

2016-12-06 新东方南京学校IELTS中心




Section 1 

咨询——潜水课程咨询  10笔记

Section 2

介绍——旅游介绍  4单选+6配对

Section 3

师生讨论——作业改进  2多选+3单选+5笔记

Section 4

商业——商学院课程介绍  10笔记


Section 1


场景: 咨询——潜水课程咨询



1. the month on July

2. on a Saturday

3. initially, they will have indoor training

4. when completing, they will diving in a lake

5. equipment: only need to buy a diving mask

6. we also give homework every evening

7. there is a certificate to offer

8. cost total: 357 euros each person

9. registration name on the form

10. if need more information ate website


解析:本场考试的S1为10个常规的笔记完成题,难度不大,但是diving mask和certificate是两个有拼写难度的词,尤其是diving mask,可能很多学生听到的时候反应不过来,这里考察的一个是学生能否在听的时候迅速记下读音,之后再根据逻辑微调答案。另一个是对于话题的敏感度,能否即使反应过来这是一个潜水课程的咨询,从而联想到相关词汇。


Section 2




11-14. multiple choices

11. Disadvantages:

A. uncommon landscape

12. in 1951, what happened to this park

B. it was awarded a special status

13. when camping, what should pay attention to?

A. camping has time limit

14. B(具体答案待回忆)

15.hide in the day (具体答案待回忆)

16-20 选择配对

16. course navigation in variety of levels

17. for volunteers’ information, available from a booklet

18. in case of missing road, need to buy a map

19. for more information, go to the Park’s website

20. wheelchair-access toilet for the disables


解析: 选择与配对混合的S2题目,相对来说难度还可以,这里主要考查对整体原文的理解能力。配对题的选项不算太长,只要认真的做笔记应该问题不大。


Section 3






What are the causes for low score on the term paper?

A. submit delay

B. the choice of topic on Just coffee company

C. poor planning

D. repetition

E. lack of accurate information

F. presentation

G. writing style


24. Just coffee invest a lot money in communication

A. technical support

B. financial aids

25. The salary has greatly increased by:

B. 3 times as average

26. She need to include more

A. farming method

B. market expansion

C. producer countries


27. the students were asked to write for library the reference document

28. products need to be mentioned

29. coffee producer contributed to communities, donated part of the revenue on equipment such as computers

30. there is a so called program “knowledge sharing




Section 4






In the 1st year:

31. subject: engineering

work with ... business faculty

Three textile factory

32. goal: the printed textile

33. focus on global market

In the 2nd year:

34 documentation and suggestions

35. students can be offered tutorials which help students make

36. traditional tools for commercial uses

The 3rd year

37. reflective practice

The 4th year

38. In the fourth year there is a computer aid design programme for making business plan

39. future job of journalism in anyone interested in it, please contact us

40. At last there will be a short interview








Passage 1:


题型:判断7 + 简答6



Ancient Societies Classification

Although humans have established many types of societies throughout history, sociologists and anthropologists tend to classify different societies according to the degree to which different groups within a society have unequal access to advantages such as resources, prestige or power, and usually refer to four basic types of societies. From least to most socially complex they are clans, tribes, chiefdoms and states.


These are small-scale societies of hunters and gatherers, generally of fewer than 100 people, who move seasonally to exploit wild (undomesticated) food resources. Most surviving hunter-gatherer groups are of this kind, such as the Hadza of Tanzania or the San of southern Africa. Clan members are generally kinsfolk, related by descent or marriage. Clans lack formal leaders, so there are no marked economic differences or disparities in status among their members.

Because clans are composed of mobile groups of hunter-gatherers, their sites consist mainly of seasonally occupied camps, and other smaller and more specialised sites. Among the latter are kill or butchery sites—locations where large mammals are killed and sometimes butchered—and work sites, where tools are made or other specific activities carried out. The base camp of such a group may give evidence of rather insubstantial dwellings or temporary shelters, along with the debris of residential occupation.


These are generally larger than mobile hunter-gatherer groups, but rarely number more than a few thousand, and their diet or subsistence is based largely on cultivated plants and domesticated animals. Typically, they are settled farmers, but they may be nomadic with a very different, mobile economy based on the intensive exploitation of livestock. These are generally multi-community societies, with the individual communities integrated into the larger society through kinship ties. Although some tribes have officials and even a “capital” or seat of government, such officials lack the economic base necessary for effective use of power.

The typical settlement pattern for tribes is one of settled agricultural homesteads or villages. Characteristically, no one settlement dominates any of the others in the region. Instead, the archaeologist finds evidence for isolated, permanently occupied houses or for permanent villages. Such villages may be made up of a collection of free-standing houses, like those of the first farms of the Danube valley in Europe. Or they may be clusters of buildings grouped together, for example, the pueblos of the American Southwest, and the early farming village or small town of Çatalhöyük in modern Turkey.


