

2015-07-19 扑克投资家



来自International Coffee Council 由扑克投资家编译,转载请注明




1. The methodology of this study is based on monthly averages of world coffee prices, including the ICO composite indicator, group indicator, and prices on the futures markets (New York and London), for the period 1965 to 2013. The evolution of these prices will then be compared with the behaviour of prices of manufactured goods imported by coffee exporting countries. This will allow us to observe the evolution of the terms of trade between coffee exporting countries and importing countries.





a. Evolution of coffee prices paid to producers

2. Graph 1 shows the evolution of the price paid to coffee growers for selected countries where such data is available. The exporting countries selected include Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras and India. For most exporting countries, the highest observations were recorded in the last five years, peaking in crop year 2010/11. Excluding the low price levels of the 1960s, coffee growers in almost all exporting countries recorded their lowest prices between crop year 2000/01 and 2003/04. Although growers are generally paid in local currency, these prices are given in US cents/lb, so some of the variance could be explained by fluctuating exchange rates.



b. Evolution of coffee prices to final consumers

3. Final retail prices paid by consumers in importing countries have generally been much higher, particularly in Italy and the United Kingdom (see Graph 2). In the UK, this can be explained by the consumer preference for soluble coffee which retails at a higher unit price. Retail prices have also generally peaked since 2008. Again, prices are generally recorded in local currency, but are shown here in US cents/lb, so changes in the exchange rates could potentially have an effect.



c. Prices on the London and New York futures markets

4. The futures price relates to a fully coded and standardized paper contract for a particular quantity and grade of coffee deliverable at a specific place on a specific date. The contract is negotiated daily in the futures market. The New York and London futures markets are the main exchanges for the international coffee trade, dealing with Arabica and Robusta coffee respectively. Graph 3 shows the average monthly prices for the 2nd and 3rd positions on the New York and London futures markets.



d. ICO composite indicator and group indicator prices

5. Graph 4 shows the behaviour of the ICO composite indicator price from 1965 to 2013. The historical record of the composite price reveals the cyclical phenomena and instability that characterize the coffee market. The alternation between upward and downward price movements is evident. It can be seen that there were four major periods of rising prices alternating with periods of falling prices. The first and longest period of rising prices extends from 1971 to 1977, with very high levels from 1975 to 1977. This first period of rising prices is attributable to the imbalance between supply and demand, aggravated by frosts in Brazil. Export quotas under the International Coffee Agreement were suspended in 1972. This was followed by a brief period of slightly falling prices between 1978 and 1980 leading to the reintroduction of quotas in 1980. Prices began to recover in 1981 and there was a second period of rising prices lasting until 1986. This period was also characterized by climatic problems in Brazil and other producing countries. A lengthy period of falling prices began in late 1986 despite the reintroduction of quotas in October 1987 and a brief recovery in 1988.



6. The quota system was suspended in July 1989 and prices remained low until 1993. The recovery in prices that began in April 1994, due to another frost in Brazil, was subsequently consolidated, with prices reaching peaks during 1994 and the first half of 1997 before falling steadily. This third period of rising prices was followed by the longest period of falling prices lasting from 1998 to 2004, known as the coffee crisis, representing the worst period of low prices ever recorded. The fourth period of rising prices started towards the end of 2004 and remained firm until 2011 before a downturn in prices since 2012. Prices of the four groups of coffee showed similar movements (Graph 5).




7. The prices of certain manufactured goods imported by coffee producing countries can affect the value generated by their coffee exports. Among the imported manufactured goods that can affect coffee export earnings, the most commonly mentioned are prices of the inputs used in coffee farming, particularly agricultural machinery, such as tractors, and fertilizers. While reliable data on agricultural inputs are not easily available, this study uses the United Nations index of manufactured goods exports in developed countries as a proxy. This is because for many exporting countries, coffee is an important source of foreign exchange, while mechanized or industrial inputs are generally imported. Therefore, the value of manufactures imported by coffee producing countries will have important consequences for the relative value of coffee.



a. Prices of agricultural machinery and ICO composite indicator price

8. In the absence of reliable data on the prices of tractors, locomotives or aircraft, we have decided to use instead the UN index of manufactured goods (Graph 6).

0100200300400US cents/lbColombian MildsOther MildsBrazilian NaturalsRobustas


9. Graph 7 shows the evolution of the ICO composite indicator price in nominal terms and real terms deflated by the UN manufactured goods index. It can be seen that, in real terms, coffee prices over the last 50 years have performed worse than in nominal terms. In particular, the price spike of 2011 was less dramatic than previously considered, and at the end of December 2013, real coffee prices had fallen to the same level as mid-2000, directly preceding the period known as the coffee crisis.


