
数据挖掘20位学术新秀, 16名华人入选, 科大亮丽

2016-09-13 知社 知社学术圈




在现今如火如荼的大数据时代,从学术研究到工业应用,从科学发现到医疗卫生服务,数据挖掘吸引了来自机器学习、统计、数据库、万维网、生物信息学、多媒体、自然语言处理、人机交互、社会网络计算、以及高性能计算等众多领域的专家和学者。ACM SIGKDD(简称KDD)作为数据挖掘领域的顶级国际会议,其评选出的20位KDD新星,也格外引人注目。




近日,数据挖掘领域的顶级国际会议ACM SIGKDD (KDD2016)在美国旧金山召开。此次KDD大会堪称史上最大规模,有超过2700名来自学术界和工业界人士参与此次盛会,共吸引了1115篇投稿。其中研究专题投稿论文784篇,最终仅有142篇录用;应用数据科学专题投稿论文331篇录用仅有66篇。可见大会论文竞争之激烈,水平之高超。此外,由于KDD的应用数据科学专题放开了过去只接收工业界投稿的限制,吸引了大量来自高校的学者投稿,因此今年的331篇投稿较之去年的189篇投稿有了大幅度的提升。






  1. ,加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校   2010年毕业于中国科学技术大学

  2. 相关工作:

  3. Exploiting Relevance Feedback in Knowledge Graph Search;

  4. Analyzing Expert Behaviors in Collaborative Networks;

  5. Network Mining and Analysis for Social Applications;

  6. Synthetic Review Spamming and Defense

  1. 相关工作:

  2. Multi-layer Representation Learning for Medical Concepts;

  3. FLASH: Fast Bayesian Optimization for Data Analytic Pipelines;

  4. Deep Computational Phenotyping;

  5. FBLG: a simple and effective approach for temporal dependence discovery from time series data

  1. 2012年毕业于浙江大学 (本科)


  1. 相关工作:

  2. Label Noise Reduction in Entity Typing by Heterogeneous Partial-Label Embedding;

  3. ClusType: Effective Entity Recognition and Typing by Relation Phrase-Based Clustering;

  4. Automatic Entity Recognition and Typing from Massive Text Corpora: A Phrase and Network Mining Approach;

  5. ClusCite: effective citation recommendation by information network-based clustering

  6. 于国立台湾大学 (本科)

  7. 相关工作:

  8. Ranking Universities Based on Career Outcomes of Graduates;

  9. An Empirical Study on Recommendation with Multiple Types of Feedback;

  10. GLMix: Generalized Linear Mixed Models For Large-Scale Response Prediction;

  11. Personalizing LinkedIn Feed;

  12. Activity ranking in LinkedIn feed;

  13. Spatiotemporal Personalized Recommendation of Social Media Content

  1. 毕业于北京航空航天大学

  2. 相关工作:

  3. Infinite Ensemble for Image Clustering;

  4. Spectral Ensemble Clustering;

  5. SEA: a system for event analysis on chinese tweets

  1. 2009年毕业于四川大学 (硕士)

  2. 相关工作:

  3. Online Context-Aware Recommendation with Time Varying Multi-Armed Bandit;

  4. Applying data mining techniques to address critical process optimization needs in advanced manufacturing;

  5. FIU-Miner: a fast, integrated, and user-friendly system for data mining in distributed environment

  1. 2008年毕业于中国科学技术大学 (本科)

  2. 相关工作:

  3. Days on Market: Measuring Liquidity in Real Estate Markets;

  4. Real Estate Ranking via Mixed Land-use Latent Models;

  5. Exploiting geographic dependencies for real estate appraisal: a mutual perspective of ranking and clustering;

  6. Learning geographical preferences for point-of-interest recommendation

  7. 2006年毕业于浙江大学 (本科)

  8. 相关工作:

  9. Data-Driven Metric Development for Online Controlled Experiments: Seven Lessons Learned;

  10. Seven rules of thumb for web site experimenters;

  11. Online controlled experiments at large scale;

  12. Trustworthy online controlled experiments: five puzzling outcomes explained

  1. 相关工作:

  2. Hierarchical Incomplete Multi-source Feature Learning for Spatiotemporal Event Forecasting;

  3. Multi-Task Learning for Spatio-Temporal Event Forecasting;

  4. STED: semi-supervised targeted-interest event detectionin in twitter

  1. Carnegie Mellon University

  2. 相关工作:

  3. Whither Social Networks for Web Search?;

  4. Good-enough brain model: challenges, algorithms and discoveries in multi-subject experiments;

  5. GigaTensor: scaling tensor analysis up by 100 times - algorithms and discoveries

  6. 2012年毕业于中国科学技术大学 (博士)

