands


Provincial nominated projects must be located 30 kilometres away from urban centres with a population of more than 75,000 people, and the provincial government has not yet given a list of specific communities. However, we can refer to the total population of the following BC cities.


Can I purchase stock? Is there any business in the industry can be?


Investing in a business in a remote community, many people are more willing to take stakes in or take over existing businesses in order to reduce risk. However, the pilot project has clear requirements in form and industry. First of all, the applicant must start their own business, and achieve business objectives.


Secondly, the enterprises created must conform to the priority industries of Community economic development. and remote communities are likely to welcome investment projects such as agricultural production and food processing, technology and the green economy, forestry, Transport and aboriginal collaboration, while routine businesses such as family hotels, real estate brokers, insurance brokers, and business brokers may not be in line with community-priority industries.


How is the scoring system calculated?


The pilot project also needs to register on the BCPNP website to fill in personal information, the system will automatically calculate the score for each applicant based on the information completed; The pilot project draws lots every month to invite applicants who have scored forward.


Compared with the current regular entrepreneur immigration program, although the total score is 200 points, but the score of each child is different.


The personal component is divided into 140 points, an increase of 20 points over the current project, of which the adaptive capacity (adaptability) has been significantly increased to 67 points, with the exception of work experience, all other children have reduced points. And the business Plan part, the evaluation of the business plan itself is consistent with the current, but in the economic contribution of the reduction of 15 points, skills transfer also reduced by 10 points.


JoyMay Immigration consultants compared the regional trials with the General entrepreneur Immigration category, for everyone to summarize the following table.


Basic entrepreneur migration program


Immigrant entre preneurs__Regional test

社区要求 Community requirements


Community in BC province


No business exploratory


Recommendations from target communities are not required


The population scale exceeds 75000km away from the city center


Need business exploratory


Recommendations from target communities are required

投资要求Investment requirement


20 thousands canadian dollars

10 万加币

10 thousands Canadian dollar

创造就业 To create jobs

至少雇佣一个加拿大公民或加拿大永久居民 Hire at least one Canadian or Canadian permanent resident

净资产要求Net asset requirement

60元加币 60 canadian dollars

30万加币 30 canadian dollars

语言要求 Language requirement

无语言要求 None


居住要求 Residence requirements

居住于目标企业的100km以内 Live within 100 km of the target enterprise


Live within the community

企业要求 Business requirement

接管(购买现有企业)或初创任何行业的企业 (Buying existing businesses) or Start any industry


Start-ups. According with priority industries of community economic development

股权要求 Equity requirement


least one-third


Least 51 percent

工签期限 Workers sign deadline


The final report will be submitted in 18 to 20 months


The final report will be submitted 12 months after the signing date

区域试验与基本的企业家移民类别(Entrepreneur Immigration category)相比,该试验项目的显著优势在于个人净资产和投资标准的降低,且一降就是50%。与温哥华和BC省人口较密集的城市相比,在BC省人口较少的地区创业和定居的成本较低。1年经营后,即可审核省提名资质,比常规企业家移民的审理进度快6-8个月。

The significant advantage of the pilot project compared to the basic entrepreneur migration category (entrepreneur Immigration category) was the reduction in individual net assets and investment standards, and the decline was 50%. Compared with the more densely populated cities of Vancouver and BC, the cost of starting a business and settling in the less populated areas of BC is lower. After 1 years of operation, you can review the provincial nomination qualification, faster than the regular entrepreneur immigration trial progress of 6-8 months。

但是试验项目需要申请人去特定偏远社区考察并有更加严苛的居住要求;申请人必须自行创业且有特定行业限制;必须为企业最大股东。在英文方面,申请人必须达到英文CLB 4,即雅思的听、说、读、写四科分别为:4.5/ 4/ 3.5 / 4分。教育方面,申请人必须有成人教育,即大专或以上,或在过去5年内有3年100%持股管理企业经验。这对于普通陪读家长还是有些难以达到的。

However, the pilot project requires the applicant to visit a particular remote community and have more stringent residence requirements, the applicant must start his own business and have specific industry restrictions, and must be the largest shareholder of the enterprise. In English, the applicant must reach the English CLB 4, that is, the IELTS listening, speaking, reading and writing section are: 4.5/4/3.5/4 points respectively. In education, applicants must have adult education, that is, college or above, or 3 years of 100% shareholding management business experience in the past 5 years. It's still a bit hard for the average accompanying parent to achieve.


By contrast, the advantage of the basic entrepreneur Migration category is that applicants do not need to visit the community; can invest in any BC community; can take over, buy existing businesses, and are open-ended; Equity requirements are only one-third; and there are no language requirements. The applicant's residence requirements are also relatively lax, requiring only residence within 100km of the target enterprise, and applicants for the pilot project must live in the community. Therefore, this close supervision and monitoring helps to ensure that the entrepreneur's investment is real landing.

主营业务Main business

海外孕产及医疗 Overseas pregnancy and medical treatment

全球移民 税务身份规划 Global immigration tax status planning

海外保险 海外房产 海外投资 Overseas insurance overseas property overseas investment

留学 海外人力资源 在线教育 Studing abroad overseas human resources online education










happy new year! 2019                                      happy new year! 2019 