10. With regard to the price paid to growers compared to the index of manufatured goods, the purchasing power of coffee growers has been eroded in all selected exporting countries (see Graph 8).


11. Broadly speaking two main types of fertilizer are used in agriculture: organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers are the most widely used soil nutrients for improving productivity in coffee farming – these are mainly nitrogen, phosphate and potassium fertilizers. Graph 9 shows the evolution of selected fertilizer prices since 1965.


12. It can be seen that the purchasing power of coffee farmers who make intensive use of imported fertilizers has fallen in recent years, as the price of fertilizers spiked since 2008, significantly increasing the costs of production for coffee producers.

13.一般说来,农业部门与制造业和服务业相比一般被认为是低生产率的部分。因此农产品出口型国家在与发达国家进行贸易的时候贸易条件往往趋于恶化。根据经济学家Raúl Prebisch和Hans Singer的观点,相比于工业制成品来说,矿产品和农产品的价格成下跌趋势,因为原材料的需求变动和全球的收入变动并不呈同比例。换句话说,收入每增长1%将会给初级产品的需求带来不到1%的提高。这一假说源自于经济上的恩格尔法则,即认为消费者的收入提高会导致食物消费占总消费的比重下降。然而,这对于农产品出口国尤其是咖啡出口国的影响强度将取决于初级农产品在总出口中的比重。

13. Generally, the commodity sector is considered a low-productivity sector compared to manufactured products or the services sector. As a result, commodity export-dependent countries are subject to the deterioration of their terms of trade with developed countries. According to this concept that was developed by the economists Rau?l Prebisch and Hans Singer, the prices of mineral and agricultural products compared to the prices of manufactured goods follow a downward trend as world demand for primary products does not change proportionally to a change in world incomes. In other words, an increase of 1% in income would lead to a less than 1% increase in the demand of primary products. This hypothesis is derived from Engel’s Law in economics which stipulates that consumers spend a smaller fraction of their income on food and other basic necessities as they get richer. However, the impact on the terms of trade of commodity exporting countries such as coffee producers will depend on the share of primary commodities in their total exports.



14. The coffee value chain covers the revenue generated by activities across the entire supply chain of the product, from production to final consumption. However, data on the exact economic shares of all actors in the supply chain, particularly that of intermediaries and traders, is not readily available. Nevertheless, an effort has been made to analyse the aggregate worth of the global coffee industry, based on the final consumer price paid at point of consumption. The result of this evaluation is that the total consumption value of the coffee industry came to US$173.4 billion in 2012 (see Annex I for full details). However, it must be kept in mind that this estimate is based on several assumptions and estimated parameters (such as the average retail price of coffee, the cost per cup of coffee, and the number of cups per kilogramme of roasted coffee) where precise data is frequently incomplete. Therefore, the results of this estimate must be approached with a degree of caution. Further information on the coffee value chain can be found in document ICC-106-1 (Coffee value chain in selected importing countries).


15. 最后值得指出的是,大量的发展中国家继续依靠农产品出口,尽管这一出口性质相比于制成品出口会给他们的贸易条件带来不利影响。但是,发展中国家的出口结构随着时间的推移而变化,初级商品在出口中的的重要性降低。此外,在过去的五十年中,在这些抽样的国家中咖啡的生产力已经显著上升,这将会给主要咖啡出口国的产量以及产出效率带来显著的提高,同时部分抵消掉这些国家在于发达国家贸易时的先天不利条件,也将使得我们的比较分析复杂化。现在,一些咖啡出口国也已成为发达国家的制成品提供者,这将进一步降低贸易条件恶化的影响。

15. In conclusion, it should be noted that a large number of developing countries continue to depend on exports of agricultural products with a negative impact on their terms of trade compared to manufactured goods. However, the structure of their exports has changed over time leading to a reduction in the importance of these primary commodities. Furthermore, significant increases in coffee productivity have been observed in many producing countries over the last 50 years. This has allowed coffee exporting countries to produce more coffee with greater efficiency, which will partially offset any losses in the terms of trade with developed countries, thus complicating the comparative analysis. Moreover, some coffee exporting countries have also become suppliers of manufactured goods to industrialized countries, which will further reduce the impact of declining terms of trade.



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