  7. 相关工作:

  8. Contextual Intent Tracking for Personal Assistants;

  9. Collaborative Knowledge Base Embedding for Recommender Systems;

  10. Regularity and Conformity: Location Prediction Using Heterogeneous Mobility Data

  1. Georgia Institute of Technology

  2. 相关工作:

  3. Integrating Vertex-centric Clustering with Edge-centric Clustering for Meta Path Graph Analysis;

  4. Activity-edge centric multi-label classification for mining heterogeneous information networks;

  5. Social influence based clustering of heterogeneous information networks;

  6. Multimedia features for click prediction of new ads in display advertising

  7. 2011年毕业于中国科学技术大学 (本科)

  8. 相关工作:

  9. Compressing Convolutional Neural Networks in the Frequency Domain;

  10. Optimal Action Extraction for Random Forests and Boosted Trees;

  11. Fast flux discriminant for large-scale sparse nonlinear classification;

  12. Density-based logistic regression;

  13. An integrated data mining approach to real-time clinical monitoring and deterioration warning

  1. 2010年毕业于南京航空航天大学 (硕士)

  2. 相关工作:

  3. Simultaneous feature and feature group selection through hard thresholding;

  4. Multi-source learning with block-wise missing data for Alzheimer's disease prediction;

  5. Robust principal component analysis via capped norms;

  6. Optimal exact least squares rank minimization

  7. 2014年毕业于中国科学技术大学 (博士)

  8. 相关工作:

  9. Recruitment Market Trend Analysis with Sequential Latent Variable Models;

  10. Days on Market: Measuring Liquidity in Real Estate Markets;

  11. Talent Circle Detection in Job Transition Networks;

  12. Point-of-Interest Recommendations: Learning Potential Check-ins from Friends;

  13. Taxi Driving Behavior Analysis in Latent Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks: A Social Influence Perspective;

  14. Real Estate Ranking via Mixed Land-use Latent Models;

  15. Discerning Tactical Patterns for Professional Soccer Teams: An Enhanced Topic Model with Applications;

  16. A cost-effective recommender system for taxi drivers;

  17. Mobile app recommendations with security and privacy awareness

  1. 2011年毕业于上海交通大学 (本科)

  2. 相关工作:

  3. Bid-aware Gradient Descent for Unbiased Learning with Censored Data in Display Advertising;

  4. Statistical Arbitrage Mining for Display Advertising;

  5. Annotating Needles in the Haystack without Looking: Product Information Extraction from Emails;

  6. Optimal real-time bidding for display advertising;

  7. Joint optimization of bid and budget allocation in sponsored search

  1. Arizona State University, Military Academy


  2. Early Identification of Violent Criminal Gang Members;

  3. Mining for Causal Relationships: A Data-Driven Study of the Islamic State;

  4. Reducing gang violence through network influence based targeting of social programs;

  5. Mining for geographically disperse communities in social networks by leveraging distance modularity

  1. 2008年毕业于中国科学技术大学 (本科)

  2. 相关工作:

  3. Catch Me If You Can: Detecting Pickpocket Suspects from Large-Scale Transit Records;

  4. Unified Point-of-Interest Recommendation with Temporal Interval Assessment;

  5. Data-driven Automatic Treatment Regimen Development and Recommendation;

  6. Temporal Phenotyping from Longitudinal Electronic Health Records: A Graph Based Framework;

  7. Temporal skeletonization on sequential data: patterns, categorization, and visualization;

  8. Proactive workflow modeling by stochastic processes with application to healthcare operation and management;

  9. A taxi business intelligence system

  1. Kyoto University, Kumamoto University

  2. 相关工作:

  3. Regime Shifts in Streams: Real-time Forecasting of Co-evolving Time Sequences;

  4. FUNNEL: automatic mining of spatially coevolving epidemics;

  5. Rise and fall patterns of information diffusion: model and implications;

  6. Fast mining and forecasting of complex time-stamped events

  7. 2010年毕业于清华大学 (本科)

  8. 相关工作:

  9. CatchTartan: Representing and Summarizing Dynamic Multicontextual Behaviors;

  10. CatchSync: catching synchronized behavior in large directed graphs;

  11. FEMA: flexible evolutionary multi-faceted analysis for dynamic behavioral pattern discovery



2016闪耀中国: 微软学术|知社联合推出科技新锐评选

2015, 那些闪耀中国的科技新星

今晚, 那些闪耀中国的科技新锐。。。萌萌哒!





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