
WorldStrides X TRIOLS Summer Camp 2022!

It never too early to start making plans for the summer holiday. TRIOLS Academy in collaboration with our esteemed partner WorldStrides will once again be offering more exciting and fun summer programmes on the campus ground of Shanghai Singapore International School (SSIS). 

If you are between age 5-15 years, we would like to invite you to join us for a rewarding and unforgettable summer. Check out the summer camp offerings below and we are sure you will find something that will be of interest to you!  SEE YOU AT THE SUMMER CAMP!

Summer Camp Offerings 2022

Junior Explorer

Age: 5-7yrs

Junior Explorer offers a breadth of activities for 5-7 years old to try before deep-diving into a Discovery Programme. It’s offered as part of our camp sessions with the aim of campers’ maximum exposure to different activities so they can discover new passions they did not know they had. An even mix of life science, arts, engineering, sports activities. In different topics campers experience that inspire them to explore in S-T-E-A-M, Invention and Human & Culture.


  • My Secret Garden

  • The Dream Factory

  • Around The World Dairy

CSI Detectives

Age: 8-11yrs

CSI Detectives, the study of forensic science is a multidisciplinary approach that has students actively involved in real-world experiences touching on information in variety of contents areas. Topic for the CSI including fingerprints, traces & marks, blood spatter patterns, fiber analysis, ink chromatography, DNA Extraction, etc. These forensic science experiments designed for children ages from 8 to 11 years old.


  • CSI Detective League

  • CSI Detective Galileo

Archaeological Explorer

Age: 8-11yrs

Archaeological explorer, this summer, children are invited to participate, and curious minds will be introduced to the fun and inquisitive world of archaeology.

Young archaeologists will learn about the basics of archaeology and exploring the history in an ancient city which is including history, career, science, inventions, engineering, arts & human culture.


  • Ancient Mesopotamia Returns

Major League Sports

Age: 8-11yrs

Enhance your child’s sports agility and physical strength while learning new sports and how to function as a member of a team. Major League Sports Camp has an incredible collection of sports tracks that offer not only leveled instruction but also fun and excitement. 

In each session campers select 2-3 specific sports to focus on. Under the supervision of experienced international coaches, campers build skills and advance through Major League Sports Campers achievement levels.

Performing Arts

Age: 8-11yrs

The main acting medium for this camp will be improvisation. Not only is improvisation fun, helpful, and a great addition to any regular acting class, but improv classes are also a great way to improve communication and networking skills. Kids get to play drama games, improvisational exercises, and rehearse for a self-made show.  There are no auditions and no leads in the final show. The children write our own play, designed to give everyone an equal-sized part. They get to make up and perform their own stories. 


  • Improvisational Theatre Time Travelers

Global Kids Talks

Age: 8-11yrs

Global Kids Talks, it is a public speaking of TEDx style conference for kids age form 8-11 years old. Public Speaking is an essential skill for kids. TEDx conferences are supposed to feature "ideas worth spreading". There's not going to be any mediocre motivational talks. 

In this program, children will learn persuasion and argumentation, presentation, spontaneous speaking, drama and performance, and podcasting and storytelling. They are not only easier to focus on a specific skill, but they are allowed to have fun in the process. 

In the final presentation, the winner children will be having a chance to get an official invitation from one TEDx organization of Shanghai and sharing ideas.

Stop Motion Animation

Age: 8-11yrs

Stop Motion is an animation technique where each frame of the film is drawn by hand and was – until the arrival of computer animation – the dominant form used in cinema. Once all this is completed, the animation itself begins! Children will express conceptual-based ideas and thoughtful messages in a storytelling frame. In this project children will discuss and get an overview of the stop motion ideas, and they can portray with the animated objects, characters, figures, and the movement, final to present a story.

Entrepreneurialism - 

Business and Leadership

Age: 12-15yrs

Students aged 12 to 15 will be introduced to some of the concepts and principles that serve as foundations for successful careers in business, business creation, and entrepreneurialism. The course will be hands-on and action-oriented, allowing students to “experience” the subject in a real-world setting and to apply the concepts and best practices to build their startup businesses. 

The academic curriculum included an introduction to Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Lean Canvas. On the Final Day, students will make team presentations and pitch their entrepreneurial ideas to a panel of potential investors.

The 10-day program culminates with each team making a pitch to professional investors, "Shark Tank" style, and attempting to secure investments in their businesses. Shortly after the programme, students receive comprehensive set of grade reports and certificate provided by Oxbridge.

Oxford Crime Scene Investigation

Age: 12-15yrs

The course is an exploration of the components of crime scene investigation from both a theoretical and practical perspective. The course will progress using a combination of mini lectures, practical exercises, reference to selected reading list, and case studies. Students will explore the influences of history, science, law, ethics, media and professional investigation practices. 

Thinking like an investigator will be a thread that will run throughout the course. Class sessions will be enriched by contributions from professional and academic guest speakers who will provide expert amplification to key elements of the syllabus.

Oxbridge Medicine

Age: 12-15yrs

This course on Medical Science will focus on various aspects of medicine. It will begin with developing a foundation for Basic Clinical Skills, to give a perspective on how doctors approach patients. Students will conduct medical histories, examinations, and diagnose in various mock scenarios using the information taught to them. It will then focus on understanding the basic cellular mechanisms that lead to systemic pathology. 

Students will be given an understanding into the burden of prevalent Communicable/ Non communicable diseases and the importance of Mental Health in the world today. It will give an insight into not only the current healthcare issues, but also their ethical implications and where the future of medicine lies.

Do follow us on our official WeChat by subscribing to the WeChat name card below to ensure you stay in touch on the lastest updates of the summer camp. You may also contact us at hello@triols.sg for further queries.

The camp is open to all SSIS and Non-SSIS Students. We look forward to your child/children's participation at the summer camp!

 To know more: 

What you need to know about SSIS X TRIOLS Weekend Programme

Embark on your child's 

educational journey with us!







301 Zhujian Road, Minhang District, 

Shanghai City

