
【美国移民】HR1044,申请人的高光时刻吗how about your US.IMMIGRATION highlights ?

May Joymay加乐美出国 2023-08-19


Access to employment-based green cards no longer would be determined by an applicant’s country of birth under a bill that passed the House July 10 on a vote of 365 to 65.

The measure easily cleared the two-thirds threshold needed to pass the bill.

The Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act (H.R. 1044) is the latest incarnation of legislation that has been introduced in Congress multiple times but never enacted. Its future remains uncertain, as several senators on both sides of the aisle, including former co-sponsor Rand Paul (R-Ky.), already have placed holds on the Senate companion measure.

The bill would eliminate per-country caps on employment-based green cards, which have resulted in hundreds of thousands of immigrants—mostly from India and China—facing a decadeslong wait time to become lawful permanent residents. It also would raise the per-country limit on family-based visas from the current 7% to 15%.

The measure includes a transition period to allow immigrants from countries not currently oversubscribed to keep their place in line for a green card even if they would be pushed to the back by the cap removal.

H.R. 1044 is a “modest but important change to our immigration laws” to “alleviate hardships associated with lengthy visa backlogs” without increasing the total number of visas, chief sponsor Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) said on the House floor July 10. The wait time for green cards, which can reach 70 years, “has become an emergency in some sectors” that necessitates quick action, she said.

Per-country caps and the resultant backlog are “depressing wages, hurting American workers, and hindering further economic growth,” said co-sponsor Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.). “Seventy-year backlogs are only going to dissuade talented individuals from coming to the United States,” he said.

Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, was the lone lawmaker speaking against the bill. “I agree with the concept,” and “there probably should not have been a cap from the onset,” he said.

But the bill language is “not ready for prime time,” Collins said. Instead, it should first go through committee and the markup process rather than going straight to the floor without amendments, he said.

Mixed Reviews

Despite its bipartisan appeal, the bill is opposed by groups that advocate for lower immigration levels, such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform and the Center for Immigration Studies. It would reward companies that bring in large numbers of Indian workers on H-1B specialty occupation visas, who displace U.S.-born tech workers, they say.

“I think it’s a bad idea to scrap the per-country caps, at least independently of a major overhaul of the entire system,” said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies for CIS. “It will reward this dysfunctional employment visa system, but also cut off the opportunity for green cards to people from the rest of the world, who tend to be more uniquely qualified than the folks who are waiting after having been contract H-1B workers.”

Vaughan said she doesn’t fault the workers who are in the green card backlog but rather employers that exploited them and led them to believe they could easily transition to a green card from an H-1B visa. “If we let these employers off the hook” by eliminating per-country caps, it just allows them to perpetuate the system, “which has been at great cost to many American workers,” she said.

The bill is backed by other groups, such as the pro-immigration advocacy group FWD.us and the Society for Human Resource Management, an association of HR professionals.

H.R. 1044 “puts talent and skills before beneficiaries’ country of birth,” said Rebecca Peters, director policy engagement at SHRM. “This is an important first step,” but “we need a lot of other reforms to modernize our workplace immigration system,” she said.

That includes increasing the number of visas available each year as well as making it easier for immigrant workers to change jobs while waiting for green cards to become available, Peters said.

Passing the bill will “build momentum to get support for the next step,” which is “improving access to talent waiting in the backlogs,” she said.

Nurses, H-1B Visas

S. 386, the Senate companion bill, has 34 bipartisan co-sponsors, but it also faces opposition from both sides of the aisle.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), the primary sponsor of the Senate version, tried June 27 to get the bill passed on the floor by unanimous consent. But Paul, who wants the bill to include a provision for immigrant nurses, objected to moving the bill forward, stalling its progress.

The nurses, most of whom hail from the Philippines, by some estimates could see a wait time of seven or eight years for green cards if per-country caps are eliminated. Unlike other professionals, nurses aren’t eligible for H-1B visas and therefore can’t work in the U.S. until their green cards come through.

Some Democrats also are concerned that the bill would just reallocate green cards without increasing the total number to accommodate all workers seeking one.

Advocates of the bill, including the skilled immigrant group Immigration Voice, believed that a deal between Lee and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) to pair it with language that would increase Labor Department enforcement of the H-1B program would push it past the finish line. Grassley has expressed reservations about the legislation in the past, placing a hold on it the last time it passed the House in 2011.

He lifted the hold in 2012 after reaching a similar deal on H-1B language with Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), but the bill never made it to a vote.