These operate on the principle of ranking—differences in social status between people. Different lineages (a lineage is a group claiming descent from a common ancestor) are graded on a scale of prestige, and the senior lineage, and hence the society as a whole, is governed by a chief. Prestige and rank are determined by how closely related one is to the chief, and there is no true stratification into classes. The role of the chief is crucial.

Often, there is local specialisation in craft products, and surpluses of these and of foodstuffs are periodically paid as obligation to the chief. He uses these to maintain his retainers, and may use them for redistribution to his subjects. The chiefdom generally has a center of power, often with temples, residences of the chief and his retainers, and craft specialists. Chiefdoms vary greatly in size, but the range is generally between about 5000 and 20,000 persons.

Early State

These preserve many of the features of chiefdoms, but the ruler (perhaps a king or sometimes a queen) has explicit authority to establish laws and also to enforce them by the use of a standing army. Society no longer depends totally upon kin relationships: it is now stratified into different classes. Agricultural workers and the poorer urban dwellers form the lowest classes, with the craft specialists above, and the priests and kinsfolk of the ruler higher still. The functions of the ruler are often separated from those of the priest: palace is distinguished from temple. The society is viewed as a territory owned by the ruling lineage and populated by tenants who have an obligation to pay taxes. The central capital houses a bureaucratic administration of officials; one of their principal purposes is to collect revenue (often in the form of taxes and tolls) and distribute it to government, army and craft specialists. Many early states developed complex redistribution systems to support these essential services.

This rather simple social typology, set out by Elman Service and elaborated by William Sanders and Joseph Marino, can be criticised, and it should not be used unthinkingly. Nevertheless, if we are seeking to talk about early societies, we must use words and hence concepts to do so. Service’s categories provide a good framework to help organise our thoughts.


1.   TRUE


3.   FALSE

4.   FALSE

5.   TRUE

6.   TRUE


8.   tools

9.   nomadic

10.  grouped together

11.  foodstuffs

12.  20,000

13.   craft specialists


备考建议:可以利用剑10,Test 3,Passage 3来练习,该篇同为人文历史类文章。

Passage 2


题型:判断 6 + 表格填空题 3 + 摘要填空4




1.   TRUE

2.   FALSE

3.   TRUE


5.   FALSE

6.   tusk

7.   Hump

8.   Asphyxiation

9.   Smell

10.  Microbes

11.  Japan

12.  late spring

13.  sandbar


备考建议:可以利用剑10,Test 4,Passage 3和剑9,Test1,Passage3来练习,两篇文章同样属于生物考古类。

Passage 3


题型:选择 4 + 判断4 + 带词库填空5



Environmentally-friendly! vehicles


In the early 1990s, the California Air Resources Board(CARB), the government of California's "clean air agency", began a push for more fuel-efficient, lower-emissions vehicles, with the ultimate goal being a move to zero-emissions vehicles such as electric vehicles. IN response, automakers developed electric models, including the Chryaler TEVan, Ford Ranger EV pickup truck, GM EV1 and S10 EV miniwagon and Toyota RAV4 EV, Ford Fusion is manufactured at Ford's Hermosillo Stamping plant. Located in Sonora Mexico. I thought going green was supposed to provide the US with more jobs.


The automakers were accused of pandering to the wishes of CARB in order to continue to be allowed to sell cars in the lucrative Californian market, while failing to adequately promote their electric vehicles in order to create the impression that the consumers were not interested in the cars, all the while joining oil industry lobbyists in vigorously protesting CARB's mandate. GM's program came under particular scrutiny; in an unusual move, consumers were not allowed to purchase EV1s, but were instead asked to sign closed-end leases, meaning that the cars had to be returned to GM at the end of the lease period, with no option to purchase, despite lesser interest in continuing to own the cars. Chrysler, Toyota, and a group of GM dealers sued CARB in Federal court, leading to the eventual neutering of CARB's ZEV Mandate.


After public protests by EV drivers' groups unpset by the repossession of their cars, Toyota offered the last 328 RAV4-Evs for sale to the public during six months, up until November 22, 2002. The low emission makes the environment safer because changes in climate and health hazards that result from the inhalation of carbon compounds are greatly reduced. Environmentally friendly cars use less toxic fuels such as ethanol, biodiesel and natural gas. Apart from being environmentally friendly, green cars also have the advantage of saving money since the alternative fuels they use do not burn as fast as the conventional types. These features are the major reasons why many people are now opting to drive one and there are plenty of choices out there.


1.   B

2.   B

3.   A

4.   C

5.   YES

6.   NO


8.   NO

9.   YES

10.  D

11.  B

12.  I

13.  E

14.  G


备考建议:可以利用剑8,Test 2,Passage 1和剑9,Test 3,Passage2来练习,该文章同为科技类。题型上看,剑8推荐文章有判断题,剑9推荐文章有段落细节配对题,matching题。








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