

2015-12-24 GIX 知社学术圈

全球创新学院 (Global Innovation eXchange Institute,简称GIX) 是两所世界顶尖研究型大学——中国清华大学与美国华盛顿大学,合作搭建的全新教育科研合作平台,并由微软公司提供启动支持,通过在大西雅图地区创办开创性教育机构,建造专业配套设施,打造创新生态系统。在GIX,来自世界各地的学生可以通力合作、共同创新,既充满大学学术的无限活力,也满载业界拼搏的实践真知。

2015年9月23日,中国国家主席习近平访美期间,在西雅图向GIX赠送水杉,祝福两校友谊常青,祝愿GIX茁壮成长。GIX将汇聚来自不同领域的学生、教师、专业人员、行业领袖和企业家,将有助于激发学生的发散性思维,更好地培养具有创新热情和敏捷思维的新一代未来领导者。将“创新”作为至高法则,GIX将注重创新教育模式,依靠International (国际合作办学);Interdisciplinary (跨学科交叉);Integration (跨界融合),倡导全新的国际化教学模式,通过营造一个全方位的、与项目研究相结合的教学环境,在学生和教师、高科技企业和大学之间建立直接联系,共同解决一系列包括可持续发展、移动医疗在内的各类全球性挑战。

2016 “互联设备”(Connected Devices)双学位硕士项目招生简章国内大陆地区申请者




物联网、普适计算、穿戴计算和智能硬件等不断增长的热点领域,均聚焦于互联设备。发明新的应用和开发互联设备市场需要一大批具有技术、原型、设计和经营能力的领军人才。互联设备 (Connected Devices) 成为GIX首个学位项目,并且是双学位硕士项目。首批学生2016年秋季正式入学,计划招收不超过35人。



1. 申请者须已完成2016年全国硕士研究生招生考试报名,报考院校为清华大学,且所报考专业考试科目前三科为:101思想政治理论、201英语一、301数学一;

2. 拥有国家承认的大学本科毕业学历,或已获硕士、博士学位;

3. 主修计算机科学与技术或相关领域课程(如计算科学、电机工程、计算机工程学、应用数学);

4. 已完成至少两门计算机专业课程;

5. 所有申请者须提供GRE考试成绩。同时,对于母语非英语申请者,须提交雅思或托福考试成绩。所有成绩有效期必须在申请期限内,并不晚于2016年2月20日前提交;

6. 有一年以上工作经验者优先;

7. 华盛顿大学入学条件须满足但不限于:获得学士学位,本科期间GPA达到3.0以上;

8. 申请者须达到华盛顿大学研究生录取其他要求。



1. 自我陈述;

2. 中、英文简历各一份;

3. 毕业院校出具的成绩单;

4. 一段时长2分钟视频,内容展示申请者独特的创造性和特点;

5. 申请者须通过清华大学和华盛顿大学两所学校的面试;两份推荐信;

6. 其他附件材料,如公开发表的文章、专利等。







地址: 清华大学李兆基科技大楼B425-1,北京,100084

办公电话: +8610-62796157

E-Mail: gix@tsinghua.edu.cn

网址: http://gix.tsinghua.edu.cn

2016 GIX“互聯裝備”專業雙碩士學位專案招生簡章香港、澳門、臺灣地區申請者





互聯設備 (Connected Devices) 成為GIX首個學位項目,並且是雙學位碩士專案。首批學生2016年秋季正式入學,計畫招收不超過35人。



1. 申請者持有香港、澳門永久性居民身份證和港澳居民來往內地通行證,或持有臺灣居民來往大陸通行證;

2. 擁有國家教育部認證大學本科及以上學歷;

3. 主修電腦技術領域課程(如計算科學、電機工程、電腦工程學、應用數學)及其相關專業領域;

4. 已完成至少兩門電腦專業課程;

5. 所有申請者須提供GRE考試成績。同時,對於母語非英語申請者,須提交雅思或託福考試成績。所有成績有效期必須在申請期限內,並不晚於2016年2月29日前提交;

6. 有一年以上工作經驗者優先;

7. 華盛頓大學入學條件須滿足但不限於,獲得本科學位,本科期間GPA達到3.0-4.0;

8. 申請者須達到華盛頓大學研究生錄取其他要求。



1. 下載並填寫“港澳臺人士攻讀清華大學碩士/博士學位申請表”;

2. 本人居住地身份證影本(香港、澳門申請者須提供香港、澳門永久性居民身份證影本和“港澳居民來往內地通行證”影本,臺灣申請者須提供 “臺灣居民來往大陸通行證”影本)。

