
CISBe In The Know - Our University Counselors

CISB 2019-06-22

CISB has expanded our University and Career Counselling services to help ensure all of our Bobcats reach their post-secondary goals. Our counselors have already helped many graduates to successfully apply to universities and colleges. We interviewed our University counseling office to explain what they do and how we can all work together to help our Bobcats succeed! 

CISB在新学年开始之际加强了我校的大学升学指导和职业规划的服务,以帮助更多学生从中获益。许多CISB的老生已经通过我们的咨询老师成功的申请到了他们心仪的大学。 为此,我们希望有更多的学生和家长加入我们,让我们来看看老师们是给了哪些建议给学生和家长们的。

The University and Career Counselling office is AKD Education Group support service provided to the Canadian International School which they own and operate. The support services offered, involve Life Skills development providing the students the necessary abilities to explore career occupation options and the required academic program exposures in High School and University or College. The office also provides consulting services in University and program course selection, University application preparation and workshops for students and parents. 

When students are doing universities preparation, they may have many questions or misunderstands. For instance, required application components has four areas, including academic performance, essay question, recommendation letter and language proficiency. We suggest that they should prepare those applications in advance. At the same time, we will hold workshops about required application in different countries. At the end of year, we are going to have alumni that invite graduates to share their successful and interesting experiences at universities.  




我非常乐意分享一些关于我的个人经历/故事给即将步入成年的毕业生们。我很高兴能见证他们开启人生新的篇章,并走向更高更大的舞台。同时,我也希望通过我在学校多年的工作经验,启发和鼓舞他们,让他们满怀信心的踏入社会。大学升学指导的目标是根据IB MYP的课程的要求,为G9到G12年级的学生,提供career cruising的课程,让学生们了解到大学申请和相关行业的信息,减少和避免学生对未来前程的恐惧和迷茫。辅导高年级的学生,不仅需要对工作充满责任心,也会有很多意想不到的收获。