A representative for the White House couldn’t be reached for comment on the bill.

Consensus Calendar

“I’m encouraged that the Senate is working on this important issue,” Lofgren said in a statement. She said her goal was to get the bill passed in the House, and afterward, “we will see where things stand.”

Lofgren last month asked to put the bill on the Consensus Calendar, which would require it to be considered on the floor without going through committee. The House bill doesn’t contain any H-1B language. In a tweet after the vote, Lofgren said, "#HR1044 has 200+ Dem and 100+ GOP cosponsors. If @POTUS is serious about merit-based legal immigration, he should help usher this bill into law.”

The bill had to maintain at least 290 co-sponsors for 25 legislative days to force a floor vote. The House took up the bill before the rule kicked in.





该法案将取消以就业为基础的绿卡的每个国家上限,这导致成千上万的移民 - 主要来自印度和中国 - 面临数十年的等待时间成为合法的永久居民。它还将家庭签证的每个国家限制从目前的7%提高到15%。


HR 1044是对我们的移民法“适度但重要的改变”,以“在不增加签证总数的情况下减轻与长期签证积压有关的困难”,主要赞助商Zoe Lofgren(D-Calif。)在众议院7月份表示她说,绿卡的等待时间可能达到70年,“已成为某些部门的紧急情况”,需要采取快速行动。






独联体政策研究主任杰西卡沃恩说:“我认为废除每个国家的上限是一个坏主意,至少与整个系统的重大改革无关。” “它将奖励这种功能失调的就业签证制度,但也会切断绿卡给世界其他地区人士的机会,他们往往比那些在签订合同H-1B工人后等待的人更有资格。”



SHRM的主管政策参与主任丽贝卡•彼得斯(Rebecca Peters)表示,“1044”将人才和技能置于受益人的出生国之前。“这是重要的第一步,”但“我们需要进行大量其他改革才能使我们的工作场所移民系统现代化,”她说。













可能性1:法案没通过 一切如常




























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UCR 的本科商学项目是全加州大学系统中规模最大的商科项目。在 2019 U.S. News 全美本科商学排名中,UCR 排名第 78 名。UCR 本科商学项目具体分为 7 个方向:营销、金融、管理、会计、信息系统、运营和供应链、以及商业分析。

UCR 商学本科项目有着很高的多样性,其中国际学生比例为 5.5%,亚裔、拉丁裔及白人学生的比例分别为 51.1%、28% 和 8.4%。95% 的学生能够在两年内完成所有要求商科课程并毕业。


UCR 安德森研究生管理学院(AGSM)在 2019 U.S. News 最佳研究生商学院榜单中名列第 89。2018 年,AGSM 共有全日制学生 374 人,国际生比例为 61%。当前 AGSM 提供以下专业项目:

1. MBA 工商管理硕士

UCR 全日制 MBA 课程,适合寻求突破,想要获得在全美乃至国际上广受认可 MBA 经历的学生。UCR 商学院,位于发展最快最多样化的加州大学体系。我们正处于全球竞争的商业时代,全球化的商业时代赋予探索商业研究和跨学科领域新的机遇。工作经验不是必要的,因为MBA 课程会帮助你建立属于自己的专业经验体系。课程重点培养学生掌握在职场上必备的硬实力与软实力,强调发展管理能力,尤其是夯实理论基础。

2. Professional MBA 专业工商管理硕士

Professional MBA 课程适合想要打破职业瓶颈,扩宽商业视野,并能兼顾学习与工作的在职人士。Professional MBA 提供与传统 MBA 相同的课程,完成课程时间最短为 5 个学期,长则几年。

3. Master of Professional Accountancy 专业会计硕士

UCR 商学院专业会计硕士(MPAc)课程满足对合格的注册会计师(CPA)的日益增长的需求,特别是满足了加州法律和其他国家的法律要求 150 个学期(或 225 小时)适用的大学学分。

4. Master of Finance 金融硕士


5. PhD 博士项目

AGSM 博士项目融合了 UCR 作为一个传统研究型大学的学术专业度和 AGSM 在领导力、创新和创业方面的优势。当前主要的研究领域有营销、金融、策略管理、运营和会计。

根据统计,2017 级 MBA 毕业生平均起薪达到了 $79,160。89% 的学生在三个月的时间内找到了工作。学生就业的领域十分广泛,包括娱乐行业、科技行业、金融行业等。其中不乏有毕业生在迪士尼、亚马逊、美国银行、中国银行、毕马威等顶级公司找到了工作。

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