3. 申請碩士生的須提供學士學位證書影本或同等學歷文憑,應屆畢業生可于錄取前補交,持海外教育機構學歷、報考院系有要求的,應到(中國)留學服務中心進行認證。

4. 自我陳述;

5. 中、英文簡歷各一份;

6. 畢業院校出具的成績單;

7. 一段時長2分鐘視頻,內容展示申請者獨特的創造性和特點;

8. 申請者須通過清華大學和華盛頓大學兩所學校的面試;

9. 其他附件材料,如公開發表的文章、專利等;

10. 兩份推薦信;

11. 其他華盛頓大學要求的材料。

12. 體格檢查報告(包括一般性體檢項目,如血常規、尿常規、內科、外科、胸片等)。







地址: 清華大學李兆基科技大樓B425-1,北京,100084

辦公電話: +8610-62796157

E-Mail: gix@tsinghua.edu.cn

網址: http://gix.tsinghua.edu.cn

2016 Dual Degree Program “Connected Devices” of GIXFor International Students

Program Introduction

Tsinghua University and the University of Washington entered into a partnership to create the Global Innovation Exchange Institute (GIX), with initial foundational support from Microsoft. GIX locates on Seattle’s east side in Bellevue, and will be housed in a state-of-the-art facility.

Bringing together top learners, teachers and technology talent from across the world, GIX will power innovation through an ambitious new model of project-based collaborative education that is unbound by geography or discipline.

Exponential growth in connected devices is expected over the next decade, resulting in tremendous social and economic value, as the Internet of Things, Ubiquitous Computing, Wearable Computing, and Smart Devices become dramatically more cost effective, simpler to develop, and increasingly mainstream. Connected devices are poised to advance such diverse fields as health and natural resource management. To invent new applications and develop the expanding connected device market requires leaders with an array of technology, prototyping, design and entrepreneurial skills. Connected Devices is the first dual master degree program provided by GIX. Open in fall 2016, fostering excellent students with innovation consciousness, vision and sense of responsibility and mission.

Admissions Criteria

The Dual Degree Program applicants must meet all admission requirements of both Tsinghua and UW in order to be admitted to the Dual Degree Program.

A. Applicant should be a valid foreign passport holder;

B. Bachelor degree form a recognized university;

C. Coursework in a technical field related to computing (computer science, electrical engineering, computer engineering, applied math) OR a quantitative field.

D. Completion of at least two computing courses.

E. For applicants whose native language is not English, an official English language test score of IELTS or TOEFL is required. Besides that a GRE score is required for all the applicants regardless of the native language. All scores should be in the valid period at the date of submission, and should be provided by February 29, 2016.

F. Strong preference for applicants with at least one year of professional experience.

G. All admissions requirements for the UW Graduate School, including, but not limited to, successfully completing an undergraduate degree and a minimum overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scales or equivalent.

H. All other minimum admission requirements for admission to the UW as a graduate student.

Application Checklist / Supporting Material

A completed application should include ALL of the following items:

a. Download and fill out “International Application Form for Admission to Graduate Program of Tsinghua University”on the computer. Print ,sign and attach 2-inch photo on the application form.

b. A Personal Statement;

c. An English and Chinese CV/Resume;

d. Bachelor's degree certificate; (Those who have not graduated yet shall offer a proof of education in current academic institution and academic transcript.)

e. Official transcripts from all universities attended;

f. A short video (up to two minutes in duration), in which the applicant demonstrates her or his creativity in a form that might otherwise be difficult to articulate on paper;

g. Participation in an interview by representatives of Tsinghua and UW;

h. Additional materials that demonstrate qualifications and experiences (e.g.-published papers, patents, or portfolios);

i. Any other materials or requirements developed by Tsinghua and/or UW;

j. Two letters of recommendation.

k. The page with personal information in the passport (personal and ordinary passport).

Those who are conditionally admitted by Tsinghua University shall submit all the original or the notarial degree certificate and transcripts. The documents provided should be in Chinese or in English; otherwise notarial translations in Chinese or English are required. All the original or the notarial degree certificates and academic transcripts must be officially sealed and will be permanently kept in students’ archives by the university. None of the above application documents will be returned. Students are not officially admitted if application documents are not qualified.

Application Procedure

All applications shall send materials to

By February 29, 2016


27 months including 12 months in Tsinghua and 15 months in GIX.

Tuition Fee and Scholarships

For more details of tuition fee and scholarships , please refer to the official website. (

Contact Information

Tsinghua Office

Add:B425-1, Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel: +8610-62796157

E-Mail: gix@tsinghua.edu.cn





